012 Spanish Dancer.pdf

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Spanish Dancers - Jane Eborall © 2008
This pattern will show how to avoid cutting and tying to make a ring on a split ring in a different
Please note that throughout this pattern I have used italics (and red text) to show where the
worker who wants to use ‘front side, back side’ tatting needs to start with the second half of the
ds first (i.e. like the second side of a SR). I have not used this when working SR’s as that is the
normal way to work them.
Materials required.
3 shuttles –red, pink and black thread. A very small amount of green thread. 4 beads (eyes), 2
beads (shoes), 11 beads for rose.
– or p
split ring
after the / make 2nd half of SR
move bead along core thread
down picot – work 2 first half ds, vsp 2
second half of ds
very small picot (smallest you can make)
SH1 Shuttle 1 (shuttle in right hand) SH2 Shuttle 2 (shuttle in right hand)
Lj join made with shuttle thread + join
RoSR ring on split ring Cl close
SS Switch shuttles T & C Tie and cut
smp small picot
LSC Lock stitch chain. This is made up of ‘sets’ of first half flipped and second half unflipped
stitches. Repeats are of ‘sets’
Hints on making the ring on the split ring with an extra colour.
Work the first half of the SR and the second side up to the point of making the head (ring on
SR). Now turn the work and continue as in the diagrams just below.
Leave the shuttle you have
been working with and wrap a
small 'tail' round it from shuttle
3 (pink thread).
Now make the head according
to the pattern.
Cut shuttle 3 away leaving a
small tail which is worked over
whilst continuing the second
side of the SR.
Starting with Sh1 and using red thread on 2 shuttles (have the 3 rd shuttle ready with pink
Left Arm
R1: 3 DP 3 vsp 1 Cl
SR2: 1 + (vsp R1) 2 vsp 1 / 4 Cl
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SR3: 1 + (vsp SR2) 2 vsp 1 / 5 Cl
SR4: 1 + (vsp SR3) 1 vsp 1 / 5 Cl
SR5: 1 + (vsp SR4) 2 vsp 1 / 4 Cl
SR6: 1 + (vsp SR5) 2 vsp 1 / 4 vsp 1 Cl RW SS - see fig. 1 below
Body & Head
SR7: 1 + (vsp SR6) 6 vsp 2 vsp 2 vsp 6 vsp 1 / 1 + (vsp SR6) 4 vsp 1 RW Add SH3 with pink
thread (2beads added – left on shuttle) but do not cut the red thread – see hints above.
ROSR (head): 1 + (vsp SR7) 5 MB (core thread) 2 vsp 2 vsp 2 vsp 2 vsp 2 vsp 2 MB 5 vsp 1
Cl RW. Cut the pink thread leaving a short end. Work over this end in the next part of SR7.
Using Sh1 continue
SR7 continued (body): 1 + (vsp on head) 4 vsp 1 Cl RW SS - see fig. 2 below
Right Arm
SR8: 1 + (vsp SR7) 4 / 1+ (vsp SR7) 1 vsp 1 Cl
SR9: 4 / 1 + (vsp SR8) 2 vsp 1 Cl
SR10: 4 / 1 + (vsp SR9) 1 vsp 1 Cl
SR11: 4 / 1 + (vsp SR10) 2 vsp 1 Cl
SR12: 3 vsp 1 / 1 + (vsp R11) 3 Cl
R13: 1 + (vsp SR12) 3 DP 3 Cl T & C
Skirt – 2 shuttles with red thread on both
R1: 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 (6 picots) vsp 3 – 4 Cl RW
Ch: 6 RW
R2: 1 – 1 – 1 + (2 nd vsp R1) 1 – 1 – 1 vsp 3 – 3 Cl RW
Ch: 6 RW
R3: 1 – 1 – 1 + (last p R2) 1 – 1 – 1 vsp 3 – 3 Cl RW
Ch: 4 RW
R4: 3 + (last p R3) 3 vsp 3 vsp 3 Cl RW
Ch: 4 RW
SR5: 2 + (last vsp R4) 2 / 2 + (vsp on body) 2 Cl
SR6: 2 vsp 2 / 2 + (next vsp on body) 2 Cl
SR7: 2 vsp 2 / 2 + (next vsp on body) 2 Cl RW
Ch: 4 RW
R8: 3 + (vsp SR7) 3 vsp 3 – 3 Cl RW
Ch: 4 RW
R9: 3 + (last p R8) 3 vsp 1 – 1 – 1 vsp 1 – 1 – 1 Cl RW
Ch: 6 RW
R10: 3 + (2 nd vsp R9) 3 vsp 1 – 1 – 1 vsp 1 – 1 – 1 Cl RW
Ch: 6 RW
SR11: 4 + (2 nd vsp R10) 3 / 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 (6 picots) vsp 1 Cl RW - see fig. 4 below
Ch: 3 vsp 3 Lj (vsp R10) vsp 3 vsp 3 Lj (vsp R9) vsp 2 Lj (vsp R8) 2 Lj (vsp SR6) 2 Lj (vsp
R4) vsp 2 Lj (R3) vsp 3 vsp 3 Lj (R2) vsp 3 vsp 3 Lj (vsp R1) RW SS
Ch: 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 Lj (last vsp last Ch) + (2 beads – shoes – to chain thread holding
in place with a paperclip) 1 – 1 – 1 Lj (next vsp last Ch – above R2) smp 1 smp 1 smp 1 Lj
(next vsp last Ch) smp 1 smp 1 smp 1 Lj (next vsp last Ch – above R3) 2 RW
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SR12: 2 + (vsp above R4) 1 + (vsp above R8) 2 / 1 Cl RW
Ch: 2 Lj (vsp last Ch – above R9) smp 1 smp 1 smp 1 Lj (next vsp last Ch) smp 1 smp 1
smp 1 Lj (next vsp last Ch – above R10) – 1 – 1 – 1 Lj (ne xt vsp last Ch) + LBP 1 – 1 – 1 – 1
– 1 – 1 Lj (vsp R11) T & C. Pull all picots to front of skirt. See fig. 5 below.
1 shuttle & ball. Tie knot and leave ends
Ch: 6 Lj (1 st vsp head) 2 Lj (next vsp head) LBP (7 beads) 1 Lj (next vsp head) 1 Lj (next vsp
head) + LBP (7 beads) 2 Lj (vsp head) 6 Tie a knot, leave ends and cut.
R: 4 + (DP R1) 4 T & C. Repeat but joining to R13.
2 shuttles –black & white, pink and red thread & 2 beads.
Starting with Sh1 and using white thread on both shuttles
Left Arm
R1: 3 – 3 vsp 1 Cl
SR2: 1 + (vsp R1) 2 vsp 1 / 4Cl
SR3: 1 + (vsp SR2) 2 vsp 1 / 4 Cl
SR4: 1 + (vsp SR3) 2 vsp 1 / 4 Cl
SR5: 1 + (vsp SR4) 2 vsp 1 / 4 Cl
SR6: 1 + (vsp SR5) 3 vsp 1 / 2 vsp 1 Cl RW SS
Body & Head
SR7: 1 + (vsp SR6) 6 vsp 2 vsp 2 vsp 6 vsp 1 / 1 + (vsp SR6) 4 vsp
1 RW Add SH3 with pink thread (2beads added – left on shuttle) but
do not cut the white thread – see hints above and figs. 2 & 3.
ROSR (head): 1 + (vsp SR7) 5 MB (core thread) 2 vsp 8 vsp 2 MB 5 vsp 1 Cl RW returning
to Sh with white thread. Cut the pink thread leaving a short end. Work over this end in the
next part of SR7. Using Sh1 continue
SR7 continued (body): 1 + (vsp on head) 4 vsp 1 Cl RW SS
Right Arm
SR8: 1 + (vsp SR7) 2 vsp 1 / 1 + (vsp SR7) 3 Cl
SR9: 1 + (vsp SR8) 2 vsp 1 / 4 Cl
SR10: 1 + (vsp SR9) 1 vsp 1 / 5 Cl
SR11: 1 + (vsp SR10) 1 vsp 1 / 5 Cl
SR12: 1 + (vsp SR11) 1 vsp 1 / 5 Cl
R13: 1 + (vsp SR12) 3 – 3 Cl T & C. See fig. 6
2 shuttles red on both
R1: 2 vsp 4 + (1 st vsp SR7) 1 Cl
SR2: 1 + (2 nd vsp SR7) 1 / 2 vsp 2 Cl
1 + (3 rd vsp SR7) 4 vsp 2 Cl T & C
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2 shuttles black on both
Right Leg - Using Sh1
R1: 2 vsp 2 + (vsp R3 cummerbund) 4 Cl
SR2: 4 / 2 vsp 2 Cl
SR3: 4 / 2 vsp 2 Cl
SR4: 4 / 2 vsp 2 Cl
SR5: 4 / 2 vsp 2 Cl
SR6: 2 vsp 2 / 2 vsp 2 Cl
R7: 2 + (vsp (SR6) 3 – 8 Cl DNRW SS
Ch: 4 Lj (SR6) 4 Lj (SR5) 4 Lj (SR4) 4 Lj (SR3) 2 vsp 2 Lj (SR2) RW
SR8: 2 + (R1) 2 + (2 nd SR of cummerbund) 2 / 2 Cl RW SS
SR9: 2 / 2 + (vsp next R cummerbund) 4 Cl
SR10: 2 vsp 2 / 4 Cl
SR11: 2 vsp 2 / 4 Cl
SR12: 2 vsp 2 / 4 Cl
SR13: 2 vsp 2 / 4 Cl
SR14: 2 vsp 2 / 2 vsp 2 Cl RW SS
R15: 2 + (last vsp SR14) 3 – 8 Cl DNRW SS
Ch: 4 Lj (SR14) 4 Lj (SR13) 4 Lj (SR12) 4 Lj (SR11) 4 Lj (SR10) 2 + (vsp on Ch btwn SR2 &
SR3) 2 T & C to SR8
Hat – 1 shuttle & ball. Use a paperclip to help start the LCh
LCh: x 4 Lj (1 st vsp head) SS
R1: 4 vsp 2 Cl RW
Ch: 3 RW
R2: 2 + (R1) 4 vsp 2 Cl RW
Ch: 3 RW
R3: 2 + (R2) 4 Cl SS Lj (1 st vsp head)
LCh: x 4 T & C
Rose – 1 shuttle. Add 11 beads to green thread.- use a paperclip to help start the LCh and
leave ¾ yard on ball to start.
LCh: x 4 – x 2 – 2
Any questions? Please email me.
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