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The Unexplained WORKSHEET A
Inside Out
The unexplained WORKSHEET A
Exercise 1
Can you match the words in the table below to the definitions?
1. ____________
(noun) the spirit of a dead person that someone sees or hears
2. ____________
(noun) a strange object that flies through the sky that no one can recognise
3. ____________
(adjective) lived in or visited by the spirit of a dead person
4. ____________
(noun) something that you experience in your mind while you are sleeping
5. ____________
(noun) the ability to form pictures or original ideas in your mind.
6. ____________
(adjective) strange and frightening
7. ____________
(noun) someone who says they know what other people are thinking or what is going
to happen to them
8. ____________
(noun) a creature from another planet
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Inside Out
The unexplained WORKSHEET B
I used to like reading books about unexplained things like ghosts and UFOs, but I
never really believed in any of that stuff, and I still think there’s probably a scientific
explanation for all of it.
I have a friend who says he once saw a ghost, but he already believed in ghosts before
it happened. For me it’s obvious that people who believe in spooky things are more
likely to think they’ve experienced them.
Anyway, he says that when he was staying with friends who live in a very old house,
he saw the ghost of a woman dressed in weird clothes, like she was from hundreds of
years ago. He says he saw the woman in his bedroom when he woke up in the middle
of the night. But his friends had already told him that they believed the house was
haunted. I think he was probably dreaming, or maybe he just made up the whole
When you think about all the UFO sightings around the world, of course some of
them are just a result of people’s imagination, but in other cases the only possible
explanation is that these objects really are alien spaceships.
If you think about the size of the universe, how can you believe we’re alone in it?
Why can’t there be aliens out there who want to come and visit us?
I’ve never seen a UFO myself, but my dad has. It was about forty years ago, when he
was a pilot. He was flying at night when he saw a strange orange shape about a mile
away from his plane. For about five minutes the shape was following him, then
suddenly it moved away at an incredible speed, much faster than any aircraft can fly.
There are lots of strange things that science can’t explain, especially things to do with
the power of the human mind. I know some people who are psychics, who can see
into the future or know what other people are thinking, or even make events happen
just by thinking about them. I’ve also met people who can remember the people they
used to be in previous lives.
I think most of us have a little bit of the power that psychics have. For example, have
you ever had that weird ‘déjà vu’ feeling, when something happens and you feel like
you’ve experienced it before? Maybe one day science will explain all this, but it
hasn’t done it yet.
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Inside Out
The unexplained WORKSHEET C
Exercise 2
Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), or if the text doesn’t
say (D).
1. Stuart has seen a UFO.
2. Jane thinks that believing in things like ghosts makes you less likely to see them.
3. Siobhan believes that some people can read other people’s minds.
4. Jane has seen a UFO, but not recently.
5. Siobhan believes in reincarnation.
6. Jane’s friend says the ghost spoke to him.
7. Stuart thinks that all UFOs are spaceships from other planets.
8. Siobhan thinks that in the future science might explain these strange things.
9. For about five minutes David’s dad flew behind the UFO that he saw.
10. Jane’s friend thinks he saw a ghost inside the house he was staying in.
Exercise 3
Now complete the crossword below. If all the words are correct, another expression
people often use to describe UFOs will read from top to bottom.
1. Stuart’s dad says the UFO __________ him for about five minutes.
2. Siobhan says she has met some __________.
3. Jane doesn’t really __________ in ghosts or UFOs.
4. Jane’s friend had already heard that the house was __________ before he saw the
5. Stuart’s dad said that the UFO flew incredibly __________.
6. Siobhan believes that __________ can’t explain everything.
7. Jane thinks it’s possible that the ghost her friend saw was only in a __________.
8. ‘Déjà vu’ is when something happens and you get the strange feeling that you’ve
seen it __________.
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