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Thief III: Deadly Shadows (2004)

Kompozytor: Eric Brosius

Lista utworów:
01. The Blue Heron Inn 	3:05 	
02. Rutherford Castle 	6:09 	
03. South Quarter 	4:12 	
04. Pavelock Prison 	2:00 	
05. Stonemarket 	2:12 	
06. The Hammers 	2:41 	
07. The Pagans  	4:42 	
08. The Keeper Library 	4:16 	
09. The Docks   	3:55 	
10. The Kurshok Citadel 3:29 	
11. The Overlook Manse 	5:07 	
12. The Clocktower 	5:21 	
13. Old Quarter 	4:17 	
14. Auldale 	        5:22 	
15. Shalebridge Cradle 	6:07 	
16. Wieldstrom Museum 	5:10 	
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