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Maria couldn’t believe it, she had made the team

Maria couldn’t believe it, she had made the team. For months and months she had been practicing her shots. It had been hard work, but it had been worth it. She made the varsity team.


Team practice began the nest week. After getting ready, Maria walked out to practice and began to feel very nervous.  As a sophomore Maria was the youngest person on the team. Doubts began to form in her mind. Could she play with the older players?


The coached matched all of the players on the squad with a partner. Maria was matched with Julia, the second best player on the team.


Julia began to pick Maria apart. Every shot that Maria hit seemed to fly all over the court. With every missed shot Maria tried harder and harder. But Julia continued to beat her.


After practice Maria was sure that the coach would cut her from the team. She played that bad.


After returning home Maria rode her bike to the park and practiced all of her tennis shots for 3 hours. With every swing she tried harder, but her shots got worse and worse.


After 2 weeks of practice Maria still felt really nervous when she took the court. The coach would watch Maria, frown, write a few notes, and walk on to watch some one else. Finally the Coach said to Maria…


“Could you come to my office after practice.”


Maria knew what was coming she was off of the team. When she walked into Coach’s office he said..


“Maria what is wrong.”


Maria started crying…


“Coach I am sorry. I know I am off the team. I have been playing horribly.”


The Coach smiled and said.


“No Maria, you are still on the team. Once you are on, I do not get rid of anyone. You look like you are trying to hard. You can be a really great tennis player, but you have to relax.”


A smile started to form on Maria’s face. She was on the team. She finally realized that she could relax. The next day at practice Maria had fun and joked with her teammates. Her game was great. Her serves were blistering and she hit every return. By the end of the next season Maria was the best player on the team. She even won a state champion.




Have you ever felt like Maria?


What is something that you have really wanted?


What do you think Maria’s most admirable trait was?


Do you ever feel your self trying hard to feel valuable?


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