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a clapped-out car, machine etc is old and in very bad condition

Newfangled – nowomodny, nowatorski

recently designed or produced – usually used to show disapproval or distrust

Overbearing - władczy

always trying to control other people without considering their wishes or feelings

Mundane – przyziemny, prozaiczny

1 ordinary and not interesting or exciting SYN boring

2 literary concerned with ordinary daily life rather than religious matters SYN worldly


1 sexually offensive :

off-color jokes

Glib – powierzchowny, uproszczony

1 said easily and without thinking about all the problems involved – used to show disapproval :

glib generalizations

2 speaking easily but without thinking carefully – used to show disapproval :

glib politicians

Malignant - złośliwy

showing that you hate someone

Bloodcurdling – mrożący krew w żyłach

extremely frightening


not planned well and not having an aim that is likely to be achieved


literary evil or bad

Smug – zadowolony z siebie

showing too much satisfaction with your own cleverness or success – used to show disapproval SYN self-satisfied


almost exactly the same as other things of the same type, and not very interesting


strong-arm tactics/methods etc the use of force or violence, especially when this is not necessary


Double dealer - someone who deceives(oszukuje) other people

double dealing noun

Fanatical - fanatyczny

Fanatic - someone who likes a particular thing or activity very much SYN enthusiast

fanatical adjective

Abrasive – szorstki, opryskliwy

Rude or unkind

Menacing - groźny

making you expect something unpleasant SYN threatening


silly, and behaving in a way that is typical of someone much younger :

sophomoric humor

Mousy - mysi

1 mousy hair is a dull brown colour

2 a mousy woman is quiet and unattractive


a scathing remark(uwaga) criticizes someone or something very severely

scathing attack/remark/comment etc


showing that you think you are morally better than other people – used to show disapproval SYN self-righteous


vitriolic language, writing etc is very cruel and angry towards someone

Penny-pinching -skąpy

unwilling to spend or give money → mean

Rash - pochopny

if you are rash, you do things too quickly, without thinking carefully about whether they are sensible or not → foolish

Opprobrious - karygodny

Bringing disgrace, shameful

Histrionic – teatralny, melodramatyczny

very loud and emotional behaviour that is intended to get sympathy and attention – used to show disapproval

histrionic adjective

Uncouth - nieokrzesany

behaving and speaking in a way that is rude or socially unacceptable


a hoary joke, remark etc is so well known that people no longer find it amusing or interesting :

Not that hoary old chestnut (= old idea, joke, remark etc ) again.


Long and boring; continuing for a longer time than is wanted or necessary


showing strong sexual desire, or making someone feel this way

Sprawling city

A city spreading over a large area

Bumper-to-bumper traffic

So many cars and so close that they are almost touching each other

Exhaust fumes

Poisonous gases given off by vehicles

Shanty towns - slumsy

Areas of a town where people live in very poor houses made of discarded materials(e.g. tin, cardboard, plastic, etc.)

Upmarket shops

Shops for people with expensive tastes

No-go areas

Places where the police and other authorities are afraid to enter

Urban wasteland

A city area which is empty and in bad condition

Run-down buildings

Building that are in very bad condition

Deprived areas

Not having the thing that are necessary for a pleasant life, e.g. enough money, good living conditions

Cobbled streets

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