Julia - 1977 - Fred Zinnemann.txt

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{2072}{2157}Old paint on canvas, as it ages...
{2160}{2236}sometimes becomes transparent.
{2239}{2301}When that happens,|it is possible in some pictures...
{2304}{2365}to see the original lines.
{2367}{2452}A tree will show through a woman's dress.
{2455}{2534}A child makes way for a dog.
{2536}{2625}A boat is no longer on an open sea.
{2627}{2702}That is called pentimento...
{2704}{2758}because the painter repented...
{2760}{2821}changed his mind.
{3619}{3727}I'm old now, and I wanna remember...
{3730}{3791}what was there for me once...
{3794}{3853}and what is there for me now.
{5893}{5976}It's not working again, Dash.
{5979}{6033}It's falling apart again.
{6035}{6095}Put on your sweater.|Bring some whiskey.
{6097}{6147}I'll build a fire, and we'll start dinner.
{6150}{6198}Don't forget the smokes.
{6200}{6255}I'm not here to take orders. I want advice.
{6258}{6352}You're a big-shot writer.
{6355}{6462}You're not a general,|Hammett, and I ain't the troops.!
{6800}{6890}If you really can't write,|maybe you should go find a job.
{6940}{7045}Be a waitress.
{7047}{7110}What about a fireman, eh?|You could be chief.
{7112}{7196}It's not a bad idea, you know?|Little town somewhere...
{7199}{7267}find yourself a little fire station, a hat.
{7270}{7345}- I'll be the mayor.|- Why should you be the mayor?
{7347}{7397}Well, someone has to appoint you if...
{7399}{7493}I'm in trouble with my goddamn play,|and you don't care!
{7495}{7557}Just because you stopped writing doesn't...
{8132}{8240}Tell you what, Lilly.|I'll send you on a trip to Paris.
{8243}{8299}I don't wanna go to Paris.
{8302}{8383}Why not? I hear it's a swell town.
{8386}{8471}Finish the play there.|Have a little fun. Visit your friend Julia.
{8474}{8542}You know damn wellJulia's not in Paris.
{8544}{8615}Well, wherever she is.
{8617}{8696}Go to Spain. There may be a civil war|in Spain. You'd help somebody win it.
{8699}{8794}- You're scrappy.|- I'm not scrappy. Don't call me scrappy.
{8797}{8845}You make me sound like|a neighborhood bulldog.
{8847}{8895}You are the neighborhood bulldog, Lilly!
{8897}{8970}'Cept you got some cockeyed dream|about bein' a cocker spaniel.
{9023}{9097}- I can't work here.|- Well, then don't work here. Don't work anyplace.
{9099}{9172}It's not as if you've written|anything before, you know.
{9175}{9259}Nobody'll miss you.|It's a perfect time to change jobs.
{9325}{9400}You're the one who talked me|into being a writer, Dashiell.
{9403}{9490}You're the one who said,|"Stick with it, kid. You got talent, kid."
{9492}{9572}You soft-soaped me with all that crap!
{9575}{9669}- And now look at me.|- If you're gonna cry about it, go stand on a rock.
{9672}{9723}Don't do it around me.
{9757}{9866}If you can't write here, go someplace else.
{9869}{9954}Give it up. Open a drugstore.
{9956}{10032}Be a coal miner.
{10035}{10104}Only just don't cry about it.
{10237}{10342}I think I have|always known about my memory.
{10344}{10464}I know when the truth|is distorted by some drama or fantasy.
{10511}{10610}But I trust absolutely|what I remember about...
{12512}{12576}Happy New Year, Grandmother.
{12579}{12630}Happy New Year, Julia.
{12819}{12902}- Happy New Year, Grandfather.|- Hmm?
{12951}{13001}Why did we have sherbert|in the middle of the meal?
{13004}{13075}It clears the palate|between the fish and the meat.
{13145}{13218}- Who's that?|- It's my mother.
{13221}{13309}- My God.|- Shejust got married again.
{13312}{13377}- Where does your mother live?|- In Scotland.
{13379}{13445}- My mother owns a very fancy castle.|- Have you been there?
{13447}{13498}- Once.|- What's it like?
{13501}{13564}Full of fancy people with fancy titles.
{13567}{13647}- Who were they?|- I don't remember. They didn't interest me.
{13649}{13697}They're all very rich and famous.
{13700}{13756}They just said hello to me,|and I don't remember.
{14601}{14680}- Happy New Year, Julia.|- Happy New Year.
{14739}{14831}I am... Paris.
{14833}{14950}I am Paris, and I am a string of beads.
{14952}{15072}I am Paris,|and I am a string of beads on a hot dancer.
{15179}{15278}I am Paris,|and I am a string of beads on a hot dancer...
{15280}{15338}and a romantic Frenchman|comes into my room.
{15340}{15422}And he carries me|off into the dark Parisian night.
{15424}{15472}And takes me to his villa.
{15555}{15604}What happened?
{15607}{15717}- Oh, I'm in ecstasy!|- What happened?
{15720}{15790}You'll have to learn French.
{15896}{15974}I am Paris.
{16024}{16086}I am Paris, and I am a string ofbeads.
{16168}{16233}No, wait a minute. No.
{16236}{16364}I am Paris,|and I am a string of beads on a hot dancer.
{16367}{16421}I am Paris. I am a string|of beads on a hot dancer...
{16423}{16530}and outside it is Renoir and Degas.
{16533}{16634}I am Paris, and I am a string|of beads on a hot dancer...
{16636}{16710}- and outside it is...|- Renoir.
{16712}{16792}Renoir and Degas...
{16795}{16893}and inside it is hard and hot.
{16896}{16961}I don't care.
{16964}{17051}I don't care.
{17119}{17196}- Happy New Year, Julia.|- Happy New Year, Lilly.
{17288}{17362}I cannot say now|that I had ever used the words...
{17365}{17447}gentle or strong...
{17449}{17518}or delicate.
{17520}{17575}But I did think that night...
{17577}{17653}that it was the most beautiful face...
{17656}{17727}I had ever seen.
{18540}{18634}Maybe I could do better work someplace else.
{18713}{18777}If I were to go to Paris and work...
{18780}{18875}- Are you awake?|- Uh.
{18907}{18970}Dash, do I keep you from writing?
{18972}{19055}No. Sleeping, Lilly.|You keep me from sleeping.
{19296}{19298}But what about Paris? What about Rome?
{19300}{19348}But what about Paris? What about Rome?
{19351}{19415}- You aren't listening.!|- I am listening.!
{21472}{21520}Please tell me what's the matter.
{21523}{21586}I don't want to be here, not with them.
{21588}{21663}- I hate them.|- Why?
{21812}{21871}They took me to see Cairo.
{21873}{21979}They told me how beautiful|Cairo would be, but it wasn't.
{21981}{22059}I said to my grandfather,|"Look at those people. They're hungry.
{22061}{22119}They're sick.|Why don't we do something?"
{22121}{22170}And he said, "Don't look at them."
{22172}{22220}I said, "But they're sick."
{22223}{22303}He said, "I didn't make them sick."
{22305}{22362}What about Paris?|What about Rome?
{22364}{22426}- You aren't listening!|- I am listening!
{22483}{22547}Where my mother lives,|the servants live under the ground...
{22549}{22654}18 people in three rooms,|no windows, one bathroom.
{22656}{22756}It's wrong. It's wrong, Lilly.
{22759}{22818}Do you understand?
{22879}{22964}I heard from Oxford, from medical school.
{22967}{23041}- I was accepted.!|- When will you go?
{23043}{23106}At the end of the summer.!
{23197}{23271}All ashore that's going ashore.|- You'd better go.
{23660}{23714}When are we gonna see each other again?
{23716}{23763}lt'll be so long.
{23824}{23926}Think of it this way... when we do|we'll have everything to talk about.
{23928}{23988}- All ashore that's going ashore.!|- Please write me.
{23991}{24046}You know I will.
{24084}{24157}Work hard. Take chances.
{24160}{24247}Be very bold. Do you hear me?
{24250}{24315}- All ashore that's going ashore.!|- Good-bye.
{24415}{24497}I wasn't to see her|again for a very long time...
{24500}{24582}until I went to visit her at Oxford.
{24733}{24806}There are women who reach|a perfect time oflife...
{24809}{24897}when the face will never again be as good...
{24900}{24990}the body never as graceful or powerful.
{25035}{25104}It had happened that year toJulia.
{25192}{25264}- Do you have lots of friends?|- Not many.
{25267}{25364}- Do you get to the theater?|- No, there isn't time.
{25367}{25431}But we always went to the theater.
{25433}{25525}When you write your play, then I'll go again.
{25528}{25619}- How is your writing?|- Oh, I'm still at the publishing house.
{25621}{25680}I wish I could write full-time.
{25683}{25777}- Do you have a beau?|- No. Do you?
{25780}{25844}Well, I think maybe I found somebody.
{25847}{25922}- And you?|- I did, but it didn't work out.
{25924}{25995}- What are you reading now?|- Darwin, Engels...
{25997}{26084}Hegel, Einstein.
{26087}{26170}- Do you understand Einstein?|- Sure.
{26592}{26701}- Will you come home next summer?|- No, I'm going to Vienna.
{26704}{26753}I'll finish my medical studies there...
{26756}{26836}and then I'll apply to study|with Professor Freud.
{26839}{26897}Can you do that?|I mean, I know you can do that...
{26900}{26952}- butJesus.|- I think so. There's a chance.
{26955}{27026}I think he will accept me.|Lilly, you have to come to Vienna.
{27028}{27091}Then you'll know what to write about.
{27093}{27189}People are coming alive there... working|people who've never had a chance before.
{27192}{27257}They've built their own|part of the city in Floridsdorf.
{27260}{27359}They've got their own orchestra.|The newspaper's the best in Vienna.
{27361}{27454}Lilly, finally there's|some real hope in the world.
{27456}{27530}Do you understand?
{27532}{27580}Yes, of course.
{27661}{27720}But I didn't understand.
{27723}{27821}Not fully. Who of us did?
{27824}{27965}She wrote me from time to time. She went on|to study medicine at the university in Vienna.
{27968}{28079}And as the years went on,|she wrote angrily of the threat of fascism...
{28081}{28190}and of the Nazis, of Mussolini|and Adolf Hitler...
{28192}{28284}and of the holocaust|that was on the way.
{28287}{28394}She couldn't understand why the world|refused to see what was coming.
{28529}{28623}I decided to accept Hammett's offer...
{28626}{28710}to see if I could do|better ...
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