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The Bloodstone Lands
by Bob Salvatore
Table of Contents
Introduction: How to use this Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Section 1: Overview of the Bloodstone Lands . . . . . . . .3
Section 2: What the Neighbors Think. . . . . . . . .15
Section 3: Societies of the Bloodstone Lands . . . . . . . .20
Section 4: Cities, Towns, and Villages . . . . .26
Section 5: The Geography of the Region. . . . . . . . . . .32
Section 6: Strongholds, Ruins, and Dungeons . . . . . . . . . .36
Section 7: Movers and Shakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Section 8: Travelling Bands and Organizations. . . . . . . . . .54
Section 9: The Bloodstone Lands Campaign. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Editing: Elizabeth T. Danforth
Cartography: Diesel
Cover Art: Larry Elmore
Typography: Kathleen C. MacDonald
Interior Art: Uttam
Special thanks to Ed Greenwood, Jeff Grubb, Bruce Heard,
Michael Dobson, Doug Niles, Brian Newton, and the gang.
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Using this Book
This sourcebook is divided into nine sec-
tions. These offer the Dungeon Master a
solid overview of the region, plus details
of some specific places and personalities.
Section 1: Overview of the Bloodstone
Lands introduces a Dungeon Master to
the region, particularly to Vaasa and
Damara. This section covers the history
of the region, with a close-up on the last
two yearsthe Year of the Prince and
the Year of the Shadows (FR1357 and
1358). Present day is 1359, the Year of
the Serpent. Recent events, created by
playing the H-series through to a logical
conclusion, have reduced Vaasa to its
former status as an unclaimed wilder-
ness (rich adventuring territory!). The
various provinces of Damara weave a
web of political intrigue that should
provide plenty for PCs to disentangle.
Section 2: What the Neighbors Think
introduces Narfell and Impiltur, neigh-
boring kingdoms with a vested interest
in Vaasa and Damara. Narfell and Im-
piltur could themselves support a fine
campaign. For this book, however, and
in the context of the Bloodstone Lands,
they are treated as icing on the cake
that is Vaasa and Damara.
Section 3: Societies of the Bloodstone
Lands presents the culture and flavor
of the land. This section details religion,
currency, races, and classes, all of
which transform a campaign from a
dice-rolling exercise into a role-playing
event worthy of daydreams.
Section 4: Cities, Towns, and Villages,
and Section 5: The Geography of the Re-
gion look at the physical geography and
locales that PCs will encounter. In-
cluded are descriptions of various com-
munities, their usual attitude toward
strangers, and a general feel of the
more distinctive locations.
Section 6: Strongholds, Ruins, and
Dungeons goes a step further, providing
specific adventuring sites and home
base locations for the players. In the
Bloodstone Lands, knowing where to
find trouble, and where to go to escape
it, can mean the difference between a
successful adventure and disaster.
The next two sections, Section 7:
Movers and Shakers and Section 8:
Traveling Bands and Organizations,
give a Dungeon Master many of the
NPCs that his players will encounter in
the region (or PCs they may choose to
run). These are the characters who
might help the PCs out of a jamput
them into one!
Finally, Section 9: The Bloodstone
Lands Campaign gives some suggestions
for potential adventures. It must be
noted that one of these involves having
your players run through the H-series of
modules, rewriting the last two years of
history. This could pose a problem to
Dungeon Masters using this sourcebook,
as the outcome of the game may alter
the situations described herein.
Therefore, this section also offers tips
to less-experienced Dungeon Masters.
The Dungeon Master may have to deal
with his players deciding on different
life-courses for the major PCs, particu-
larly for Gareth Dragonsbane who is re-
garded here as the central power figure
of the entire region. Crafty Dungeon
Masters will slip around this by focus-
ing on other NPCs. For example, Baron
Tranth or Lady Christine can fill in any
gaps in the political structures left by an
uncooperative Gareth.
To the west, beyond the Earthspur
Mountains, is the wicked land of Thar,
the Moonsea, and the independent city-
state of Mulmaster. To the south is Im-
piltur and beyond that, the Sea of Fallen
Stars. To the east looms Narfell and the
Great Dale.
One might assume that the nickname
of this rugged region comes from the
quantity of blood spilled in the area, es-
pecially in and around the Galena
Mountains. There have been numerous
battles with goblinkin and giantkind.
The sturdy inhabitants have also faced
the relentless forces of the climate, and
even fought among themselves over the
years. In truth, this would make blood-
stone an apt label.
However, the phrase refers to the un-
countable mineral wealth found in the
area, a deep-green chalcedony flecked
with red jasper. Bloodstones were once
mined throughout the Galenas and the
Earthspurs, luring men here in droves.
Bloodstones established Damara as a
major power in the Forgotten Realms.
Geography and
The Bloodstone Lands are a cold region.
Freezing winds roll down from the
Great Glacier and swirl through the
mountain peaks, making the long
winters of Vaasa and Damara longer
still. Yet though their temperature
ranges are similar, the geography of
these two states is vastly different.
Enough said. Let us now explore this
dangerous and exciting region called
the Bloodstone Lands. All the ingredi-
ents are here for a long and enjoyable
campaign, or for a welcome diversion
from the mainstream events of a cam-
paign set in some other region of the
vast Forgotten Realms. Go to it!
The northernmost of the two states,
Vaasa is also the smaller. The kingdom
lies in a triangular region bounded by
the Earthspur Mountains, the Great Gla-
cier, and the forbidding Galena Moun-
tains. For centuries untold, Vaasa
remained an unclaimed wasteland of
frozen moors and broken clumps of tun-
dra, a captured pocket of deep winter.
Summer does come here, if only for a
few short weeks. Even then, Vaasa feels
the edge of its climates wickedness.
When the moorwaters melt and the top
layers of tundra soften, the entire re-
Overview of the
Bloodstone Lands
The phrase Bloodstone Lands refers
to the region between the Great Glacier
and Impiltur, particularly the two states
of Vaasa and Damara. The whole area
encompasses roughly 150,000 square
miles in a roughly triangular shape, us-
ing the southern line of the Great Gla-
cier as its northernmost boundary.
gion becomes one vast bog of sludge
and mud where the tallest horse
would wet its belly, as the saying goes
in Damara.
Even more insidious, many bottom-
less bogs open up, particularly in the
central region, above the Beaumaris
River. These deadly moors would do
much more than wet a horses belly!
Where small farms have been
scratched in Vaasas rocky soil, harvests
show a somewhat fertile land. How-
ever, nowhere in all the kingdom has a
large enough stretch of arable land
been found capable of supporting a
large-scale community.
Few people live in Vaasa. Even they
probably wonder why.
farmers, all pitifully poor and eking out
a squalid, uninteresting existence.
Damara, though, had a different tale
to tell. This kingdom traces its noble
lines back almost three centuries, to the
time when Heliogabalus was founded
by Feldrin Bloodfeathers, the first king
of Damara. Thereafter, his long, unbro-
ken line of kindly heirs ruled Damara
well, only ending with King Virdins
death. Until the most recent genera-
tion, the kingdom was a force on par
with Impiltur.
Damara maintained strong trade rela-
tions with the city-states along the
Moonsea and along all the reaches of
the Sea of Fallen Stars. The narrow gap
between Rawlinswood and the south-
ern expanse of the Earthspurs is still
known as Merchants Run, though few
merchants use it today.
At the height of Damaras glory, long
caravans of merchants transported
chalcedony down this pass to the for-
tress of Ilmwatch along the Easting
Reach. They were welcomed and even
protected by the legions of Impiltur.
Fortified by brigades of Impilturian sol-
diers, the Damaran merchants then
crossed through the Traders Bay region
and into the great port of Sarshel. Ships
from Thesk and all the nations floating
vessels on the the Sea of Fallen Stars
met the merchants with open arms and
open purses.
A second trade route, shorter but
more difficult, carried the precious
stone through Bloodstone Pass, the only
sensible trail through the mighty Ga-
lenas. From there, the stone went to
points north and west. Because it
crossed through the wilds of Vaasa and
through the Earthspur Mountains
along Garumns Climb, this route was
not preferred. But Garumns Climb has
proven invaluable to Sembia and the
city-states on the Moonsea, especially in
times of heavy pirate activity, or on
such occasions as when the Moonsea
was cut off from the main waterway by
a particularly nasty dragon turtle, as
happened a few decades ago.
The bloodstone was traded in bars,
each measured at 25 gold pieces in
value. The crest of a Damaran noble
house marked every bar, and on the op-
posite side was the year in Damaran
reckoning. Nearly 1,000,000 gold pieces
worth of the stone was taken annually
from the mines in the Galenas alone.
Particularly rich was the small region
surrounding Bloodstone Pass, aptly
named the Barony of Bloodstone. This
annual yield of raw wealth more than
kept the interest of merchants and
speculators, and therefore the crafts-
men, farmers, and ordinary folk of Da-
mara lived quite well.
Furthermore, Damara had little to
fear from its neighbors. Protected by
imposing natural boundaries, with the
noble houses united under the rule of a
single well-accepted king, there was lit-
tle cause for unrest. The king main-
tained an army only to protect the
caravans, and to defend the outlying ru-
ral communities from bands of raiding
goblins or other wretched creatures.
Certainly, the scattered tribes of Vaasa
could never unite or pose more than a
marginal threat. Peace was the norm,
and the expectation of future prosper-
ity, obvious.
Or so the Damarans thought. The
merchants could never have guessed
that the bloodstone bars would in time
be called cursed money, shunned by
all outside the region for fear that it
would bring to the user the same disas-
trous fate that befell Damara!
More hospitable is the land of Damara.
The hardy people of Damara get along
fairly well overall, but even so, deadly
winter takes its toll among the folk who
live here. Summer brings a short but
fruitful farming season. Game is plenti-
ful and the rivers tame enough to be use-
ful. Generally speaking, the lands south
and east of the Galenas provide a tolera-
ble life, if not a comfortable one.
Damaras northern border runs along
the Great Glacier, while the Earthspurs
demark most of Damaras western and
southern border. Impiltur is an impor-
tant neighbor around the southern tip
of this mighty mountain range.
Natural boundaries separate Damara
from Narfell to the east. Huge
Rawlinswood, the Giantspire Moun-
tains, and Icelace Lake have kept the
two nations further apart than their lit-
eral proximity would seem to indicate.
The Rise of the Witch-King
Barely twelve years ago, in FR1137, a
calamitous event in the wastes of Vaasa
rocked the stability of the entire region.
In a single night, the evil fortress Castle
Perilous arose on a lonely crag only 60
miles north of the Galenas and the Da-
maran border.
Out from this bastion of wickedness
stepped Zhengyi the Witch-King, a lich
of unspeakable powers. The Witch-
King claimed the sovereign powers of
the kingdom of Vaasa. Winning the cold
hearts of the countless goblins, orcs,
and giants living in the mountains, the
Witch-King pulled them all into his fold.
Zhengyi enlisted the aid of powerful
History of the
Bloodstone Lands
For centuries, the story of the Blood-
stone Lands was simply the story of Da-
mara. The cold wastes of Vaasa
attracted little attention from scholars
(or anyone else!) outside the mountain-
ous barricades of the region. The peo-
ple of Vaasa gathered in scattered
communities of hunters, trappers, and
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