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By Gordon R. Dickson
DANGER -- HUMAN, Astounding December 1957, (c) 1957 by Street &
Smith Publications, Inc.
The spaceboat came down in the silence of perfect working
Order--down through the cool, dark night of a New Hampshire lute
spring. There was hardly any moon and the path emerging from the clump
of conifers and snaking its way across the dim pasture looked like a long
strip of pale cloth, carelessly dropped and forgotten there.
The two aliens checked the boat and stopped it, hovering, some fifty feet
above the pasture, and all but invisible against the low-lying clouds. Then
they set themselves to wait, their Woolly, bearlike forms settled on
haunches, their uniform belts glinting a little in the shielded light from the
instrument panel, talking now and then in desultory murmurs.
"It's not a bad place," said the one of junior rank, looking down at the
earth below.
"Why should it be?" answered the senior.
The junior did not answer. He shifted on his haunches.
"The babies are due soon," he said. "I just got a message."
"How many?" asked the senior.
"Three--the doctor thinks. That's not bad for a first birthing."
"My wife only had two."
"I know. You told me."
They fell silent for a few seconds. The spaceboat rocked almost
imperceptibly in the waters of night.
"Look--" said the junior, suddenly. "Here it comes, right on schedule."
The senior glanced overside. Down below, a tall, dark form had emerged
from the trees and was coming out along the path. A little beam of light
shone before him, terminating in a blob of illumination that danced along
the path ahead, lighting his way. The senior stiffened.
"Take controls," he said. The casualness had gone out of his voice. It
had become crisp, impersonal.
"Controls," answered the other, in the same emotionless voice.
"Take her down."
"Down it is."
The spaceboat dropped groundward. There was an odd sort of
soundless, lightless explosion--it was as if concussive wave had passed,
robbed of all effects but one. The figure dropped, the light rolling from its
grasp and losing its glow in a tangle of short grass. The spaceboat landed
and the two aliens got out.
In the dark night they loomed furrily above the still figure. It was that of
a lean, dark man in his early thirties, dressed in clean, much-washed
corduroy pants and checkered wool lumberjack shirt. He was unconscious,
but breathing slowly, deeply and easily.
"I'll take it up by the head, here," said the senior. "You take the other
end. Got it? Lift! Now, carry it into the boat."
The junior backed away, up through the spaceboat's open lock, grunting
a little with the awkwardness of his burden.
"It feels slimy," he said.
"Nonsense!" said the senior. "That's your imagination."
Eldridge Timothy Parker drifted in that dreamy limbo between
awakeness and full sleep. He found himself contemplating his own name.
Eldridge Timothy Parker. Eldridgetimothyparker. Eldridge
TIMOTHYparker. ELdrlDGEtiMOthyPARKer. . . .
There was a hardness under his back, the back on which he was
lying--and a coolness. His flaccid right hand turned flat, feeling. It felt like
steel beneath him. Metal? He tried to sit up and bumped his forehead
against a ceiling a few inches overhead. He blinked his eyes in the
He flung out his hands, searching, feeling terror leap up inside him. His
knuckles bruised against walls to right and left. Frantic, his groping
fingers felt out, around and about him. He was walled in, he was
surrounded, he was enclosed.
Like in a coffin.
He began to scream. . . .
Much later, when he awoke again, he was in a strange place that
seemed to have no walls, but many instruments. He floated in the center of
mechanisms that passed and repassed about him, touching, probing,
turning. He felt touches of heat and Cold. Strange hums and notes of
various pitches came and went. He felt voices questioning him.
Who are you?
"Eldridge Parker-Eldridge Timothy Parker-"
What are you?
"I'm Eldridge Parker-"
Tell about yourself.
"Tell what? What?"
Tell about yourself.
"What? What do you want to know? What-"
Tell about. . . .
"But I--"
Tell. . . .
. . . well, i suppose i was pretty much like any of the kids around our
town . . . i was a pretty good shot and i won the fifth grade seventy-five
yard dash . . . i played hockey, too . . . pretty cold weather up around our
parts, you know, the air used to smell strange it was so cold winter
mornings in January when you first stepped out of doors ... it is good,
open country, new england, and there were lots of smells . . . there were
pine smells and grass smells and i remember especially the kitchen smells .
. . and then, too, there was the way the oak benches in church used to
smell on Sunday when you knelt with your nose right next to the back of
the pew ahead. . . .
. . . the fishing up our parts is good too . . . i liked to fish but i never
wasted time on weekdays ... we were presbyterians, you know, and my
father had the farm, but he also had money invested in land around the
country ... we have never been badly off but i would have liked a
motor-scooter. . . .
... no i did not never hate the germans, at least i did not think i ever did,
of course though i was over in europe i never really had it bad, combat, i
mean . . . i was in a motor pool with the raw smell of gasoline, i like to
work with my hands, and it was not like being in the infantry. . . .
. . . i have as good right to speak up to the town council as any man ... i
do not believe in pushing but if they push me i am going to push right
back . . . nor it isn't any man's business what i voted last election no more
than my bank balance . . . but i have got as good as right to a say in town
doings as if i was the biggest landholder among them. . . .
. . . i did not go to college because it was not necessary . . . too much
education can make a fool of any man, i told my father, and i know when i
have had enough ... i am a fanner and will always be a farmer and i will do
my own studying as things come up without taking out a pure waste of
four years to hang a piece of paper on the wall. . . .
... of course i know about the atom bomb, but i am no scientist and no
need to be one, no more than i need to be a veterinarian . . . i elect the
men that hire the men that need to know those things and the men that i
elect will hear from me johnny-quick if things do not go to my liking. . . .
... as to why i never married, that is none of your business ... as it
happens, i was never at ease with women much, though there were a
couple of times, and i still may if jeanie lind. . . .
. . . i believe in god and the united states of america. . . .
He woke up gradually. He was in a room that might have I been any
office, except the furniture was different. That is, there was a box with
doors on it that might have been a filing cabinet and a table that looked
like a desk in spite of the single thin rod underneath the center that
supported it. However, there were no chairs-only small, flat cushions, on
which I three large woolly, bearlike creatures were sitting and watching
him in silence.
He himself, he found, was in a chair, though.
As soon as they saw his eyes were open, they turned away I from him
and began to talk among themselves. Eldridge Parker shook his head and
blinked his eyes, and would have blinked his ears if that had been possible.
For the sounds the creatures were making were like nothing he had ever
heard before; and yet he understood everything they were saying. It was
an odd sensation, like a double-image earwise, for he heard the strange
mouth-noises just as they came out and then something in his head
twisted them around and made them into perfectly understandable
Nor was that all. For, as he sat listening to the creatures talk, he began
to get the same double image in another way. That is, he still saw the
bearlike creature behind the desk as the weird sort of animal he was, out
of the sound of his voice, or from something else, there gradually built up
in Eldridge's mind a picture of a thin, rather harassed-looking gray-haired
man in something resembling a uniform, but at the same time not I quite
a uniform. It was the sort of effect an army general might get if he wore
his stars and a Sam Browne belt over a civilian double-breasted suit.
Similarly, the other creature sitting facing the one behind the desk, at the
desk's side, was a young and black-haired man with something of the
laboratory about him, and the creature further back, seated almost
against the wall, was neither soldier nor scientist, but a heavy older man
with a sort of book-won wisdom in him.
"You see, commander," the young one with the black-haired image was
saying, "perfectly restored. At least on the physical and mental levels."
"Good, doctor, good," the outlandish syllables from the one behind the
desk translated themselves in Eldridge's head. "And you say it ... he, I
should say ... will be able to understand?"
"Certainly, sir," said the doctor-psychologist-whatever-he-was.
"Identification is absolute--"
"But I mean comprehend-encompass--" The creature behind the desk
moved one paw slightly. "Follow what we tell him-"
The doctor turned his ursinoid head toward the third member of the
group. This one spoke slowly, in a deeper voice.
"The culture allows. Certainly."
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