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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s
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living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.
Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
512 Forest Lake Drive
Warner Robins, Georgia 31093
Copyright © 2007 by Jaci Burton
ISBN: 1-59998-841-0
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: December 2007
Jaci Burton
To Angie— As always, thank you for being open minded, patient and such a great
editor. I love working with you.
And to Charlie, for all the obvious reasons. I love you.
Chapter One
The weekend before Christmas, and Amy Parker was going to spend it in Hawaii.
How utterly romantic. Warm sands, miles of breathtaking ocean, fragrant flowers, the
place of romance.
Though romance wouldn’t be on her radar this weekend. She was going to be there
for her job, not love. Work was her love, her romance.
How utterly dull—but necessary, if she was going to become senior partner at the
firm. Work had to come first. It always had.
Amy stretched, stifling a yawn. She cast a quick glance over at Justin Garrett, her
traveling companion and associate at the law firm. He’d been sound asleep and snoring
for hours, his long legs stretched out, his head leaning against the side wall of the plane,
arms crossed over his chest. Oh why not? It was just the two of them on the corporate jet.
Not like he was bothering anyone. Except her. How the hell could he sleep when there
was so much work to do?
She knew how. He’d let her do all the work while he dozed almost the entire five
hour flight from Los Angeles to Maui. After giving her no more than a half hour of his
attention while they worked on contracts, he’d told her they could do the rest when they
landed. He thought they were prepared and accused her of overthinking. Then again, he
always did that to her.
Then he’d gone to sleep, while she’d spent the better part of two and a half hours
making sure all the legal documents were ready, that they hadn’t missed any of the
important items, and setting the agenda for their meeting with their client, Mitch
Magruder. They’d worked months on the divestiture of one of Mitch’s companies to a
national sporting goods chain, and they needed to finalize this before year end. Mitch was
on a tight schedule, which was why they were on a plane headed to Hawaii right before
Christmas. She’d allow nothing to screw this up, including the man who slept next to her.
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