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table ofAontents
Introduction .................
Part I: An Overview of the Giantdo
es of Interest. ............... 30
Ancient History of the Downs .........
The Coming of Men. ................
The Giantdowns Today. ..............
Provinces of the Giantdowns ........
Neighbors of the Giantdowns ......
Part 11: Denizens of the Giantdown
Downs ..................... 43
the Giantdowns. .... 58
.................. 58
Rjurik Settlers ..................
The Emerald Spiral
Bandits and Reneg
The Army of the White Witch. ......
Other Peoples ....................
a ................. 59
en ................ 59
e .................. 61
of the Giant-King .............. 62
uiddar .................
ead ..................
Written I:.;F,i: Stark
Edited by C:+ie A. Bebris
Proofread by Sue Weinlein Cook
Creative Direction by Karen S. Boomgarden
Cover and Interior Art by Tony Szczudlo
Cartography by David C. Sutherland 111
Art Direction by Bob Galica
Page Backgrounds by Starr Mahoney
Graphic Design by Don Danowski
Typography by Nancy J. Kerkstra
Electronic Prepress Coordination by Dave Conant
Playtesting by Carrie A. Bebris, Anne Brown, Steven Brown, Miranda Homer, Duane Maxwell
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ISBN 0-7869-0719-3
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every hill, ready to slit the thma
Lars knew bettel: %e goods he
and ancient battlefields, disputing
s would make him enough money to wtnter tn co
name for himself
ing all right, old man?"
heaving, wounded man.
m but tossed the ivatersk
etting. In addition
he AD&Dmgame
MASTER* Guide,
e! What happened?"
gee shook his head
'ttribe! They attacke
ed-the Downs have
n a Dungeon Master (DM)needs to con
several adventures, or even a small cam
, in the Giantdowns. It includes description
provinces, people, and important places o
owns. The DM has plenty of room to fill i
is own details and create his own adventures, bu
t be mad. Besides,
employ of a blooded nonplayer character (NPC).
How can the PCs win the Giantdowns for them-
Lars knelt down and grabbed the man's arm. '
ing of the Giantdowns provides all t
and the mounds
C0.m f? g9-7-n
7 ight from the start, the DM should be
:> ??3~9
and harrows of the land are
filled with the rotting corpses of
armies that fell fighting amid the Downs. Ohv-
, thinking ahout a series of adventures
ously, the independent Rjurik, not to mention the
various hnmano;d ,ind giant hands of the region,
would resisi: an invasion.
The Giantdowns. thereforc, must be conquered
frrim within Any PCs interested in huilding a realm
0u.t of the \r~ildDowns must come to the region and
provc tliemselves to he hcrocs worthy oCregency.
They must impress the existing leaders of the Rjurik .
and win over or defeat those who might oppose them.
King of t,ie Giantdoww contains adventures and
background material the DM can use to construct a .
campaign directing the PCs toward rulership. The
sections of this hook detail the inhabitants of the .,
Downs, relevant sites and adventure locales, and
.rather than one adventure at a time.
Ex!? adventure should do something to move the
PCs closer to their goal of rulership (or farther
awas if they fail in their quests). The following
appyoach could he used as a model for a Giant-
downs campaign:
Introduce the PCs. The first adventure or two
shotr!d introduce the PCs to the Giantdowns. Even
if thc PCs are actually from the Downs, they proha-
hly xen'twell-knnxvn among the settlers and need
to establish themselves as heroes.
Good introductory adventurcs must he geared
some suggested adventures a DM can use to get a
toward the level of the adventuring party (usually
campaign started.
Each time the PCs undertake an adventure in the
Giantdowns, they should be thinking, "How can this
action make me a more impressive candidate for
regency of the Downs?"Even the purest adventurer.
one who quests only to fight evil and defend the
weak, should consider this an overall, obtainable goal.
The DM, likewise, has to think in these terms.
Whether he uses an adventure from this supple-
ment or creates one of his own using the NPCs,
low-level challenges) and toward interaction with
prominent NPCs. The 1'Cs should do something
important and dangerous, but thc most useful
thing ahout an introductory adventure is that it
puts the PCs in contact with a few of the area's
prominent people.
A good example of an introductory adventure is
"The Fall of Bjorlangen" (see "Part 11': Adventures
in the Giantdowns"). It contains enough action and
danger to keep the PCs' attention, while allowing
monsters, adventure sites. and situations presented
them to interact with some important peoplc and
,. ..,
in this hook, the DM has to allow the players to
huild their kingdom themselves.
make a few friends among the Rjurik settlers and
the Watch (an alliance of rangers and scouts that
.- ._
patrols the settled areas). The DM can easily mod-
ify the difficulty of this adventure to make it easy
enough for 1st-level PCs or challenging enough for
higher-level adventurers.
introduce the environment. The players should
be allowed to read all or some of "Part 1: An
Overview of the Giantdowns" either hefore or just
after their first few adventures. (Natives of the
Downs should get more information earlier than
non-natives.) 0; t!ie DM can present the informa-
tion from the ovemiew as he sees fit. I-lowever,the
PCs won't. truly know anything ahout the Downs
environment until they start moving around and
getting into trouble.
The DM should plan an adventure or two
designed to give the PCs a "feel" for the area. The
introductory adventure (see above) wil: do so to
some extcnt, of course, .but more adventures meant
to estahlish the environment could prove helpful.
"The Lore of thc Lencrotta" adventure allows the
PCs to explore the Downs and exposes them to a
few of the dangers they hold. Characters will learn
that the Downs are a beautiful place, full of rolling
hills and heather-covered fields, but that they hide
many dangers. Canny monsters and dangerous
traps lie in the Downs. and supernatural foes wait
not far away.
Establish the heroes. By the time the PCs
have gone on several adventures in the Downs,
they have probably met many of the important
people of the area, made friends with some com-
moners. and established a ''feel" for the region
without knowing everything ahout it. At this
point, they should actively start promoting them-
selves as heroes in the Downs.
To do this, they need more challenges. Charac-
ters who began their activities in the Downs region
are probably at or approaching mid-levcl by now
and can face some more impressive dangers. The
DW should try to challcnge them and set up some
setting up external and inter-
nal threats (a few of the prominent
Rjurik may not have the Giantdowns' best
interests at heart) and by placing the PCs squarely
on the bull's cye of any incoming trouble.
"The Raid on Rhuiddar" is an adventure that may
not profit the PCs personally, but they could under-
take it fnt the good of the Rjurik living in the Giant-
downs. "The Barrow of the Giant-King" adventure
does not involve a particular threat, hut gives the
PCs an opportunity to estahlish for themselves a
power ha5e in the r)owns region.
Continue adventures and plotlines. The DM
must work to estahlish continuing characters. sub-
plots, and overall goals for the PC party. While all
the adventures in the Downs can be encapsulated,
they should have effects that spill over into future
adventures, either presenting problems or yielding
benefits. The DM can use the large numher of
NPCs and detaile?. adventure sites to establish this
continuity, and {he scan exrloit .the PCs' own needs
and desires to this cnd.
Crown the kin?:. The road to regency will wind
and bend differently for each adventuring party.
The PCs (with the DM) must figure out for them-
selves how to estahlish onc of their number as
"King of the Giantmdowns" (and the others, if they
so choose, as vassals nr rulers of landless domains
within the Downs). But ideally, at some point the
PCs will have dealt with enough threats, performed
enough acts of heroism, and established enough
supporters and friends throughout the Downs to
make a bid for rulership.
e advenmre
7T deally, you as the DM will read through this
whole book and plan a long-term story arc for
your players. If, however, you don't have time
to i-ead everything beforehand, read through this
introduction. skim the overview in Part I, then skip
to the adventures in Part IV and choose one of the
early ones. "The Fall of Bjorlangen" and "The Lure
of thc Leucrotta" irr : ,-titular can he read in a few
minutes, and each re
parts of the hook yr.'
Later, when you .av: i ''2 :
' '-
of the liooli and pvi ':e4
the defexze of the
Rjorik settlers. He
can do this hy
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