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Stencil Style
Stencil Style
By Norma Broom
Materials Required:
Off-cuts of card for backgrounds in various
colours and shapes.
Dreamweaver stencils:
Morning Glory/Hummingbird and
Butterfly/Music Notes.
Masking tape.
Gouache in various colours.
Small stencil brush.
Holographic paper slightly larger than offcut.
Peel off stickers.
Tracing paper and a pencil.
P. V.A. Craft Adhesive: PVA01.
Card mount: DEC3U, White.
To Make The Cards:
Stencils are quite expensive to buy and I like
to get the best out of mine by mixing and match-
ing areas from different stencils as well as using
the design as it comes. All of these designs were
made using the Glory/Hummingbird stencil
with the butterflies from the Butterfly/Music
stencil added to some of them.
The designs are not embossed so you don’t
need a lightbox or an embossing tool. Place the
card beneath and the stencil on top, hold in place
with masking tape to prevent the stencil moving
whilst you work.
I use gouache to paint my stencil cards but
other media are available. It is important to use
a stencil brush as they have stiff bristles and the
golden rule for stencilling is to use an almost dry
brush with very little paint on it. To this end I
keep a permanent palette with dry patches of
gouache on it – topping up the various colours
where necessary when I finish working. This
ensures that next time I have a nice dry palette
ready to use.
Add just a tiny drop or two of water to the
dry colour on the palette and then pick up a little
on an almost dry brush, dab off any excess onto
a paper towel. Hold the brush in an upright posi-
tion and dab onto the surface of the card thus
obtaining the stippled effect.
Always begin each area with the lightest
colour and then add the darker ones. In this way
it is possible to mix colours on the paper. I find
that applying at least two, and usually three or
more, shades one over the other, gives depth and
variation to the work. To this end I keep a fairly
extensive palette on the go with several hues of
the same colour. In the case of green for example,
I would have: yellow green, olive green, dark
green and viridian.
Masking tape is the stenciller’s best friend.
Apart from holding the stencil in place while you
work, it is very useful for temporarily masking
out closely adjacent sections and/or edges, par-
ticularly when working on small, detailed areas.
Before using masking tape on your work, tear
off a strip and stick it to a cotton tee shirt, jeans
or even onto the palm of your hand first. This
lessens the adhesive effect and helps prevent
the tape marking the card.
Always wash stencils between uses as dry
gouache re-activates itself on contact with a
damp brush and you can end up adding colours
you don’t want. Gouache dries quickly and it is
a very simple task to clean your stencils and
brushes with water and a little soap.
Aligning areas from different stencils can be
difficult as they are not see through. My solution
is to stencil the first part as normal, then roughly
stencil onto tracing paper just the part I wish to
use from the second stencil and draw around the
outer edge of it. This traced paper can be placed
over the stencilled part of the design and posi-
tioned perfectly. Then simply place the stencil
over the tracing aligning the outer border before
carefully slipping the tracing out.
We hope you enjoy this article, it was taken from a back issue of the Craft
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