TSR 3125 Legend of the Hero-Kings.pdf

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mnds of the
Introduction., ................
.......................... 2
Blood Hungry.. ...............
.......................... 5
Double Dealing ...............
.......................... 16
Gathering of Heroes. ...........
.......................... 27
Heroes' Pride ...............
Terrible Awakening.. .........
....................... 50
The Horns of Droene .........
....................... 62
Dwarven Steel ..............
....................... 71
ATie of Troubles. ..........
....................... 89
Poor Relations ..............
....................... 99
Fang of Kriesha .............
...................... 109
The Gift of Azrai ............
...................... 130
...................... 150
&pendix: Out of the Ivory Towe
Cartography by E amd C. Sutherland 111
Electronic Yg repress Coordination by Dave Conant
Playtesting by Rich Baker, Carrie A. bebris, Karen S, Boomgard
Steve Brown, Dave Gross, Bruce Heard, Duane Maxwell, Kevin M
Bill Olmesdahl, Cindi M. Rice, Doug Stewart,Keith Strokm,
MANUAL is a trademark owned by TSR, Inc.
AU TSR characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by TSR Inc.
01996 TSR, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is protected under the coppight laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or
unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the expresswitten consent of TSR Inc. Made in the U,SA
Random House and its affiliated companieshave worldwide distribution rights in the book trade for English-language pducts of TSR, Inc.
Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distributed to the book and hobby trade in the United mgdom by TSR Ltd.
and the TSR logo are registered trademarks
TSR, Inc.
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ISBN 0-7869-0419-4
Interior Art by Alyce 0, and David Home
Art Direction by Bob Galica
Page Back ounds by Dee Barnett and Starr Mahoney
gaphic Desi by Don Danowski
T ography by Nancy J, Kerkstra
owned by TSR, Inc. MONSTROUS
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WOVM iear a
t itself in their quest
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interested in solving it themselves rather than
sending out lieutenantsor armies to take care of
the problem for them. Entice the players with
rumors of gold and glory. Threaten the PCs with
es if they do not quest for
lves. Make them want to come
ivory towers and get their own
running of their domains.
level party by increasing the level or number of
opponents, or by including a dangerous mon-
ster, awnshegh, or NPC as a “ringleader.”
The challenge of every legend summarizes
the action of the adventure and recommended
plot thread of the tale. Although the challenge
reads like a story already complete, the PCs
are expected to vary from the plot, creating
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