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                                        RINGS OF THE MEDUSA

Typed by ???  Edited by PARASITE.

        The player acts as the son of the king, on an unknown planet. The
country flourishes and thrives, life goes on very calmly. But one day the
situation changes.  The people get more and more controlled by and evil
force. Revolutions and wars arise. The formerly united kingdom divides.
Finally, the old king finds out that a goddess called "Medusa" tries to
control the people from out of the underworld, in order to conquer and
rule the entire world with her army from hell.

        The player who takes the role of the prince is forced to stop
Medusa's advance and to reunite the split kingdom. To reach that, he must
fight against the goddess Medusa and defeat her again. As the opponent is
a goddess, the player is not able to find her anywhere in the country.
He can only call her when he finds 5 rings, puts them together in a
temple and forces Medusa to face a fight.  The basic task is therefore
the search for the 5 rings.  Unfortunately the king has very little
energy, and so the starting conditions for his son do not look very
good. First he has to earn some money to afford an army which is
necessary to find the rings. This causes more problems, which the player
realizes and includes in the
course of the game.

        The player has severe financial problems, which means that he
first must collect some money. There are several possibilities:

     -Attack caravans
     -Conquer towns and plunder the treasuries
     -Search for raw materials, find and exploit
     -find the kings treasures
     -Gamble in the casino

     On each screen, there is an information bar and an options menu.

notices, (e.g. the coordinates of an island).

Buying:  Serves to buy combination with buying or selling, i.e. all
possible articles are bought or sold.  Position of the switch is visible
on the mouse pointer.  Switch off by clicking on MAXIMUM again.

Door:   Serves in most cases to leave special situations or places.

OK:     To answer a question, player clicks on here, if the question
shall be answered with a "yes" (e.g. Enter Town XYZ ?).

Retreat: Serves to call back the selection unit in the fighting screen.

Attack: Make unit attack in the fighting screen.  Otherwise attack in
general (e.g. of a town, bankor a castle) .

Increase:  Serves to adjust the speed in the fighting screen, in which
the fight takes places. Also a possibility while adjusting the money
value during NEGOTIATIONS ( see below)

Search:  Send out scouts to search for raw materials or treasure.

Restore:  Serves to restore a saved game. Only possible in a town.

Town information:  Give you information about the town you are in.

Sell:   With this function, the player can sell his goods. Also in
connection with MAXIMUN.

More goods:  Helps you to ssearch inside the WAREHOUSE.

Treasure:  Shows you the known coordinates of a treasure visually.

Not Okay:  Like OKAY, helps you to answer question. Here it serves as a

Negotiations:  During the fight you can make negotiations to avoid an
armed conflict whenever possible.

Decrease:  Opposite of INCREASE.

Mine"   You can open a mine.

Furthermore, there is as information field in the center of the menu, in
which you can adjust or read special things.  There is also a green
button in the upper left corner of the field,. which makes the field
rotate.  Synchronization and effects can be switched on and off here.

( Also see the short description in Appendix A)

     The program can be divided up into three parts:
Landscape, Town and Fight.

In the landscape, the player can ride from one town to the other, open
mines and find treasures. You have       to pay attention to the fact
that the player cannot ride over mountains. If the player is accompanied
by an army, he has to make sure his soldiers receive their money on the
first day of each month. The player therefore always should have enough
money with him, so that he can pay for  his army. The money which the
player has on his account cannot be used for paying the soldiers' wages.

Furthermore, there are two dangerous places for the army:

a.      On the one hand the swamp, in which the players army sinks when
he does have enough magicians with him who protect his army. Each
magician is able to protect about 100 soldiers in the swamp.

b.      The same goes for the enchanted forest, except for the fact that
each magician can only protect 50 soldiers.

When he crosses the landscape, the player further must consider the fact
that there are also some caravans travelling around and that he could
possibly bump into these.
The player has the possibility of finding the enemy armies. This depends
on the number of scouts the player takes with him. The more scouts he
has, the bigger the radius in which he can see his enemies.
During the search radius decreases, as the search for these goods is much
more difficult than the search for armies.

But look out! During the search for raw materials or treasures, the
player can no longer move his army as he has to wait for the scouts.
Moreover, he is not able to see his enemies, as the scouts are being used
elsewhere and can no longer enlighten the enemy's territory.

If it should come to a fight during a phase of searching, the scouts are
also not at player's disposal. The player should nevertheless keep in
mind that the scout's wages must be paid.

If the player is lucky enough to find a treasure or raw materials, he
must open a mine To do that, he needs a capital of 30000 and a
transportation system can be bought in the warehouse under  the
designation "machine".

With the money and the machine, the player can open a mine (by going to
the place chosen by the scouts and select the function "MINES").

If he has not exactly hit the place named by the scouts, it is possible
that he missed the raw materials reserves. In this case, the mine reveals
soil and waste. If the player should now get the idea of filling his
wagons with soil and waste, If the player should get the corresponding
number of wagons, as nobody will be ready to buy the waste from him.

But if he has found a raw material, the will reaveal this material
incressantly, until the space in the storehouse is filled or the reserves
are exhaust ed.  Each storehouse has room for 300 units of any raw
material. The player has the possibility of building more storehouses,
which would of course result in further costs. But the mine would be
ready to reveal raw materials for a longer time. Moreover, the player
does not need to fetch the raw materials as often anymore, as the
production will not have to be ceased because of the overfilled
storehouses so soon.  It is also possible for the player, if he has more
machines with him, to build up too 3 conveyor towers per mine. This has
the advantage of increasing the amount of the haulage.

As the player is only allowed to own a maximum of 20 mines at one time
(because of the danger of a monopoly), he must under all circumstances
close exhausted mines, when he wants to open new ones.

If the player finds a treasure and wants to take it, he needs, like the
mine opening, 30000 capital and a transport system. In a treasure, there
can be a ring but also a certain amount of money. Both are surely
helpful to win the game.

Concerning the treasure, one can say the following things:

On the big continent, 2 of the searched rings are hidden in the
treasures. 2 more rings are in treasures on the islands and another ring
is hidden among an army which is to be defeated.

4.2     THE TOWN
IN town every player can buy or sell goods, gamble in the casino, buy
armies, go to the bank and so on.  All players options are placed in
separate, single houses.  If you want to enter a house, you just have to
click on the appropriate house.
In general it is an operation. A player can compare prices and make
decisions because the clock is stopped.

The harbor can just be found in towns situated at the sea or at rivers.
Here the player can do everything concerning a message, so that he can
pick it up in the town where it has been built.
Before he can go to sea with this ship he has to enlist sailors who steer
the ship.
The player has to enter the pub and enlist the sailors by offering money.
The more money he offers the more sailors will be interested in the job.

"Wages/month" are placed on the left hand of the screen. By clicking the
mouse pointer to the top or to the bottom the given value can be changed.
Underneath the player can see how many people are interested in the bid.
If the player offers 20 per month, for example, there might be five
people who are interested. If he enlist these five people, he has to pay
100 per month. If he offers again 20 per month there will be no one
interested, because every who wanted to work for 20 per month is already
enlisted. The wages have to be raised to 25 per month,for example. Then
there might be a new sailor who is interested in the jobs. If the player
has not enlisted the sailors for 20 per month, these sailors would be
interested in the jobs further on. It is important that the player only
enlist 3 of 7 interested sailors for a wage and then raise or lower the
wage, or even leaves the pub, so that the remaining sailors are
disappointed and leave the pub themselves. This means that they not to be
enlisted anymore.
On the right side of the printed form you can see how many sailors are
needed.>>NEEDED<<. From<<wages>> you know how much you have to pay for
the chosen ship per month.

Here the player can buy or sell goods. On the left hand side of the
screen you ca...
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