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An Example VHDL Application for the TM-4
Dave Galloway
Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Toronto
March 2005
This document describes a simple application circuit written in VHDL for the TM-4, and explains
how to create, compile and run it.
The circuit implements a 32-bit counter. A program running on a workstation will read the output of
the counter over the network.
Getting the Source for the Circuit
The source for this example circuit is on the EECG machines in the directory
Sign on to one of the EECG Debian Linux workstations (ex: crunch.eecg). Make a new directory,
and copy some of the files from the example directory:
mkdir counter
cd counter
set mydir=$cwd
pushd ˜tm4/examples/countervhd
cp makefile counter.vhd counter.qsf counter.ports suncounter.c $mydir
Add the following directory to your path, so that the Transmogrifier commands are available to you:
set path=(˜tm4/bin $path)
You should probably add that line to your .cshrc file so that the change will be permanent.
The four files that you copied are:
counter.vhd the circuit that will run on the Transmogrifier, described in VHDL
counter.qsf a file containing commands for Altera’s Quartus software
counter.ports a description of the inputs and outputs of the circuit
makefile used to compile the circuit and the program
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suncounter.c a C program that runs on a UNIX workstation and talks to the circuit
Compiling the Example
To compile the circuit into a form that can be used to program the TM-4, type:
make bits
The counter.vhd source will be compiled by the VHDL compiler, and the resulting circuit description will
be passed through a series of scripts and programs that will produce the programming bits for the chips on
the board. It will place the results, along with a number of intermediate files, into a new subdirectory
called tm4 in your current directory. Any existing tm4 subdirectory will be removed. The whole
process will take about 3 minutes (on a 1.4 GHz Linux workstation).
To compile the program that runs on a Linux workstation and talks to the circuit, type:
make my_linux_counter
Downloading the Example to the Transmogrifier
First, you must decide which of the Transmogrifiers you want to use. By default, the commands will
use the TM-4 attached to crunch.eecg. If you want any of the other Transmogrifiers, you must set the
TM4_SERVER environment variable to the name of the workstation that is attached to the
Transmogrifier you want, something like this:
setenv TM4_SERVER some_other_machine.eecg
At this point, you may want to run the Transmogrifier status monitor display on your workstation.
Make sure your DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly and run:
tm4status -t &
This will produce a new window on your screen which displays the name of the design currently running
in the machine, and a column of green and red lights.
Now use the tm4get command to reserve the Transmogrifier for 10 minutes:
If someone else is using the machine, you will get a message telling you how long you will have to wait:
sorry, drg has it (priority 100) for 597 more seconds
To download your circuit into the TM-4, type:
If you are running tm4status, you will see the lights go red as the previous design is stopped, and then
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change to green as your design is loaded. The name of the directory containing your design will be
displayed at the top of the status display.
Interacting with the Circuit
To communicate with the circuit, run the my_linux_counter program that you compiled earlier:
% my_linux_counter
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Every time you run it, you will get another 10 numbers from the counter.
Stopping the Circuit and Releasing the Transmogrifier
You can stop the design, disabling the chips in the machine, by typing:
tm4 stop
You should now release the Transmogrifier so that someone else can use it:
How the Sample Design Works
The circuit is written in VHDL. The complete counter.vhd file contains this:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity counter is port(
tm4_devbus : inout std_logic_vector(40 downto 0);
tm4_glbclk0 : in std_logic
architecture arch_counter of counter is
type count_states is (count_null, count_idle, count_count);
signal counter : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal count : std_logic;
signal count_state, next_count_state : count_states;
signal count_reset : std_logic;
signal want_count : std_logic;
signal count_ready : std_logic;
signal result : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
component tm4_portmux
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tm4_devbus : inout std_logic_vector(40 downto 0);
result : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
count_ready : in std_logic;
want_count : out std_logic;
tm4_glbclk0 : in std_logic);
end component;
tm4_portmux_inst: tm4_portmux port map (
process(count_state, want_count) begin
case(count_state) is
when count_null =>
count_reset <= ’1’;
next_count_state <= count_idle;
count_ready <= ’0’;
count <= ’0’;
when count_idle =>
count_reset <= ’0’;
count_ready <= ’1’;
count <= ’0’;
if want_count = ’1’ then
next_count_state <= count_count;
next_count_state <= count_idle;
end if;
when count_count =>
count_ready <= ’0’;
count_reset <= ’0’;
if want_count = ’1’ then
next_count_state <= count_count;
count <= ’0’;
next_count_state <= count_idle;
count <= ’1’;
end if;
end case;
end process;
process(count_reset,tm4_glbclk0) begin
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if count_reset = ’1’ then
counter <= "00000000000000000000000000000000";
count_state <= count_idle;
elsif tm4_glbclk0’event and tm4_glbclk0 = ’1’ then
if count = ’1’ then
counter <= counter + 1;
end if;
count_state <= next_count_state;
end if;
result <= counter;
end process;
end arch_counter;
The circuit has one 32-bit output port called result , and two 1-bit handshaking variables called
want_count and count_ready . The circuit sits in an infinite loop, waiting for someone to ask for a
count. It performs a handshake with the outside world using the want_count and count_ready
variables, increments the counter, and waits for the next request.
The circuit uses the TM-4 ports package to communicate with the outside world. The connections to
the outside world are handled by the component named tm4_portmux_inst . This component is
automatically supplied by the TM-4 ports package. Read The TM-4 Ports Package for a description of
how this works. The counter.ports file contains:
# Name direction bits Handshake_from_circuit Handshake_from_workstation
result o 32 count_ready want_count
It describes the single 32-bit output called result along with the two handshaking variables.
The suncounter.c program that runs on the workstation looks like this:
/* A program to test a simple counter on the TM-4, using the ports package */
#include <stdio.h>
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int portresult;
int result[512 * 1024];
int i, count;
if((portresult = tm_open("result", "r")) < 0) {
printf("Can’t open port result\n");
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