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Pete's D3D driver for PSX emus
Mmm... what to say?     
If my OpenGL driver doesn't work well with your gfx card, try
this D3D port :)




DirectX 7 or better installed. Without DX7/DX8 you will prolly not 
even see my plugin in the emu plugin selection window.
Note: replace 'DirectX 7' with 'DirectX 6' in case you are using my
D3DDX6 plugin :)
The plugin needs a card with hardware 3d acceleration. The D3D software 
mode is not supported.
Only 16/32 bit desktop color depths are supported.
The plugin can use secondary devices (add-on cards like the Voodoo2... 
mmm... but prolly the DX6 plugin will be working better with V2 cards :P).



As with my OpenGL plugin, take yourself some time to test different 
settings, you can use my PSSwitch configuration tool to store 
game configurations for PSEmu Pro. 
Here is the list of the available settings and their baddies and 

0) Rendering device
If you have more than one gfx card installed (I have for example
a GeForce and Voodoo3 PCI), you can select the card you want to use
with the "Select device" button.

Some add-on cards (V2) will only work with 'Fullscreen flipping' 
enabled, but be aware, that this option can cause flickering with some
FSAA is also only supported with activated 'Fullscreen flipping'
with some cards.

1) Resolution & Colors
Well, that section should be self-explaining.
Please note: some cards (like the 3dfx V2/V3) can't do a 32 bit
color depth, or rendering in a window (V2). Selecting an option
which your card can't handle will cause error message boxes or
missing textures or crashes... yup, sorry

2) Texture quality
Basically there are 16 bit textures and 32 bit textures. 

* 'don't care': it's the first matching texture type your 
  card can offer... most time it will be the same as "4-4-4-4"
* 'R4 G4 B4 A4': Every color info has 4 bits, so texture colors 
  are not as fine (the real psx can use 5 color bits), but 
  most cards should be working with that texture type.
* 'R5 G5 B5 A1': texture colors are fine in that mode. With 
  OpenGL that mode is showing black rects with 'Alpha Multipass'
  enabled, but I can use color keying with d3d for transparency,
  so it's a good choice for many cards.
* 'R8 G8 B8 A8': Best colors your PC can offer, at the cost of 
  speed and vram. If game speed is OK with that mode on your PC,  
  use it! Not possible with 3dfx V2/V3 cards, though.

Hint: 16 bit textures don't need as much vram as 32 bit textures, so
if your card has just 16 MB (or less), stick to 4-4-4-4 or 5-5-5-1

3) Texture handling
To optimize the texture storage, the plugin has to know the size of your
gfx card vram. You can try to let the plugin auto-detect the available
vram memory, or you can enter the right amount yourself.
To help the gfx card in certain situations, you can enable "Texture garbage
collection". That option will need additional cpu power, though.
Last but not least there is an option called "Faster palettized texture windows".
That one will boost up performance in games which are using a big
amount of that special psx texture type (for example Ghost In A Shell), but
your gfx card has to support palettized textures (all GeForce cards can do them
with newer drivers, while TNT cards cannot do them at all).

4) Bilinear filtering
Give it a try... the real PSX doesn't support BF, so there will be some
glitches if you turn BF on. Several games will look nicer... there are
two filtering modes... the Extended mode is slightly slower, but even
better with most games (be sure to use 'Dynamic caching' with extended
If you want you can also try both filtering modes without sprite 
filtering. Some game text will be much better readable, but some
games will look weird if everything but sprites are smoothed.
Or try the new "filtering with sprite smoothing"... that one is giving
nice results most times :)

5) Framerate limit/Frame skipping
You can activate FPS limitation if your game is running to fast. You can
use "Auto detect FPS limit", if you are not sure, what limit would be best 
to use or just type in a FPS rate. PAL games use 50 FPS, non-PAL 
games 60 FPS.
And if things are getting too slow... you can try Frame skipping. 
Tip: you can also try to turn on both...
You can also enable the in-game menu right from the game start
(showing the fps and let you change some gpu options while playing).
Of course you still can use the "DEL" key for showing/hiding the menu.
Btw, all gpu hotkeys are described below. If you want to change the keys,
you can use the small "..." button.

6) Offscreen Drawing
There are now (1.48 or newer) 5 different OD modes... OD is used
to detect drawings which are outside the front/backbuffer, doing such
stuff in software (or by tweaking polygon coords).
0 (none): fastest mode, glitches in splash screens/game gfx can happen
1 (minimum): takes care of most splash screens
2 (standard): does an easy check, if software drawing is needed
3 (enhanced): does a more complicated check for soft drawing
4 (extended): does the "enhanced" check, and adds some additional buffer
swap (can cause flickering with some games)

7) Framebuffer textures
To get whirling screen effects and motion blurring, there are two ways
to go:
a) set framebuffer textures to emulated vram, enable full vram primitives
and offscreen drawing
or b) disable full vram primitives and set framebuffer textures to
'gfx card buffer).
(a) will work on every system, but it will be very slow. (b) will prolly
work only with certain gfx cards with a good speed (GeForce :)
Well, ppl with slower cpus and/or gfx cards can use "black framebuffer
textures", this option will be very fast, but, of course, the special effect
will not appear!

8) Advanced blending
To get perfect lighting, you should enable this mode. Some cards
(3dfx again) can't do this in hardware (you will get no textures if 
you try), activate the "software" mode instead. The software mode can
cause some wrong double-blended areas, though, and it is slower.
If you don't mind the better lighting, you can also turn AB off,
of course.
Some games are really looking better using AB (Spyro!), try it yourself...

9) Alpha MultiPass
Draws opaque texture pixels the way it should be. Of course it could be a bit
slower. But not much :)

10) Mask bit
A really rarely used ability by the real PSX is the usage of mask bits to avoid
drawing into some parts of the screen. Well, to increase compatibility you
can turn the mask bit emulation on, but as far as I know only Silent Hill is really
needing it. If you activate it, 3D glasses should also work,
because my mask bit functions are using the ZBuffer.
Well, but if your game doesn't need the mask detection (and most games do not!),
turn it off to get more available texture vram.

11) Color dithering
If you are using just 16Bit colors (or if you have to use it because 
you have an older 3DFX card), you can enhance shaded objects by turning 
on color dithering. If you are using a 32 bit color resolution there
is no need for dithering.

12) Unfiltered framebuffer updates
MDECs and such will be bilinear filtered be default. The 'unfiltered' mode is 
faster, though (and some ppl think, it is even looking better ;)
13) Full vram primitives
If you activate this option the internal soft gpu will paint every polygon,
etc. into the emulated gpu vram. That's helpful if you want to see most of the
fancy psx effects, but also _very_ slow. Usually turn it off. Oh, yes, and
you have to activate 'standard' or 'extended' OD to get it to work.

14) Screen smoothing
This option will blur the whole screen, so 2D backgrounds will look
less pixelated. Of course it also needs a fast gfx card, and the higher
the resolution, the slower the smoothing... and less vram is available
for textures... well, it's up to you :)

15) Special game fixes
Some gfx glitches are caused by the main emu core or because I've
not found out (yet) how certain things are activated on a real
psx gpu. But you can minimize bad effects with certain games by
using the internal gpu patches.... push the "..." button to see
(and activate) the list of available fixes.

<F8>   save screenshot to 'Snap' sub directory
<ALT>+<ENTER>  switch between window/fullscreen mode
<SHIFT> + <PAGE UP> Turn off screen smoothing
<INSERT> show/hide the gpu version (if no FPS is displayed) or an help text
(if the FPS menu is displayed)
<DEL>  show/hide FPS and option menu
  How it works: Hit <DEL> and the Framerate und the menu will appear. It
  looks like: 'FPS XXXX.X   FL< FS OD  AM  FI  DI  TW  AB  FB  GF DI 0 :) * A' 

  What does it all mean? Here's the legend:

  FPS: frames per second, higher means better :)
  FL : Frame rate limiter (none, manual, auto-detect)
  FS : Frame skipping
  OD : Offscreen drawing (none, minimum, standard, enhanced, extended)
  AM : Alpha multipass 
  FI : Filtering (none, standard, extended, std without sprites, ext w/o sprites, std+smoothed sprites, ext+smoothed sprites)
  FV : Full vram primitives
  AB : Advanced blending (off, software, hardware)
  FB : Frontbuffer texture (emulat...
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