Instructions - Faith.pdf

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Faith instrx2.indd
Discover the Miracle of Trust
Guided by Kelly Howell: Theta Brainwave Frequencies and Music
Believe in your power and anything is possible. The power of faith is what miracles are made
of. Faith bridges the gap between mind and matter, between self and Higher Powers. Through
faith we have direct access to the source of creation, where beliefs become reality and needs are
met in extraordinary ways. In this inspiring audio, Kelly Howell guides a meditation that fi res the
imagination and empowers you to create the new vision of yourself – a vision of Cosmic Unity that
unlocks the secrets power hidden in the other 90% of your brain. The results are profound.
Clinically Proven Method
This program balances right and left hemispheres of the brain to produce the remarkable mental
state known as Hemispheric Synchronization. A special feature of Brain Sync technology is the
use of scientifi cally researched frequencies called Window Frequencies, which fi t through narrow
biological windows to impact the body at a cellular level. Listeners say they can actually feel their
meditation on a physical level, in rushes of positive energy and a fl ow of deep heartfelt emotions.
Cumulative benefi ts of meditation include: Improved ability to concentrate, increased creativity,
greater clarity of thought, enhanced access to emotions and heightened states of well being.
Instructions for Listening
Listen at a time when you will not be disturbed. Sit or lie comfortably with your spine straight.
This allows your natural channels of energy to open and flow freely. Close your eyes and breathe
slowly and deeply. For maximum long term benefits, listen daily for a period of six to eight weeks
– or after as needed.
To experience the brain optimizing effects of this program,
listen with headphones.
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