Bonnie Rose Leigh - Protectors 03 - The Protector's Keeper.rtf

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The Protectors Keeper




Bonnie Rose Leigh




The thirteen-year-old girl huddled on one end

of the couch, distraught, traumatized and

lonelier than shed ever been before.

It took her nearly a week of riding the bus to

reach this hiding spot in New Jersey. A week of

mind-numbing pain, exhaustion and despair. She

couldnt leave the room she was hiding in because

the killers whod taken her family away could find

her. But if she listened real hard, she could hear

the ocean waves as they hit the shoreline.

Her brother loved to play at the beach

whenever they stayed at the California compound.

Hed missed all the fun this summer because hed

reached puberty and had to learn how to change

into his wolf form and how to wield his powers.

Her mother and father would have sent her for

training once she started going through puberty,

too, but now they were gone and she didnt even

have her brother Sam either. What would she do

without him? Hed always been with her. He was

her twin, a part of her, and now there was only a



hole where his voice and laughter used to be.

Samantha looked down at the journal she was

clutching in her hands. They said she could leave a

note for her brother in case he ever learned that

she still lived. She wished she could just talk to

him using her mind like she normally did, but the

evil ones could find her that way. That was the

last thing her mama had said before her death and

she didnt want them to find her brother or her

either. Leaving a note for him, hoping that one

day hed read it was the only thing she could do.

She stared at the paper, trying to think of the

right words, but thinking only made it harder to

fight the tears. So shed write whatever came to


The tears began to flow anyway as she wrote

her heartfelt words to her only living relative.

July th,

Dear Sammy,

I hope one day youre reading this and arent

dead. Mom and Pops were driven off the road, but

they were already dead. Vampires got them. A

whole bunch. Mom and Pops thought that they

were being followed during our trip back from the

California house to our home in New Orleans.

We stayed at a motel one night and they left

me there with food and supplies and enough

money to get me here if something happened to




They said theyd come back in two days and

not to leave the room. Sammy, I knew when they

died. Mama was talking to me. She told me where

to go, how to get help. She said to run away as

fast as I could. To get on a bus and not to talk to

you. Its been a week, Sammy, and I miss you. I

know when you try to talk and its so hard not to

answer you. To keep my mind empty like Mama

said. They can find me that way. She said so.

The old people here are changing my name to

Erica Samuels. That way youre always with me.

I hope you find this and come find me when its

safe. They are sending me to Spain somewhere,

where there is a family with a little girl. Shes

only , a baby still.

Come find me, Sam, please. If I dont see you

in a couple of years, I guess maybe you might be

dead, but I will keep hoping. I love you, Sammy.

Love, Sammie

Very gently, Samantha Woods closed the

journal and placed it on the shelf where shed

found it. As she returned to the plush overstuffed

couch to mourn, she kept repeating her new name

to herself. “Im Erica Samuels. Im Erica Samuels.

Im Erica Samuels.” She might have believed it if it

werent for her twin constantly calling to her

through their familial telepathic link.

She continued to block him, staying silent

despite her desire to reach out to him. It was the



only way to save him. He had to grow up to be the

man she knew he was going to be. For amongst

the usual gifts of one of her kind, she was also

clairvoyant. It was just beginning to emerge, but

she knew that one day Sam would be a very

powerful man and that hed help unite the Loupgarou


Hopefully, when it was safe again, hed come

and find her. Until that day, shed be Erica

Samuels and shed protect her new little sister,

Catalina. Shed keep her safe from the monsters,




Chapter One

Twenty-three years later, Spain…

Youre dead.

Thats all the message written in blood said,

but it struck a chord of fear in Catalinas heart.

Who was the message meant for? Her or her sister,

Erica? And why?

Streaks of blood dripped down her front door,

pooling on the ground at her feet. Catalina Gasalla

stared in horror at the crudely written words. Who

would do such a thing? The blood was fresh.

Whoever had done this must have left only

moments before her arrival.

Where was Erica? She should have been at the

airport to pick her up, but shed never shown. This

wasnt her sisters blood. Shed have recognized

the scent if it was. Erica must have had a damn

good reason to ditch her at the airport. Perhaps it

was staring her right in the face.

Her thoughts jumped to Lobothe wolf that



had adopted her several years back. He was her

companion and usually traveled with her.

However, it had been a last minute job offer and

she hadnt had time to get the permits to bring

him along. Was he all right? Catalina prayed it

wasnt his blood. Shed have known if it was,

wouldnt she? But Lobo wasnt here to greet her

and that wasnt a good sign.

Why hadnt he put up a ruckus when shed

come home? After a three-month absence, he

should have been waiting for her at the driveway,

yipping in excitement while running in excited

circles around her legs.

She wasnt about to open the door until shed

made sure Lobo and the rest of their livestock

were alive and unharmed. Shed worry about the

message after shed checked the area to make sure

no one was hiding nearby.

With her enhanced sense of hearing and smell

she was certain no one was in the house, but the

stables and training ring for the horses was a good

five-minute hike. Owning several thousand acres

could be a blessing, but in this case, it was more of

a curse. Perhaps her sister was waiting for her

there. Shed figure out what was going on and if

her sister was missing, shed find her. There were

no two ways about it.

Her thoughts were muddled, her mind

sluggish. Shed been traveling to reach home for



the last thirty-six hours, hadnt had a wink of

sleep in her excitement to see her sister. Shed had

to hop on a strangers motorbike to get home and

now this. God, was Erica all right? All her

thoughts centered on her only family and her

companion. They had to be okay. And if they

werent, by God, someone was going to pay.

The stables were empty, every horse stall bare.

Except for one. In it, she discovered the remains of

an old mare named Dolly, her sisters first horse

and the one she valued most. Having seen

seventeen seasons, she was just a pasture horse

now. The sickly sweet smell of blood hung heavily

in the air. If she hadnt been used to seeing a wolf

bring down his prey, seen the devastation as they

ate, she might have lost the contents of her


Claw marks scored the mares belly, opening

her for the world to see. Now Catalina knew

where the blood had come from. Did they target

this horse because it was her sisters or was it just

a coincidence? It didnt matter really. She couldnt

leave this for her sister to find. Catalina quickly

went to work. Though a messy job, she could at

least be thankful that using her Were strength she

didnt need to ask for help from strangers when

she buried the beloved animal under the shelter of

a beech tree.

After a quick prayer that Dollys spirit would



race to the heavens, Catalina turned and loped

back to the house, careful to use the rear entrance

so the evidence wouldnt be disturbed. Shed

notify the police eventually, but she would hunt

down the responsible creature and see he paid

dearly for his actions.

Catalina knew the moment she entered her

house that someone had thoroughly searched the

place. It wasnt anything obvious, just that things

were slightly off kilter, out of place, like the bowl

of fruit pushed to the edge of the counter instead

of centered.

His scent was everywhere. Cigarette smoke,

sweat and Listerine. Shed be able to track him.

More than likely, hed had a car waiting and was

long gone. In the living room, her Zoology books

were out of order and the cushions from the sofa

were all tossed in one corner of the couch instead

of one at each end. It was just little things, but

enough to tell her that someone had been in the

house. And that really pissed her off.

Catalina went to her room first so she could

drop off her backpack. She hadnt noticed


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