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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Managing Single Sign-
On and Smart Cards
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Ella Deon Lackey
Publication date: August 13, 2009, revised December 6, 2011
Managing Single Sign-On and Smart Cards
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Managing Single Sign-On and Smart
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Edition 6.2
Ella Deon Lackey
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This guide is for both users and administrators for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 to learn how to manage
personal certificates and keys using the Enterprise Security Client. The Enterprise Security Client is a
simple GUI which works as a frontend for the Red Hat Certificate System token management system.
The Enterprise Security Client allows users of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 to format and manage smart
cards easily as part of a single sign-on solution.
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1. Additional Reading .......................................................................................................... v
2. Examples and Formatting ............................................................................................... vi
2.1. Formatting for Examples and Commands .............................................................. vi
2.2. Tool Locations ..................................................................................................... vi
2.3. Guide Formatting ................................................................................................. vi
3. Giving Feedback ............................................................................................................ vii
4. Document History .......................................................................................................... vii
2.1. About PAM .................................................................................................................. 5
2.2. PAM Configuration Files ............................................................................................... 5
2.2.1. PAM Service Files ............................................................................................. 5
2.2.2. PAM Configuration File Format ........................................................................... 6
2.2.3. Sample PAM Configuration Files ........................................................................ 8
2.3. Creating PAM Modules ................................................................................................. 9
2.4. PAM and Administrative Credential Caching ................................................................. 10
2.4.1. Removing the Timestamp File .......................................................................... 10
2.4.2. Common pam_timestamp Directives ................................................................. 11
3.1. About Kerberos .......................................................................................................... 13
3.1.1. How Kerberos Works ....................................................................................... 13
3.1.2. Considerations for Deploying Kerberos ............................................................. 15
3.1.3. Additional Resources for Kerberos .................................................................... 15
3.2. Installing Kerberos ...................................................................................................... 17
3.3. Configuring a Kerberos 5 Server ................................................................................. 17
3.3.1. Configuring the Master KDC Server .................................................................. 17
3.3.2. Setting up Secondary KDCs ............................................................................. 19
3.4. Configuring a Kerberos 5 Client .................................................................................. 21
3.5. Domain-to-Realm Mapping .......................................................................................... 23
3.6. Setting up Cross Realm Authentication ........................................................................ 23
3.6.1. Setting up Basic Trust Relationships ................................................................. 23
3.6.2. Setting up Complex Trust Relationships ............................................................ 24
4.1. Installing the Smart Card Package Group .................................................................... 27
4.2. Launching the Smart Card Manager UI ........................................................................ 27
4.3. Overview of Enterprise Security Client Configuration .................................................... 28
4.3.1. Enterprise Security Client File Locations ........................................................... 29
4.3.2. About the Preferences Configuration Files ......................................................... 29
4.4. Configuring Phone Home ............................................................................................ 33
4.4.1. About Phone Home Profiles ............................................................................. 34
4.4.2. Setting Global Phone Home Information ............................................................ 35
4.4.3. Adding Phone Home Information to a Token Manually ........................................ 36
4.4.4. Configuring the TPS to Use Phone Home ......................................................... 36
4.5. Using Security Officer Mode ....................................................................................... 37
4.5.1. Enabling Security Officer Mode ........................................................................ 38
4.5.2. Enrolling a New Security Officer ....................................................................... 41
4.5.3. Using Security Officers to Manage Users .......................................................... 43
4.6. Configuring SSL Connections with the TPS ................................................................. 51
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Managing Single Sign-On and Smart Cards
4.7. Customizing the Smart Card Enrollment User Interface ................................................. 54
4.8. Disabling LDAP Authentication for Token Operations .................................................... 57
5.1. Supported Smart Cards .............................................................................................. 59
5.2. Setting up Users to Be Enrolled .................................................................................. 59
5.3. Enrolling a Smart Card Automatically .......................................................................... 60
5.4. Managing Smart Cards ............................................................................................... 63
5.4.1. Formatting the Smart Card ............................................................................... 64
5.4.2. Resetting a Smart Card Password .................................................................... 65
5.4.3. Viewing Certificates ......................................................................................... 67
5.4.4. Importing CA Certificates ................................................................................. 69
5.4.5. Adding Exceptions for Servers ......................................................................... 71
5.4.6. Enrolling Smart Cards ...................................................................................... 74
5.5. Diagnosing Problems .................................................................................................. 75
5.5.1. Errors .............................................................................................................. 78
5.5.2. Events ............................................................................................................. 79
6.1. Configuring Firefox to Use Kerberos for Single Sign-On ................................................ 81
6.2. Enabling Smart Card Login ......................................................................................... 83
6.3. Setting up Browsers to Support SSL for Tokens ........................................................... 85
6.4. Using the Certificates on Tokens for Mail Clients .......................................................... 87
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About This Guide
The Enterprise Security Client is a simple user interface which formats and manages smart cards.
This guide is intended for everyday users of Certificate System, who use the Enterprise Security
Client to manage their smart cards. Certificate System agents should read the Certificate System
Agent's Guide for information on how to perform agent tasks, such as handling certificate requests and
revoking certificates.
Before reading this guide, be familiar with the following concepts:
• Public-key cryptography and the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol
• Intranet, extranet, Internet security, and the role of digital certificates in a secure enterprise
• LDAP and Red Hat Directory Server
1. Additional Reading
This guide covers information on managing smart cards, security and single sign-on related services in
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, PAM, and Kerberos.
To understand the complete range of security concepts inherent in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6,
including using SELinux, refer to these guides in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation set:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Deployment Guide covers a comprehensive selection of security and
configuration topics, including access controls, network configuration, SELinux, and single sign-on,
along with other deployment and management considerations.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Security Guide provides an overview of security concepts, such as server
security and potential network threats, and describes how to configure Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
servers and workstations, virtual private networks, and firewalls for effective security. It also covers
how to assess vulnerabilities in the system and to detect and respond to intrusions.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux SELinux Guide gives an overview of SELinux concepts and details how to
configure and use SELinux effectively on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide provides procedures and options for installing Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 6.
Some very basic information on using other end user web services for the Certificate System CA and
RA systems is covered in Using End User Services 1 . For basic certificate management, that is all
many users need to know. Managing Smart Cards with the Enterprise Security Client and the End
User's Guide , together, are both for end users of Red Hat Certificate System.
For more information on the basic concepts of certificates, public key infrastructure, and Certificate
More detailed information about the concepts behind public key cryptography, as well as a more
detailed overview of the Certificate System subsystems and how Certificate System manages
certificates and smart cards, is available in the Certificate System Administrator's Guide 3 . This is also
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