Angielski - testy podst..doc

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PRESENT SIMPLE (czas teraźniejszy prosty)



I. Uzupełnij tekst wstawiając czasowniki w odpowiednich formach czasu

Present Simple albo Present Continuous:

It is eleven o`clock on Saturday morning in Matthew`s kitchen. Matthew`s father

..................... (work) in a bank from Monday to Friday, but on Saturdays he

........................(stay) at home. At the moment, he ..............................(read) a newspaper.

Matthew`s mother ..........................(wash up). Matthew usually ........................... (do) his

homework on Saturday mornings, but today he .................(watch) TV.


II. Ułóż pytania do podkreślonej części zdania:

1.You must sing this song.


2.I was at school yesterday.


3.We are listening to the teacher.


4. Brenda gets up at 7 o`clock every day.


5.There are two policemen in front of the bank.


6. She can learn very quickly.



III. Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi przyimkami:

1.She plays tennis ..............the morning.

2.You go to school ............... 9 o`clock.

3. Peter and Brenda were........... London......... April.

4.I don`t watch TV ....... night.

5.Are you going ........cinema ...... Monday?


IV. Rozszyfruj podane wyrazy, nie wolno dodać ani odjąć żadnych liter:

1.DRBLAOCKBA ....................

2.PNWESAERP ....................

3.TUMCOPRE ....................

4.UFLAEIBTU ....................

5.KEMHWOOR ....................


V. Napisz słownie jak czytamy po angielsku podane daty:

1. 05.10.1846



2. 03.05.1935


3. 02.02.1222


4. 01.07.1540


5. 30.11.1784



VI. Wstaw „A” lub „AN”:




VII. Uzupełnij zdania, w każdą lukę wstaw tylko jeden wyraz:

1. What ........... you do yesterday evening?

2. There ...............a football match in our village yesterday.

3. watch the film on TV last night?

4. Did you finish your lunch? No, I .........

5. We ............. be 15 next year.

6. ............ she come to our party tomorrow?

7. I ......... washing the dishes now.

8. What ........... you doing at the moment?

9. He ..................... like playing basketball.

10. ............ they do shopping on Saturdays?




I. Połącz słowa o tym samym znaczeniu:

Toothache                                                        krawat

owl                                                         wypadek

trousers                                                        bluza

accident                                                          papuga

shirt                                                         sowa

parrot                                                         sukienka

jumper                                                         ból zęba

snake                                                         spodnie

dress                                                         koszula

tie                                                         wąż


II. Napisz liczbę mnogą rzeczowników: -                                           6. man -

2.child -                                                         7.desk - -                                                -

4.pencil -                                               -

5.toy -                                                         10.mouse-


III. Wybierz i zakreśl właściwą formę czasownika:

1.I...........................sleep last night.

a)didn`t b)do London two years ago.

a)live b)lived

3.We England last year.

a)went b)goed

4.Peter ............ in Paris last week.

a) was b) were

5.We .................... and went to the restaurant.

a) stoped b) stopped

6.You................... do your homework last evening.

a) don`t b) didn`t

7. I .................... a new car yesterday.

a) bought b) buyed

8. Susan ...................all night.

a) cried b) cryed

9.You ..................... in the shop on Saturday.

a) was b) were

10..................... she watch TV all evening?

a) Did b) Do


IV. Napisz słownie daty:



15.12.1987 –


01.04.1643 –


30.06.1241 –


12.09.1920 –



V. Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania:

Peter had an accident. He fell of his bike and broke his leg.

It happened on Monday evening. Next day he went to the

doctor`s. He waited five minutes in the waiting room for his turn.

The doctor asked him to stay at home for two weeks.

1.When did Peter fall of his bike?


2.What happened to him?


3.Did he go to the doctor`s?


4. How long did he wait?


5.How many weeks did he stay at home?



VI. Wstaw “WAS” lub “WERE” :

1. They Berlin last month.


2. He.................... in hospital two weeks ago.

3. Mr work yesterday.

4. Susan....................cold and she closed the windows.

5. Alison and Kate .....................late for school yesterday.

6. Peter ..........................ten years old in 1995.


VII. Zakreśl jeden wyraz, który nie pasuje do reszty:

1. measles, contagious, medieval, examine, prescription

2. radish, pancake, cucumber, garlic, cabbage

3. farmer, driver, painter, waiter, cooker

4. wardrobe, cupboard, armchair, upstairs, drawer

5. grow, cloudy, cold, sunshine, weather




I. Wstaw odpowiednią formę czasownika „to be”:

1. I ..........Filip.

2. She........... my friend.

3. It ...........a ball.

4. You........... from Poland.

5. He...........a teacher.

6. school.

7. the shop.

8. They......... brothers.


II. Utwórz liczbę mnogą do podanych rzeczowników:

1.doll –

2.umbrella – – – –

6.child – –

8.dress – –

10.tree –


III. Wybierz prawidłowy wyraz i zakreśl go:

1. This/these are books.

2. That/those is my new house.

3. It is my/mine pencil.

4. He is hers/her friend.

5. There is/are a nice garden.

6. Peter can play/fish the guitar.

7. This is Wendy/Wendy`s bicycle.

8. Let`s go to/on the park.


IV. Czasowniki w nawiasach podaj w odp.  formie czasu Prezent Simple, Present Continuous lub Past Simple:

1. Where is Sally ? She .......................................(speak) to Paul.

2. How often .............................(Helen/go) shopping?

3. Alex ..................(phone) me two days ago.

4. They .........................(not/get up) at 6 o`clock yesterday.

5. I...................................(not/ read) a newspaper at the moment, you can take it.

6. Why ........................................(you/cry) ?

7. Peter usually............................. (work) from 9 o`clock to 16 o`clock.

8. We ......................................(not/like) this kind of music, it`s too noisy.

9. ...................................(you/see) that great picture in the museum last week?

10. Who ..................(play) this guitar? – Mike, and he is a great player!


V. Napisz słownie podane liczebniki:

333 –

14 940 –

5 267 –

808 008 –

1 010 111 –


VI. Napisz te zdania poprawnie, oddzielając wyrazy, wstawiając duże litery i znaki interpunkcyjne:



VII. Połącz ze sobą wyrazy o przeciwnym znaczeniu:

dark                                                         unpopular

ill                                                         light

messy                                                         wet

obedient                                                         strong

popular                                                        well

dry                                                         fair

weak                                                         disobedient

dangerous                                                        wide

heavy                                                         tidy

narrow                                                         safe




I. W podanych liczebnikach uzupełnij brakujące litery:








II. Połącz prawą stronę z lewą:

What is it?                             ...

Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin