A Fist Full of Ghost Rock.pdf

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Written and Designed by: Shane Lacy Hensley
Editing & Layout: Matt Forbeck & Shane Lacy Hensley
Cover Art: Paul Daly Cover Design: Hal Mangold
Interior Art: Geoff Hassing, Ashe Marler, Alan Nunis,
Andy Park, Kevin Sharpe & Loston Wallace
Maps & Diagrams: Barry Doyle
Deadlands ™ Logo: Ron Spencer Rail Line Logos: Loston Wallace
Great Rail Wars™ Logo & Troop Cards: Charles Ryan
Deadlands created by Shane Lacy Hensley
Chapter One:
Welcome Back! ............................. 3
Chapter Two:
A Fist Full
o’ Ghost Rock .............................. 13
Chapter Three:
Trail o’ Blood ............................... 23
Chapter Four:
The Many
Tasks of Grimme .................... 33
Appendix A:
Briefings & Events ................ 47
Appendix B: Heroes .................... 65
Appendix C:
New Troops .................................... 70
Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 10908
Blacksburg, VA 24062–0908
Deadlands, The Great Rail Wars, Weird West, the
Deadlands logo, the Great Rail Wars boilerplate, and
the Pinnacle Starburst are Trademarks of
Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
© 2001 Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Dedicated To:
Minis gamers everywhere, for paintin’ &
playin’ to keep our hobby alive.
Second Printing, electronic.
Visit our web site for regular updates and
pictures of our products.
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Chapter One:
Welcome Back!
Welcome to our first supplement for The Great
Rail Wars, our little foray into the Weird Western
world of miniature battles!
We hope you’ve found The Great Rail Wars the
most unique and enjoyable game you’ve ever
played, and now we’ve got even more macabre
fun to throw your way.
In the first chapter of this book you’ll find
new information on one-on-one duels, rogues,
more detailed rules on experience and veteran
troops, and how to handle your troops between
campaign battles.
The rest of this book contains three full-
length campaigns. The first is our twisted title
piece, A Fist Full o’ Ghost Rock, in which you’ll
meet the mysterious Gal with No Name. The
next scenario is Trail o’ Blood, a tale of a
desperate strike deep into enemy territory gone
bad. Our last twisted tale is The Many Tasks of
Grimme, a battle in the towering canyons of
everyone’s favorite natural disaster.
Note! There are lots of secrets and surprises
tucked away in our creepy campaigns! If you
read ahead, you’ll spoil the fun of discovering
the twists and turns of each shock-filled plot.
Feel free to read the introduction to each of
the campaigns if you want, but save the rest
until you’re in the thick of it!
That’s a little taste of the mayhem you’ve got
coming. First though, we’ve got to get you up to
speed on some new rules you need to play A
Fist Full o’ Ghost Rock & Other Tales.
I’m A-Callin’ You Out!
By and large, the battles of The Great Rail
Wars are about large skirmishes and firefights.
Two renowned gunfighters staring each other
down at high noon doesn’t happen very often
when Automatons, Devil Bats, and Walkin’ Dead
are running around the battlefield.
But sometimes those pesky heroes want to go
one-on-one with their rivals. And who’s going to
stop them? Not your average gunman. He’s more
likely to watch with reverent awe.
So here’s how your hero can slap leather with
that ornery cowpoke working for the other side
and find out once and for all who’s really the
fastest gun this side of the Pecos!
The Art of the Duel
A hero can call out any other hero. He can’t
call out other individuals, even single-figure
troops. That just wouldn’t be sporting. And yes, a
hero is, by definition, human. Automatons,
Walkin’ Dead and the like don’t count, amigo.
The way to do it is to get your hero within 12”
of the enemy and use an action to call the bad
guy out. It’s considered good table manners to
come up with a good “call out,” such as, “Hank
Ketchum, you no-good, dirty-dealin’, sidewindin’,
horse-stealin’ swill-drinkin’ Rebel lawdog! I’m
callin’ you out!”
Shaken enemies are fair game, but those who
are Panicked aren’t.
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