Ace in the Hole (1951) DVDRip CD1.txt

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{2800}{2885}-[Trolley Bell Clanging]|- [Man] Hey. Pull upat the corner.
{3200}{3247}Wait here.
{3450}{3497}Good afternoon, sir.
{4214}{4290}- [ Bell Dings ]|- Yes?
{4293}{4384}I'd like to see the boss.|What'd you say his name is?
{4386}{4444}- I didn't say.|- Cagey, huh?
{4446}{4508}Mr. Boot is the owner and publisher.
{4510}{4587}Okay. Tell Mr. Boot|Mr. Tatum would like to see him.
{4590}{4648}Charles Tatum from New York.
{4650}{4704}What about?
{4706}{4813}Look, fan, just ask him how would he like|to make himself a fast $200 a week.
{4815}{4886}What did you say you were selling -|insurance?
{4888}{4935}I didn't say.
{4938}{4985}Cagey, huh?
{5198}{5245}[ Bell Dings ]
{5578}{5644}Now, isn't that something?|Who said it?
{5646}{5753}-Well, Mr. Boot said it, but I did the needlework.|- Oh.
{5755}{5825}- Okay.|- I wish I could coin 'em like that.
{5827}{5876}Ifl ever do, would you|embroider it for me?
{6014}{6059}- Mr. Tatum?|- Yes, sir.
{6062}{6145}- Go ahead. What is it?|- Well, Mr. Boot,|I was passing through Albuquerque.
{6148}{6215}Had breakfast here.|Read your paper.
{6218}{6277}- Thought you might be interested in my reaction.|- You bet I am.
{6279}{6354}Well, sir, it made me throw up.
{6357}{6423}I don't wantyou to think|I expected the New York Times.
{6426}{6495}But even for Albuquerque,|this is pretty Albuquerque.
{6498}{6545}All right.|Here's your nickel back.
{6547}{6611}Now, what's all this|about my making $200 a week?
{6614}{6673}- Apparently, you're not familiarwith my name.|- Can't say that I am.
{6675}{6725}That's becauseyou don't get|the Eastern papers out here.
{6728}{6800}I thought once in a while somebody|would toss one out ofthe Super Chief...
{6802}{6853}and you might have seen my byline.
{6856}{6941}Charles Tatum?|Worked New York, Chicago, Detroit -
{6944}{7016}- What about the 200?|- I was coming to that.
{7062}{7140}Mr. Boot, I'm a $250-a-week|newspaperman.
{7142}{7208}- I can be had for 50.|- Why areyou so good to me?
{7210}{7267}I know newspapers|backward, forward and sideways.
{7270}{7332}I can write 'em, edit 'em,|print 'em, wrap 'em and sell 'em.
{7334}{7410}- Don't need anybody right now.|- I can handle big news and little news.
{7413}{7484}And ifthere's no news,|I'll go out and bite a dog.
{7537}{7621}- Make it 45.|- What makes you so cheap?
{7624}{7730}A fair question, considering I've been|top man wherever I've worked.
{7732}{7791}You'll be glad to know|that I've been fired from 1 1 papers...
{7794}{7851}with a total circulation|of seven million -
{7854}{7901}for reasons with which|I don't want to boreyou.
{7904}{7962}Go ahead. Bore me.
{8062}{8148}I'm a pretty good liar.|I've done a lot oflying in my time.
{8150}{8222}I've lied to men whowear belts.|I've lied to men whowear suspenders.
{8224}{8282}But I'd never be so stupid|as to lie to a man...
{8284}{8330}who wears both belt and suspenders.
{8332}{8417}- How's that again?|- You strike me as a cautious man -
{8419}{8481}a man who checks and double-checks.
{8484}{8534}So I'll tell you why I was fired.
{8537}{8596}In New York,|a story of mine brought on a libel suit.
{8599}{8687}In Chicago, I started something|with the publisher's wife.
{8690}{8745}In Detroit, I was caught|drinking out ofseason.
{8747}{8818}- In Cleveland -|- I get the picture.
{8820}{8902}Now then, I find myself|in Albuquerquewith no money...
{8905}{8986}a burnt-out bearing, bad tires|and a lousy reputation.
{8989}{9037}Bad tires can be dangerous.
{9040}{9095}I have only one chance|to get backwhere I belong -
{9098}{9153}to land a job|on a small-town paper likeyours...
{9155}{9231}and wait and hope and pray|for something big to break-
{9234}{9281}something I can latch onto...
{9283}{9363}something the wire services|will gobble up and yell for more.
{9366}{9421}Just one good beat -|a Tatum special -
{9424}{9493}and they'll roll out the red carpet.
{9495}{9581}'Cause when they need you,|they forgive and forget.
{9583}{9678}But until then, Mr. Boot, you'll get yourself|the best newspaperman you ever had.
{9706}{9758}At 40 per.|When do I start?
{9761}{9808}Don't push.
{9810}{9883}- I hope I haven't scared you off.|- Well, I don't know.
{9886}{9953}I'm not afraid of a libel suit,|because I'm a lawyer myself.
{9956}{10003}Check and double-check|everyword I print.
{10006}{10051}Sure. Belt and suspenders.
{10054}{10147}About that publisher's wife -You should|know Mrs. Boot is a grandmother three times.
{10150}{10224}Ifyou wanna start something with her,|she'd be very flattered.
{10226}{10274}As for drinking - Doyou drink a lot?
{10276}{10323}Not a lot.|Just frequently.
{10326}{10390}We have a shop rule here.|No liquor on the premises.
{10393}{10456}- Uh, how about smoking?|- Of course.
{10458}{10527}And, uh, I pay 60 a week in this shop.
{10554}{10614}I'll take it.
{10664}{10717}- Where's my desk?|- The one by the door.
{10719}{10770}You may be outta here by Saturday.
{10809}{10856}The sooner the better.
{10972}{11025}[ Typing]
{11511}{11583}Thanks, Geronimo.|Take these over to the engraver's.
{11610}{11680}- What's this mess?|- They haven't got any chopped chicken liver.
{11682}{11745}- I brought you some chicken tacos.|- Chicken tacos?
{11748}{11795}They're not gonna chop the livers|anymore foryou.
{11798}{11867}Nobody else'll buy them.|And no more garlic pickles.
{11950}{12022}When the history|ofthis sunbaked Siberia is written...
{12025}{12092}these shameful words|will live in infamy:
{12094}{12142}"No chopped chicken liver."'
{12201}{12273}No garlic pickles.
{12275}{12363}No Lindy's.|No Madison Square Garden.
{12366}{12413}No Yogi Berra.
{12443}{12499}What doyou know about Yogi Berra,|Miss Deverich?
{12502}{12553}- I beg your pardon?|- Yogi Berra!
{12556}{12629}Yogi? Why, it's a sort|of religion, isn't it?
{12632}{12723}You bet it is - a belief|in the New YorkYankees.
{12753}{12812}You know what's wrong|with New Mexico, Mr. Wendell?
{12814}{12881}Too much outdoors.
{12883}{12931}Give me those eight spindly trees...
{12934}{12989}in front of Rockefeller Center any day.
{12992}{13060}That's enough outdoors for me.
{13062}{13149}No subways smelling sweet-sour.
{13186}{13251}[ Shouting ]|What doyou use for noise around here?
{13254}{13313}No beautiful roar|from eight million ants -
{13315}{13363}fighting, cursing, loving.
{13400}{13466}No shows.|No South Pacifiic.
{13491}{13583}No chic little dames|across a crowded bar.
{13611}{13658}And worst of all, Herbie...
{13660}{13730}no 80th floor to jump from|when you feel like it.
{13733}{13803}Is this one ofyour|long-playing records, Chuck?
{13806}{13853}Let's hear the other side.
{13880}{13950}All right.|I'll play it foryou.
{13953}{14061}When I came here, I thought this was|gonna be a 30-day stretch, maybe 60.
{14064}{14111}Now it's a year.
{14114}{14161}It looks like a life sentence.
{14163}{14256}Where is it?|Where's the loaf ofbread with a file in it?
{14258}{14327}Where's that big story|to get me outta here?
{14358}{14421}Oneyear, and what's our hot news?
{14424}{14471}A soapbox derby.
{14496}{14597}A tornado - that double-crossed us|and went to Texas.
{14599}{14673}An old goofwho said he was|the real Jesse James -
{14676}{14731}until they found out he was|a chicken thieffrom Gallup...
{14734}{14804}by the name of, uh,|Schimmelmacher.
{14834}{14928}I'm stuck here, fans.|Stuck for good.
{14970}{15016}Unless, of course, you -
{15018}{15111}Miss Deverich,|instead ofwriting household hints...
{15114}{15184}about how to remove|chili stains from blue jeans...
{15186}{15245}getyourselfinvolved|in a trunk murder.
{15271}{15323}How about it, Miss Deverich?
{15326}{15411}I could do wonders|with your dismembered body.
{15414}{15461}Oh, Mr. Tatum. Really.
{15463}{15509}[ Growls ]
{15549}{15605}Oryou, Mr. Wendell.
{15608}{15679}Ifyou'd only toss that cigar|out ofthe window -
{15682}{15795}real far, all the way|to Los Alamos -
{15798}{15846}And boom!
{15849}{15909}[ Chuckles ]|Now there would be a story.
{15953}{16024}I told you no liquor in the office.
{16026}{16074}I thought I could trust you.
{16076}{16145}What a suspicious nature|you have, Mr. Boot.
{16211}{16258}Pretty, isn't it?
{16261}{16334}I make those things every night when|I go home, out of matches and toothpicks.
{16337}{16401}- It calms my nerves.|- [ Chuckles ]
{16404}{16454}Sorry, Tatum.
{16457}{16519}- Maybeyou do need a change.|- Do I.
{16522}{16614}And I got news foryou. You're going|out oftown for a couple of days.
{16617}{16685}- How far and in what direction?|- Los Barrios County.
{16687}{16751}They're having a rattlesnake hunt,|and I wantyou to cover it.
{16754}{16804}- A rattlesnake hunt?|- That's right.
{16806}{16872}And take Herbie along.|Let's get some art.
{16874}{16961}A rattlesnake hunt.|Well, isn't that ginger-peachy?
{16963}{17018}A real "stop the press,"|"pull out the front page"...
{17021}{17068}"get ready to replate" assignment.
{17070}{17118}Have a nice time, Chuck.|See the country.
{17120}{17175}And don't worry.|I'll put the paper to bed.
{17244}{17328}Well, it looks like we're starting|our second yearwith a real bang.
{17362}{17410}Okay, fan, pack up.
{17643}{17733}You know, this could be a pretty good story,|Chuck. Don't sell it short.
{17735}{17788}It's quite a sight -|a thousand rattlers in the underbrush...
{17790}{17853}and a lot of men smoking them out|and bashing in their heads.
{17856}{17949}Big deal. A thousand rattlers|in the underbrush.
{18007}{18082}Give me just 50 ofthem|loose in Albuquerque.
{18107}{18166}Like that leopard in Oklahoma City.
{18168}{18220}Thewhole town in panic.
{18222}{18305}Deserted streets.|Barricaded houses.
{18308}{18364}They're evacua...
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