TSR 3104 Player's Secrets of Roesone.pdf

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elcome to Roesone, thc Black Barony.
Carved from d lawless frontier ody 80
years ago, Roewne is one of the
youngest states in Anuire. As ruler, you'll find that
Rocsone is surrounded by uncertain allies and dan-
rous enemies. Plots and intrigues creep through
e halls of your very court, and shadowed powers
e moving against you. It'll take strength, guile,
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d determination to keep your crown on your
he dornam
ead, and your head on your shoulders.
wha* you need TO play
This accessory is designed for use with the
campaign setting. You or your
Dungeon Master should have the BIRTHRIGHT
boxed set. You will also fmd the Player's Handbook
and the DUNGEON
MAST& Guide to be very useful.
However, much of the material in this book can be
used in any campaign setting to add color and detail
to a small kingdom.
Overview of Roesone
*o use this
omain sourcebooh
is assumed that if you have purchased this prod-
, you are planning to play a regent character
se domain is Roesone, in the southern coast-
lands of Anuire. This book explores your realm in
detail, providing you with information about the
people, towns, and sites of interest.
You should feel free to ignore or alter any mater-
ial that you don't think is appropriate for your char-
acter's domain. For example, if you have
ereated the rest of your character's family
want him to have any living relatives, yo
feel free to disregard the information that appe
under House Roesone later in this book.
Once you've read through this sourcebook, pass
t to your Dungeon Master and tell him what you
ant to keep or change about your kingdom. If
e going to greatly strengthen Roesone or
set the campaign's balance of power, your DM
s the right to say no. This is also a good way for
M to see what's important to your character
set up adventures for your PC.
Even if you choose not to play a regent, there are
still many opportunities for player characters in
Roesone. Nobles, servants in service to the baron
diers all make interesting characters. Some-
times it's good not to be the king, but to be one of
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&rial or mk
contained herein is p&td
pithovt the ewma
the people who keeps &e kingdom -ing!
ten permission of TSR, loc.
ave heard nothing from the Spider. The crea
silent, as always. Some of your bolder sub
e rise of Anuire. and I
'ently perish now. The
your response. Undoubtedly, the patriarch has
more on his mind than words of comfort. Medoere
has been a very useful ally for s&al
Sanding 88 they do between,you and Diem@,$'
oesone. You are the recognized lord of this land,
aries' swords.
'the great castle of Hlackto
owns a great deal of land whish youcould ,ell t
aseif voo fourid vhrftelfin fkancinistraits.
t.i:hcd. d floorplan of the expanded castle Rlac
ucr, and d gr'nedop. af the Housr Koesone. 'lh
e\t oi this dKumenr xntdin> usrful information
n the histon of the realm. the places and
eoplc oiyoiir domain. and individuals of 1101
tr,iti~nof lau .ind taxation
u1 jour domain. Please Ict
In these ancient times, the Sid
les) held these lands. Their c
dcpopulatcd and laid tu ruin. The
what is now called the Erebannien. Presumably
there were wars and great deeds that took place
thousands of vcars before any oithe six tribes set
foot in this land.
13s the year 120 hlK, these lands ucre home to scat-
tered villages, irseholds, and bands of outlaws.
Diemud no longer had the strcngrh to hold the
lands. dithough they were still Dieman in name. A
wcre of a darkcr nature than the
golden glades of the elvenwopd.
These lands were part of the Spi-
derfell, rulcd by a fierce gohlin-
lord. The goblins were a greatcr
-;than bandit captains who com-
nynded a few dozen thugs. One
. pfthese, a scoundrel and cutthroat
named Rocbone. controlled a
mion of the province Caercas
His son, Daen besoi
Daen Roebone's earlv life is not well document.
the :\ndu. :le.ircd .md \ettlcd mu;h of thr !;uuthcrn
'nasi. iron1 11,s mouth ot'tllc >fJc>il to th.: retrc.it*
g borders of the 1:rehdnnieii.
lrom time to time. thc garhlin, of the Spiderlord
nd thc Dsrctha sertlerr ~la~hsd
and Roesone used his rnusde to pacify the lo,
lordlings ofCaercas. Within-awter of months, t..-
pmvince was brought undwhis'control. Roe%one
hadoriginally intended to $&nply secure the landb
held by his father. hut ashe did so he realized that
the entire re@on,was inillre need of one law and
one ruler. Over the next four years, Daen Rocsone's
armies brought order to the land at the point of a
in fier;? b,ittie>
)ugh1 undsr the exe, ut the Spidcriell. flut lk%-
iaar \\'a> Jpproaihing. and the day imts that th
ere ,ummtinzd hy Koele. 1'rin:t of tb
51 perished .it Dei
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