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PIX Firewall Syslog Server


I. Release Notes for PIX Firewall Syslog Server 5.1(2)


1.              PFSS is now supported on Windows 2000 Service Pack 3, Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6, and Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1.


2.              PFSS installation/deinstallation requires an account with administrative privileges (CSCdz04526).  Attempting such operations with non-administrative privileges may leave your system in an unstable state,


3.              PFSS application can be installed on a FAT or NTFS file system, however the log file directory must be located on a local NTFS file system.  A warning will be issued during installation if one attempts to save the log files on a FAT file system, and the installation program will exit.  Use the "convert" program from a DOS prompt to convert a FAT file system to NTSF.



II. Release Notes for PIX Firewall Syslog Server 5.1(1)


NOTES: For 5.1(1), per bug CSCdp45416, there are 2 changes made to PFSS:

1.  PFSS will now use the modifcation date when renaming files instead of the creation date of the log file.

2.  A "backup" directory will now be created within the log file directory

              where the <day>.mmddyy files will go after being renamed.



1.               To install, left double click on the executable "pfss<ver>.exe" (where <ver> is the PFSS version number) and it will ask you if you want to install the service.  Click yes and the setup will start running. 


2.               There will be a Welcome window.  Click "Next."  After the log files destination directory has been selected, the setup will check to see if your file system where the log files will reside is NTFS.  If it isn't, the setup will exit.  Else, it will continue and if it finds this service is already installed, then it will ask if you'd like to uninstall it.


3.               After selecting your destination target and folder, you will come to a window where you will choose the port numbers for the TCP Syslog Server and the UDP Syslog Server.  The default values will be

                            TCP PORT = 1468

                            UDP PORT = 514


              ==> You must enter a port number greater than 1024 and less than 65536


4.               The last window will prompt you for the "% Disk Full", "Disk Empty Watch", and "Disk Full Watch" as defined in the following:

         % Disk Full -                 The percentage of the total disk size that is full that

            you wish the Syslog Server to stop at.

            (Default is 90%)

        Disk Empty Watch  -                This is the number of seconds in interval that  you

wish the disk monitor to check to see if the disk is  full when the disk is still empty.  

                      (Default is 5 seconds)

                      Disk Full Watch  -                This is the number of seconds in interval that  you

wish the disk monitor to check to see if the disk is empty when the disk is still full.  

                      (Default is 3 second)


5.              Setup will complete and the service will have started already.  To stop or pause the service, go to the control panel and click on "Services".  Look for "PIX Firewall Syslog Server" and click on the button you wish the service to do.


6.              To change parameters, such as the % Disk Full, go to the service panel and type

in the parameters you desire:

-d   < % Disk Full >

-t   < TCP PORT >

-u   < UDP PORT>

-e  < Disk Empty Watch >

-f  < Disk Full Watch >

              For example, to set the % Disk Full  to %35 and the TCP PORT to 1470, type

                            -d 35 –t 1470

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