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Black & White(TM) Readme File

A message from the Lionhead team (6am February 22nd 2001).

Thank you for buying Black & White. We spent three years writing this game and it is, we believe, unlike anything else you will have ever played.
It is everything we hoped it would be, and contains all the features we thought a ground-breaking game should have.
We hope that you enjoy playing as much as we've enjoyed working on it. In fact, we hope you enjoy it more than that because there have been times when it's pushed us to our very limits.
Making this game, we found out who we really were. We hope that, as you play, you'll find out who YOU really are.
Please do look at this readme document. It'll enhance your enjoyment of what we hope is an incredible game to play.

Thank you.

All at Lionhead Studios Ltd.

For playing tips, check out the official Black & White game website at

Table Of Contents

1.  Minimum PC Configuration
2.  Installation
3.  DirectX(TM)
4.  Uninstall
5.  Gameplay Additions
6.  Controller Notes 
7.  How to create your own player symbols and Creature tattoos
8.  Network & Out of Sync recovery
9.  Creature Homepages
10. Naming your Villagers from your email program
11. Notes on video card chipsets
12. Help!
13. Hot off the Press - Additional information

1. Minimum PC Configuration

Processor 	 - 350 MHz Intel? Pentium? II MMX processor
Memory 		 - 64 Mb RAM
HDD Space 	 - 600 Mb free hard disk space
Operating System - Windows? 95/98/ME/2000
CD ROM Speed 	 - 4x CD-ROM drive
Videocard 	 - (PCI/AGP) 8Mb 3D Hardware Accelerator Card with Direct3D(TM) support
Soundcard 	 - DirectX 7.0a compliant sound card
DirectX 	 - DirectX 7.0a (supplied with CD)

2. Installation

Note: Black & White will only install and run on machines installed with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME or Windows 2000.

1.	Start your machine and wait for the Windows 95/98/ME/2000 operating system to load.

2.	Place the Black & White CD in the CD drive.

3.	Windows will automatically detect the CD and begin the installation. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Black & White. If you need to install DirectX 7.0a, you can do this as part of the installation. Black & White will then be ready to play.

4.	The installation program creates a program group called Lionhead Studios Ltd and adds it to your Start/Programs menu. Left-click on the Start button on your Windows task bar. Under Programs/Lionhead Studios Ltd, select and click Black & White to play.

Note: Should Windows fail to recognize the CD and fail to run the installation program, run Setup.exe from the root directory of the CD.

3. DirectX

If you try to run the game without DirectX7.0a installed, you will receive the following error message: 

"The Black.exe file is linked to the missing export Ddraw.dll:DirectDrawCreateEx".

If you try to run the Black & White Setup application without DirectX7.0a installed, you will receive the following error message: 

"The setup.exe file is linked to the missing export mfc42.dll:66461"

If you receive either or both of these messages, you need to install DirectX7.0a. For your convenience, we have included DirectX7.0a on the Black & White CD.

a) Installing DirectX7.0a directly from CD (if you skipped it during game install)
Black & White comes with DirectX7.0a and will prompt you to install it during installation. If you would like to install it manually, make sure the Black & White CD is in the CD-ROM drive change to the following folder on your CD-ROM drive: 


	and double-click on DXSETUP.EXE

b) DirectX7.0a and supported hardware
We recommend that Black & White be run with DirectX compatible sound boards and video cards. While there is a chance that Black & White will run with non-DirectX compatible hardware, you may find that:

	i)   Sound quality suffers.
	ii)  The game runs slower.
	iii) The game does not run at all.

If your sound card or video card does not support DirectX, please contact your vendor.

4. Uninstall

To uninstall Black & White go to Programs/Lionhead Studios Ltd/Uninstall Black & White in the Start menu. Left-click on Uninstall Black & White to proceed.

Should this fail to work, left-click on the Start menu, select Settings and then Control Panel. Now find Add/Remove Programs and double left-click to run. Scroll down the list until you see Black & White, select it and left-click on Add/Remove to uninstall.

If the uninstaller fails to completely remove Black & White (it may not, for example, delete your Saved Games folder), delete the folder to which you installed the game. Thus, if you have used the default directories, double left-click on My Computer, double left-click on the C: drive, double left-click on Program Files, left click on the Lionhead Studios folder, then right click and select Delete. Click Yes to confirm. This will send the remaining files to the Recycle Bin, which you will then need to empty.

5. Gameplay additions

Planting a tree away from any buildings will produce more trees. A green puff of smoke confirms this action.

Watering any tree will encourage that tree to grow (except trees planted near your Temple).  This is essential on later quests where wood is a premium.

When you have a villager in your hand, a house with the blue man symbol indicates his home.

Miracle Dispensers - You are able to build your own one-shot Miracle Dispensers by combining six scaffolds created at your workshop. Once placed on the landscape, you can create one-shot Miracles by charging a Miracle in your hand and casting it on the Dispenser. These can be moved from the Dispenser, placed anywhere and saved for later use. You can cast any Miracle on a created Dispenser to create a one-shot Miracle of that type.  This is an especially useful tactic, as you can create one shot Mega-blasts and place them in the Vortex for use in later lands.

6. Controller Notes 

Control key additions:
Please note: These will be overwritten if you assign these keys to other commands in the ingame Options/controls menu.

R - repeat Miracle (same as using the repeat Gesture).
M - Miracle selection mode (same as using the Miracle Gesture).

Pressing & holding Ctrl + Shift will zoom you close into your hand. Releasing them will return you to your previous view.

Black & White fully supports the TouchSense technology from Immersion Corporation. 
This functionality is available to anyone who is using a mouse incorporating the TouchSense technology and with the appropriate drivers installed.

TouchSense supplements the visual and audio feedback and gives players of Black & White a more complete perceptual experience. In the virtual Black & White world, having tactile feedback through the mouse will add realism to the whole game experience while exploring the world and interacting with objects. Pulling up trees, powering up Miracles, stroking or slapping your Creature together with many other interactions all have their associated touch sensations which will add to the overall immersive game experience. An extra challenge has been built into the game which is only available to those players using TouchSense technology. It will only be possible to solve these challenges by use of TouchSense-enabled devices.

In Black & White, the goal has always been to produce an interface, which is entirely uncluttered by the traditional icons, menus and instead concentrate on the natural real-world interactions with which everyone is familiar. As such, the Black & White hand is really to be viewed as an extension of your own hand. Having touch as an additional feedback to this interface enhances this experience. The tactile sensations do even more to create the illusion that the world behind the screen is a real world.

More details of this technology can be found at 
For any users who already have this technology, be sure to check up that you have the latest patches available for Black & White at

TouchSense Technology Support:
There are 3 levels of support to TouchSense that can be set in the Game. 
These are available from the Immersion section on the Game Options screen:
Note: The Default support level is Normal.

	Minimum:	Just the special Immersion Challenge that has been built into the game.
	Normal:		Key interactions for the game - with objects, Miracles and your Creature.
	Maximum:	Interaction with all game objects and terrain features as the hand 
			passes over the land.

Note: All TouchSense effects have been balanced with the assumption that the "Strength" on the TouchSense mouse control panel settings has been set to Maximum. Different TouchSense tactile feedback mouse products may feel slightly different, so you may want to make adjustments to the "Strength" setting to best suit your preferences.

It is possible to make your own customizations to the TouchSense sensations. However, this operation is entirely unsupported and so it is advisable to make sure you make backup copies of the original files. First you need to download Immersion Studio, the tool for editing touch effects. This can be found in the SDK section of the Immersion website: 

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