Love Takes Wing.txt

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{1}{72}movie info: XVID  608x336 23.976fps 699.2 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (
{574}{642}Hyah! Hyah!
{2099}{2155}{y:i}Dearest Belinda...
{2157}{2230}{y:i}Your father and I were glad to|{y:i}hear you're off on your journey west...
{2234}{2319}{y:i}though I must confess we can't|help but worry about you.
{2321}{2419}{y:i}I know how difficult your life has been|{y:i}since Drew's death last year...
{2421}{2481}{y:i}and I wish there was more|{y:i}we could do to help.
{2482}{2574}{y:i}I hope the new start in Missouri|{y:i}will be just the change you're looking for.
{2576}{2666}{y:i}Just remember that no matter|{y:i}how far away you go...
{2668}{2737}{y:i}you will always be welcome|{y:i}back in Anderson Corner.
{2738}{2821}{y:i}Your journeys can always|{y:i}bring you back home.
{2823}{2890}{y:i}And know that you are always|{y:i}in our thoughts and prayers.
{2892}{2986}{y:i}Please write to let us know|{y:i}when you have safely arrived...
{2987}{3034}{y:i}and give our regards to Annie.
{3035}{3098}{y:i}Thank her for being able|{y:i}to stay with you for a few weeks...
{3100}{3163}{y:i}before she goes|{y:i}to her own practice.
{3165}{3216}{y:i}Love, Mama.
{3332}{3397}Can't sleep again?
{3441}{3485}Thinking about Drew?
{3589}{3635}I'm worried about|the children in Sikeston.
{3637}{3685}You're an amazing doctor.
{3717}{3765}And you can take care of anyone.
{3767}{3845}You and I both know that's not true.
{3846}{3886}{y:i}I couldn't save Drew.
{4799}{4861}Ho! Ho!
{4862}{4934}Morning, folks.
{4936}{5015}Welcome to Sikeston. Ma'am.
{5045}{5115}- Here.|- Thank you.
{5119}{5183}{y:i} I'm gonna talk to her|{y:i}about it, see what she says.
{5183}{5215}{y:i} That's a good idea.
{5217}{5278}Why, it's lovely.
{5280}{5350}- What is?|- Sikeston.
{5352}{5398}There's nothing here.
{5400}{5461}Annie, what were you expecting,|an opera house?
{5506}{5562}I don't know what I pictured exactly.
{5563}{5621}I certainly didn't think|it would be this...
{5888}{5954}Thank you, ma'am.|Thank you.
{6025}{6113}I don't know who|we're supposed to speak to, but-
{6114}{6167}{y:i}Mayor Evans,|{y:i}I can't believe you'd put the interests...
{6169}{6222}of those no-account orphans|over the good of this town.
{6224}{6302}{y:i}I am doing no such thing, Ray.|{y:i}Thank you, Cyrus.
{6304}{6351}I am trying to be fair to everyone.
{6353}{6438}There's no reason to believe those|children are a danger to anybody.
{6440}{6501}You tell that to my brother.
{6502}{6601}The entire town is sorry|about what happened to Carl...
{6602}{6685}but you can't blame his death|on the orphans.
{6686}{6775}I-It could all be some|terrible coincidence.
{7070}{7157}Ah, you might be, uh, looking for me.|Please, come on in.
{7239}{7298}I am Maxwell Evans, town mayor.
{7299}{7353}- Belinda Simpson, the new doctor.|- Welcome.
{7354}{7442}Well, thank you, Cyrus.|Uh, you can go, please. Thank you.
{7444}{7509}I trust you were told I was a woman.
{7510}{7622}Oh, absolutely. Yes. Uh, but I was|expecting one woman and not two.
{7624}{7692}Oh. This is my friend, Dr. Annie Nelson.
{7694}{7781}She'll be taking over as the circuit|doctor for the Kansas Territory...
{7782}{7833}but the position|doesn't open until next month.
{7835}{7882}- She'll be staying with me until then.|- Oh.
{7883}{7930}It's a pleasure meeting you, Mayor.
{7932}{7978}It's a beautiful hotel.
{7980}{8066}Thank you very much.|Welcome to Sikeston.
{8068}{8135}If you'll permit me,|I'll escort you over to the clinic...
{8137}{8233}{y:i}and we can, uh, get you|{y:i}all settled in to your new home.
{8235}{8313}Thank you. And then I'd like to see|the sick children as soon as possible.
{8315}{8381}Uh, yes. Of course.
{8586}{8647}Right up here.
{8649}{8713}Well, here we are.
{8767}{8819}- This is my clinic?|- Uh, yes.
{8821}{8878}We have made plans to expand it...
{8879}{8951}{y:i}but something always seems to|come up that needs tending to.
{8953}{9024}You understand. Uh, you're gonna|want to take those inside.
{9026}{9090}The living quarters are through|the clinic and up the stairs.
{9092}{9142}Come right over here.
{9442}{9518}When was the last time|you had a full-time doctor here?
{9520}{9612}Well, Doc Ross died six months ago.
{9614}{9661}We've been pretty much|on our own since then.
{9663}{9713}Under these conditions?
{9715}{9802}Yes. For 30 years.
{9804}{9906}And I don't ever recall him complaining,|as a matter of fact.
{9953}{10001}We'll fix this place up in no time.
{10002}{10063}Well, given the nature of the illness|at the orphanage...
{10065}{10140}I would guess that house calls|might be a necessity.
{10142}{10201}The children- the sick ones-|have all taken to their bed.
{10202}{10269}But it's not just the orphans anymore.
{10270}{10343}In town, Carl Russell died two days ago.
{10345}{10405}{y:i}And John and Meredith Pine|{y:i}have come down with it as well.
{10406}{10515}The sickness is spreading, Doctor,|and the town is getting a little edgy.
{10517}{10572}And quite frankly, so am I.
{10672}{10742}Y-Your quarters|are at the top of the stairs.
{11494}{11546}{y:i}Well, it isn't that bad.
{11548}{11596}At least there's a balcony.
{11915}{12025}Do you think all frontier towns are like this?
{12027}{12091}A lot of them, yes.
{12093}{12141}I knew it would be a change|leaving Boston.
{12142}{12205}The two of us went through three years|of medical training...
{12207}{12275}at Boston University without so much|as a lick of help from the men.
{12277}{12337}And without a woman in sight.
{12379}{12435}You're gonna be fine.|And so am I.
{12662}{12719}- Hello, Lee.|- Mayor.
{12789}{12891}That's, uh, Lee Owens. He's been the smithy|here for years. Here. Step over here.
{13335}{13383}Well, here we are.
{13424}{13474}You aren't coming inside?
{13476}{13577}No. I, uh- I have some appointments|this afternoon.
{13579}{13638}{y:i}Um, but I'm sure we'll be|{y:i}seeing each other soon.
{13640}{13705}{y:i}So if there's anything that I could do|{y:i}to make your stay here...
{13707}{13772}in Sikeston more comfortable, you, uh-
{13774}{13834}you just let me know, all right?
{13836}{13899}Until then, good day.
{14209}{14289}I'm sorry. We're not accepting|any visitors at this time.
{14290}{14356}I'm not here to visit, Miss Clarence.
{14358}{14438}My name is Belinda Simpson.|I was sent here to tend to the children.
{14439}{14498}I was told we'd have a doctor...
{14499}{14546}but-but I'll take a nurse.
{14547}{14605}- I am a doctor.|- Sorry?
{14606}{14685}I'm not a nurse.|I'm the new doctor in Sikeston.
{14686}{14734}Please come in.
{14853}{14901}Follow me.
{15116}{15165}Pardon me.|Where are the children?
{15199}{15278}Oh. I try to keep|the healthy children outside in-
{15280}{15357}in the- the fresh air as much as possible.
{15543}{15590}{y:i}All I'm saying|{y:i}is something's gotta be done.
{15591}{15638}Evans thinks we're just gonna stand by...
{15639}{15715}and let our families suffer for the deeds|of these orphans. Well, we need to show him.
{15717}{15770}- We need to show him who's really in charge here.|{y:i}- Ray.
{15772}{15825}You're driving away all my customers.
{15826}{15887}Not my fault if these people|don't want to listen to reason.
{16202}{16249}Apologies, ma'am.
{16534}{16611}We lost one just this week.
{16720}{16803}I'm not sure what this|illness is called...
{16805}{16862}Dr. Simpson...
{16864}{16910}but, uh...
{16912}{17029}it's unlike any kind of|influenza I've ever seen.
{17030}{17105}On any day, this orphanage...
{17106}{17185}is home to about 30 kids.
{17186}{17251}When the sickness started...
{17253}{17338}it hit five of my charges|in the first week.
{17340}{17410}And at the end of the month-
{17517}{17613}Three died.|I've got 10 sick.
{17615}{17727}Hello, sweetie.|Dropped your doll. Here you go.
{17729}{17838}- Huh?|- Thank you, Miss Clarence.
{17840}{17935}I've enlisted the healthy children|to run the place...
{17987}{18072}I'm worried that I-|I'm endangering them too.
{18074}{18159}Lillian's the only one|who will work in the ward.
{18161}{18205}May I?
{18206}{18254}Oh, please.
{18420}{18485}It's very nice of you|to help the other children.
{18487}{18550}I don't need help.|It's an important job.
{18552}{18623}{y:i}And nobody does it as good as me.
{18625}{18697}I had no intention of taking your job|away from you, Lillian.
{18698}{18812}{y:i}Good, 'cause we don't|{y:i}trust strangers around here.
{18814}{18884}Kids need someone they know|looking after them.
{19102}{19178}Quite the handful.
{19180}{19274}Ah, she's something.|She's tenacious...
{19276}{19353}but an immense help to me.
{19386}{19433}Stick your tongue out for me.
{19590}{19691}And what did you say|the average recovery time was?
{19693}{19786}Well, there isn't one.|Nobody's gotten any better.
{20215}{20286}- You shouldn't be helping them orphans.|- Sorry?
{20287}{20347}I know who you are.
{20349}{20431}You're here to help us, not those no-accounts|spreading plague to half this town.
{20433}{20494}I take it you're Ray Russell.|Miss Clarence warned me about you.
{20496}{20545}It's me who should be|warning you, Miss Simpson.
{20546}{20623}- You have no idea what you're getting involved in.|- It's Dr. Simpson.
{20625}{20701}Thank you for your concern, but I can take|care of myself. And just so you know...
{20702}{20751}I'm here to take care of|everyone in this town.
{20753}{20806}{y:i}We're the ones pay your salary,|{y:i}the good God-fearing folks...
{20808}{20854}who don't deserve|this plight visited upon us.
{20856}{20910}{y:i}No one deserves to suffer,|Mr. Russell.
{20912}{20969}Not you, and certainly not|a bunch of innocent children.
{20970}{21058}{y:i}Those children ain't innocents.|{y:i}They come from beggars, liars and thieves.
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