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Quick Instruction Guide
up from HMI V1.3
Concept for these instructions
A FUPLA timer program (part of the "Boiler"-Program out of the Basic-Workshop) that has already been crea-
ted will act as a data supply for this HMI quick instruction guide. Thus, here are some words of explanation.
The FUPLA-Program "Timerswitch" turns a fl ag called “ClkContact” on or off at a certain time every day.
When the “ClkContact” is on or off, you can specify “OnTime” and “OffTime” through the register. For examp-
le, on at 7pm, and off at 6am.
Additionally, it is also possible to switch from a timer operation to a manual operation “ManualAutom” using a
PCD input (I 0), and then switch on or off the “ClkContact”-fl ag per PCD input "ManualOnOff" (I 1)
Program "Timerswitch.FUP"
The solution takes place in one particular FUPLA page.
[Fig. 1]
Where you will fi nd this PG5 project as zip fi le and how this is installed on your PC is described in the appen-
dix of this Guide.
HMI- Qick Instruction Guide
SAIA-Burgess Controls AG
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Quick Instruction Guide
up from HMI V1.3
Our Task
The FUPLA program "Timerswitch"
(Fig. 1) should now be supplemented
with a HMI program, in order that the
current time and the ON- and OFF-
circuit times (Fig. 3-5) per terminal
PCD7.D232 (Fig. 2) can be inputted.
In the attachment to this report, you
will fi nd where the fi nished FUPLA
program “Timerswitch” can be obtai-
[Fig. 2]
We will approach the situation as
[Fig. 3]
1) The terminal is connected to the
RS232 serial interface / Port 1 of the
(See in attachment or in Chapter 10
of Handbook 26/746 under “Interface
Connection cables”)
[Fig. 4]
2) You have already started the PG5,
and now you will select from the
following menu entries in the Project
Manager menu " File -> Restore ->
(Savedirectory) -> Project HMI-Quick
Guide ".
[Fig. 5]
In doing so, the whole project with
both CPU's "Timerswitch" and
"Timerswitch_with_HMI" is saved
in the computer‘s hard drive, and is
opened in PG5.
Using the right mouse button and Se-
lect from Properties, please name the
CPU’s "Timerswitch" to “Timerswitch_
[Fig. 6]
Do not forget to adjust the CPU’s set-
tings on your computer accordingly!
[Fig. 7]
3) Open up a new fi le type (.HMI)
(Fig. 7) called “Terminal” in the
“Timer_HMI” CPU, which is subse-
quently located in the HMI Editor
(Fig. 8) .
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SAIA-Burgess Controls AG
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Quick Instruction Guide
up from HMI V1.3
Settings Tab
Because the HMI editor is used for
various non intelligent SAIA termi-
nals, the PCD7.D232 is given as the
editor’s fi rst setting.
Click on [Settings] and select
PCD7.D232 from Terminal Type.
Please confi rm the following questi-
ons with “Yes”.
You can check if you have selected
the correct device, by changing to
[Menu Structure] and pressing the
<Play> button. [Fig. 8]
If everything works, you should see
the terminal on the screen (Fig.2). If
that is not the case, check the pre-
vious steps.
[Fig. 8]
Go back to [Settings].
Check the fi elds based on Fig. 9.
All communication-relevant parame-
ters are defi ned in this fi eld.
[Fig. 9]
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SAIA-Burgess Controls AG
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Quick Instruction Guide
up from HMI V1.3
Menu Structure
First of all, we confi gure the
“Standby menu” (1st terminal screen
page after the PCD start).
Function description:
As soon as the terminal is activa-
ted, and the function test has been
successfully executed, the terminal
displays its start-up screen.
If a menu has been loaded in the
PCD already created with the HMI
Menu Editor, the “Standby Menu” is
displayed (unless the PCD is located
in RUN).
[Fig. 10]
The content of the currently selected
“Standby Menu” is displayed below
right in the HMI Editor (Fig. 10).
If you would also like to change the
display of this “Standby Menu”, click
on the button labelled
<Edit Root Menu> (Fig. 11).
In the “Root Menu Edition” fi eld,
various displays in the selection fi eld
“Select a standby menu” can be
The “Customer Standby” selection en-
ables you to interchange entries line-
by-line from both Variable and Format
columns beside the larger input fi eld,
which is Root Menu.
Free text is also possible in the “Root
Menu” fi eld.
In order to use this facility, select
“None” from the corresponding line in
the Variable column.
Edit the fi elds as shown in Fig. 11.
[Fig. 11]
You go back to the Menu Structure via the <Show – Treeview> button.
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SAIA-Burgess Controls AG
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Quick Instruction Guide
up from HMI V1.3
Defi ning the Menu Structure
We have shown the following starting
position in Fig. 12.
Below right the "Root Menu" can be
seen (Standby Menu).
[Fig. 12]
As soon as the “Menu line 1” entry
is clicked, the properties of this line
appear on the right side of actual
In the fi eld "Text Line", we enter the
word „Timerswitch“, and confi rm it
with the „Enter“ key.
[Fig. 13]
Now we have entered the fi rst menu
[Fig. 14]
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SAIA-Burgess Controls AG
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