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Jesuit (Circa 2000 AD)
by William Bolton
Copyright (c)2003 by William Bolton
NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original
purchaser. Duplication or distribution of this work by email, floppy disk,
network, paper print out, or any other method is a violation of international
copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines and/or imprisonment.
NOTE: Each section is preceded by a line of the pattern CH000, CH001,
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CH000 *Acknowledgements.*
The characters in this book are entirely fictitious and not based in
any way on any person, living or dead. Any resemblance to any person, living
or dead, is purely coincidental and should not be regarded as any person's
real character or activities.
Some of the place names are real but the events depicted in this book
do not imply that any such action or occurrence took place there.
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No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, electrostatic,
magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
permission, in writing from the publishers and/or the author.
As always, I must first thank my wife, Jean, for her ever-enduring
patience as I wrote this novel. I spent many daily hours working on it and
hogging the phone line with my PC, leaving her to sit alone.
I must also thank Karen for proofreading, pointing out my mistakes and
giving me the benefit of her honest opinions.
The continuing support of my e-book publisher, Mikel Classen, is fully
appreciated and I can recommend his Website at netbound books.com , where many
excellent novels by amateur and established writers can be found.
Thank you all.
William Bolton
The first body to be found is that of a pretty ten-year-old girl.
The way she died is a mystery, the bloodstream being full of Opium.
The girl has not been sexually assaulted and there are no signs of a
Detective Inspector Graham Sampler of the Metropolitan Police force has
the task of solving the case, which becomes even more bizarre as further
murders are committed and these are not confined to children.
During the lengthy investigation, he crosses paths with a mysterious
Jesuit priest, Brother Ignatious Saviour. Brother Saviour is a truly
remarkable man who has suffered hardship and terror in the jungles of the
Amazon and who is now on a holy mission commissioned by the Pontiff.
He exerts strange and baffling powers and his influence on the
investigation brings Sampler to a decision he has to reach -- the most awful
and horrifying decision a person can be called upon to make.
Even at the tender age of ten, it was obvious to all who saw her that
Kylie Johnson would grow into a beautiful woman. To those who knew her, a
beautiful disposition would be added to the accolade.
The girl's healthy, dark hair cascaded around a pear shaped face in
gently waving pincers ending just below the chin. The lips were already
becoming full, the teeth perfectly white and even.
Kylie's eyes, an enchanting cornflower blue, stared unblinkingly at the
clear, early summer sky as an occasional cotton-wool cloud eased its way
sleepily across the expanse, reflecting in the glass-like iris.
She was positioned on her back in the warm grass of the meadow, white
daises and yellow buttercups swaying in haphazard patterns in the whisper of a
breeze. The red of an occasional poppy could also be noticed oscillating in
its delicate majesty. A short distance from the town of Watford, in
Hertfordshire, it seemed a million miles away from the rush and bustle of any
One of Kylie's legs was outstretched, whilst the other bent at the knee
causing the dress to fall back and expose the full extent of her flawless
Kylie had always loved this dress; it was her favorite. It fitted to
her blossoming frame, ending an inch above the knee. The white of the dress
was patterned with scores of butterflies; blue, red, purple, yellow, brown.
The small blue was the one she liked best -- a Common Blue
(Polyommatus Icarus). She didn't know its common name, let alone the Latin.
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Didn't need to, enough that it was pretty and she liked it.
As if to compliment the design, a real-life, Green Veined White
(Oragala Daps), settled on the dress, its wings opening and closing in neutral
mode, the antennae probing all directions.
As Kylie lay in the pleasant June warmth, an ugly, squat bluebottle fly
buzzed by. It first zigzagged over her head to a point a few feet beyond and
then returned as though retrieving something mislaid. Landing next to Kylie's
left eye, the ugly insect began to check its surroundings for any possible
danger. Being satisfied, it walked jerkily over to the sweet wetness of the
human eyeball. Another pause and then it walked onto the beautiful eye. Kylie
didn't bother to brush it away.
Dead people do not brush away flies.
Detective Inspector Graham Sampler was feeling irritable. Before
setting out for work this morning, he had grumbled at his wife, Bethany, for,
of all things, the milk on his Shredded Wheat being too cool! In all their
nine years of marriage, he had never complained about anything she did for
him; she would have had every right to tell him to do it himself in future.
The complaint was petty, he knew, and pettiness was not one of his
vices. It was this case. It was getting to him.
The death of a young girl, the _murder_ of a young girl, was deeply
worrying. Ten years old with her life in front of her and, by all accounts, a
happy, friendly child, always anxious to please. Her parents adored her and
her schoolteachers delighted in her.
Even at that age, she had been an attraction to many boys, from the age
of eight at the lower end to sixteen at the top of the scale. She had been a
very pretty child.
Her prettiness was of no consequence to the investigation; a murder
requires the fullest, most thorough enquiry no matter who the victim or what
the status. But a child? That did evoke strong emotions amongst any
investigating officer, no matter how professional he or she may be.
Sampler was a father himself. He had a son, Nathaniel, aged five, who
was attending primary school and showing all the cockiness and worldly
knowledge befitting a person so mature. Nathaniel wanted to be a policeman
like his dad, when he grew up. Or was it a Fireman ... or a Doctor ... or, yet
still, was it an Action Man? It depended largely on what television program he
was interested in at the time.
So, as a parent, Sampler could sympathize with the emotions the dead
girl's family were experiencing. He quietly vowed to solve this particular
crime, come what may.
Sampler had been pushed into a role, by a high-powered police "think
tank," of investigating the more puzzling murders wherever they may occur
within a sixty-mile radius of London. Lack of resources in general in the
police force, meant that local police teams had difficulty in spending
sufficient time on solving serious crimes in their area, leaving too many
unsolved and thus causing unrest among the public. All credit should be
allowed for the many that were solved, given the restricted resources, but Joe
Public was not the most tolerant.
It had therefore been decided that a designated Detective Inspector of
proven quality from the Metropolitan Police Force at Scotland Yard, should be
appointed to take on such cases and have the authority to select a small team
of men, not more than four, to assist. Sampler had been the one chosen and he
had decided to choose just one assistant, the very able Detective Sergeant
Clive Miller. The present case had been immediately identified as one that
would drain the valuable finances allotted to the local force.
The autopsy had produced little of value, although DNA samples had been
found and analyzed, from a single stray hair that had been discovered on the
dress and shown not to belong to Kylie. There was nothing unusual in the DNA
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strands; a common strain that could be matched -- if the killer was ever
apprehended and tested.
A large amount of opium had been found in the victim's bloodstream and
it was ascertained that that was the cause of death. How did it get there? No
one believed the child had administered it to herself, and there were no
traces at all on the body.
A thorough examination had been carried out but the only punctures
found had been those administered by vaccination prior to a recent holiday
with her parents, to South Africa.
Even signs of a struggle had been missing from the scene. Signs of
activity were evident by flattened grass around the body, showing that two
people had been there at the time but nothing to show a fight had taken place.
Everything seemed to be in neat order, as if the victim had willingly complied
with her attacker. Normally in such crimes, particles of human hair, skin, or
blood even, could be discovered under the fingernails but not in this case.
The one hair on the dress may yet prove vital but it had led to no known
criminal. The whole thing was a complete puzzle.
Sampler read and re-read the statements obtained from parents,
teachers, friends, relatives and the local priest, Father Cobb.
He could find nothing that offered help. Most confirmed the general
opinion of the tragic victim and no one had a bad word to say about her. Her
school friends were all very fond of her and, unusually, there appeared to be
no jealousy harbored by any.
Relatives, especially males, had been closely interviewed and privately
investigated. Apart from the occasional petty theft or motor offences, all
were clean. None had a sexual history, nor were there any signs of illegal
pornography hidden away. Searches had been permitted to all their homes,
garden sheds, garages and places of work but they had yielded nothing. Sampler
had much to do.
The deep misery that pervaded the home of Hugo and Philippa Johnson was
a living thing; like a thick fog, to be swept aside if movement was required.
A week had passed since Kylie's funeral and the home was a shell
without her bubbly presence. The couple had blamed themselves, unreasonably,
for allowing Kylie to go out on that day. She had wanted to go into the nearby
meadow to enjoy the sunshine and pick some wild flowers. Just because this was
a nice, quiet village where crime was rarely a factor, they felt their guard
should still have been raised. How often was it reported in the Nationals that
this child, or that child, had been abducted and found some time later,
horribly murdered? It was never one's own child that was in danger, always
someone else's. Everyone felt deep sympathy for the parents and the victim but
still, it wasn't in one's own family.
Hugo and Philippa never blamed each other, at least, and they would
come to realize that no blame could be attached to them as a unit.
The funeral, through the anguish and upset, was quite beautiful. The
vicar, Reverend Michael Gutteridge, had pronounced such lovely, meaningful
words, attempting to give hope and some understanding of God's will. The
strains of "Morning Has Broken," had floated softly over the congregation,
causing men and women alike, to sob. Kylie's uncle, Hugo's brother, had read
out with breaking voice, the emotional words of "Steps." The sobbing then
became more prolonged and audible.
When Philippa threw a single red rose onto her daughter's coffin, she
had felt like leaping on top of it and letting the gravediggers cover her too.
She had wanted to bury Kylie in the dress she wore on that fateful day but the
police would not release it. It had become a piece of evidence. Instead, she
had been buried in her school uniform with the addition of an enamel butterfly
brooch attached to a lapel. It was a small blue butterfly, a Polyommatus
Icarus -Common Blue. And Kylie would now never know the Latin name.
After the service, the vicar had suggested they have a visit from a
person who had just arrived in the village. The man was a Jesuit priest,
Brother Saviour, and he came highly recommended by the nearby Catholic clergy.
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Although the Johnsons were of the Church of England faith, in these days of
closer liaison, the vicar had no hesitation in extending the hand of
friendship and he thought it might be a good idea that the couple accepts the
* * * *
Brother Saviour was due at any time now. Philippa had had her misgivings and
wasn't really in the right frame of mind for religious instruction, especially
from a man who represented teachings that were alien to her. More than once,
she had picked up the phone to ask Reverend Gutteridge to cancel the
appointment, but each time she had wavered and put the phone down again.
A knock at the door jolted her from the miserable thoughts once more
beginning to take over and she rose from her chair to answer it. Her husband,
Hugo, moved ahead, forcing his way through the invisible fog and grasped the
door handle.
The cottage, in which the couple lived, was in a small rural area and
was one of several similar buildings all placed in haphazard fashion, roughly
fifty yards apart from each other. The picture they depicted was of a typical
English village, with their thickly thatched roofs, white or pale-blue painted
fronts, covered in various varieties of Ivy, Clematis and such, and surrounded
by spacious gardens clad in dozens of colorful flowers. Each was enclosed in
either a timber paling fence or a small brick wall, again painted in the color
of the house frontage.
The only concession to modernization had been the introduction of
double-glazing in larger than the original windows. The frames, though, were
constructed from solid timber to give a traditional appearance.
Hugo opened the door and, for an instant, became rooted to the spot.
The man who stood inside the thatched porch transmitted a feeling of awe; not
dread, but humility, as if it were God Himself standing there.
It took several seconds for Hugo to find his voice. "You will be
Brother Saviour," he said reverently, his knees automatically starting to
bend. He recovered quickly, hoping the slight movement had not been noticed.
"Come in."
"Thank you, my son," said the figure in an evenly modulated voice, as
he stepped past Hugo and into the small passage. He walked confidently into
the front room as though he was familiar with the house, yet this being his
first visit. Hugo followed at a respectful distance.
As he breezed in, Philippa took a step forward to greet the stranger.
She stopped in her tracks, seeing the fog of depression literally evaporate as
though it were a tangible thing. Her mouth drooped and her eyes widened. God
had just entered! Instinctively, she dropped to her knees before him, her head
bowed and her hands clasped as in prayer.
Brother Saviour put a hand on her head and spoke softly. "Please,
Philippa, stand up." He placed his hands beneath her elbows to assist. "No
need for formality. I come to you as a friend; to help; to bring God with me.
Please. Stand."
Philippa got to her feet, instantly feeling rather foolish. Hugo came
alongside and placed an arm around her shoulders. They both stepped back from
the priest, still somewhat in awe of him. The man was not at all as they had
expected. They were envisioning a monk-like figure, late in life, clothed in a
brown, woolen habit, full of seriousness and religion.
This man, however, was around 36 years of age, just over six feet in
height, average build, suntanned of appearance, clean shaven with startling
blue eyes; eyes that showed humor, excitement and kindness. The mouth, in
contrast, was a little thin and made one think that a cruel streak could be
hidden somewhere in there.
Surprisingly, he was dressed in modern gear: an expensive-looking
cotton tee-shirt, light gray in color with a small 'Sacred Heart' motif high
on the left breast, a fawn shade of cotton trousers, and wearing Reebok
trainers! Even so, through all the modern appearance, the aura of God exuded
from him. It was uncanny.
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