karta szkolenia wstepnego bhp wersja angielska.doc

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Karta szkolenia wstępnego bhp wersja angielska


              (employer name - stamp)



1. Name and surname of trainee              

2. Organisational unit name              

3. General training


General training was conducted on (date) ........................................



..................................................................                     .................................................................

(name and surname of trainer)                                                                                              (signature of trainee*)


4. Job position training

1)              Job position training for the position of              
was conducted during (date) .......................................... by              

     (name and surname of trainer)

Having undergone a test of knowledge and skills of performing work in accordance with the rules and principles of work safety and health, Mr/Mrs/Miss              
........................................................ has been authorised to perform work in the position of



              (signature of trainee*)              (date and signature of organisational unit superior)

2**)              Job position training for the position of               
was conducted during (date) .......................................... by              

(name and surname of trainer)

Having undergone a test of knowledge and skills of performing work in accordance with the rules and principles of work safety and health, Mr/Mrs/Miss              
........................................................ has been authorised to perform work in the position of



              (signature of trainee*)              (date and signature of organisational unit superior)


  *              The signature serves as proof of undergoing training and knowledge and acceptance of regulations and principles of work safety and health concerning the work performed.

**              Complete in cases stipulated in § 11 section 1 pt. 2 and section 2 and 3 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Economy and Labour dated 27 July 2004 concerning work safety and health training.



1. Pursuant to § 2 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Economy and Labour dated 27 July 2004 concerning work safety and health training, Journal of Laws Nr 180, item 1860 as amended, the employer is obliged to ensure and provide training, appropriate for the given position, to the employee, including providing information and instructions concerning the given position or work performed.

2. The training consists of initial and periodic training.

3. General training is conducted, prior to employment, for newly-employed employees, students undergoing internships and practical training, as well as vocational school students employed for the purposes of practical vocational instruction.

4. Job position training is conducted, prior to employment, in a given position:

              1)              for an employee performing manual labour or other work subject to factors harmful, arduous or hazardous to health;

              2)              an employee transferred to the abovementioned position;

              3)              a school pupil undergoing practical vocational training or student undergoing internship or practical training.

An employee performing work in several positions should undergo training specific to each position.

5. The employee confirms completion of general and job position training in writing on the initial training card, which is stored in the employee's personal file.

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