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Oxford Educational Sp. z o.o.
Miêdzynarodowy Konkurs Jêzykowy
dla uczniów po 4. roku nauki szkoły podstawowej
16 kwietnia 2010
Każde pytanie daje Ci szansę uzyskania 4 punktów. Maksymalna liczba punktów z całego testu wynosi 100.
Z podanych trzech (a, b lub c) odpowiedzi tylko jedna jest prawidłowa. Testy są przygotowane w ten sposób, aby
uczeń bez pośpiechu mógł odpowiedzieć na wszystkie pytania w ciągu 45 minut. Test powinien zakończyć się
o godzinie 11 00 . Istotne jest, aby wpisać na karcie również nazwisko osoby siedzącej obok. W ten sposób spraw-
dzamy stopień podobieństwa odpowiedzi uczniów sąsiadujących ze sobą dla uwiarygodnienia wyników.
Uwaga: W czasie testu nie wolno używać słowników ani innych pomocy naukowych.
Powodzenia! Good luck!
1. Italy is ................ country.
a) a fascinating and beautifull b) fascinating and beautiful c) a fascinating and beautiful
2. ............... Easter there’s always sunny weather.
a) On
c) In
3. ................ he needs is a long holiday.
a) How
c) What
4. ............... do these flipflopscost?
a) How
c) How many
5. She likes ................ . She ................ to the swimming pool every week.
a) to swim/goes
c) swimming/goes
6. These shoes cost £500. They are really ................ .
a) cheap
c) a lot
7. A: What is she doing? B: She ................ a paper.
a) reads
c) is reading
8. I can’t hear you. Please ................ .
a) say up
c) talk up
9. You ................ jeans during your PE classes.
a) must wear
c) wears
10. His mother and father ................ in a bank. They are accountants.
a) are working
c) work
11. ............... the sun ................ now?
a) Does/shine
c) Is/shining
strona 1
b) At
b) Why
b) How much
b) swimming/go
b) expensive
b) reading
b) speak up
b) can’t wear
b) works
b) Is/shine
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12. This soup ................ delicious.
a) smell
b) tastes
c) is tasting
13. Every Wednesday they ................ early and ................ to the bus stop.
a) are getting up/go
b) get up/go
c) gets up/goes
14. It’s chilly outside. ................ the window, please?
a) Can’t you close
b) Can you shut
c) Can you open
15. ............... your coat and go into the living room.
a) Take on
b) Take up
c) Take off
16. ............... you ................ a good time in Africa last year?
a) Have/had
b) Did/have
c) Did/had
17. A: ................ idea was it to go to the theatre? B: His!
a) What
b) Who
c) Whose
18. I’ve never seen ................ beautiful bag before.
a) so
b) such a
c) such
19. Did ................ see Daniel yesterday?
a) anything
b) anybody
c) somebody
20. Her brother prefers ................ to ................ .
a) cycle/jog
b) cycling/jogging
c) to cycle/jog
21. A: I enjoy going to a restaurant from time to time. B: ................
a) Nor do I.
b) Too do I.
c) So do I.
22. The phone is ringing. Could you please ................ it?
a) pick
b) answer
c) take
23. ............... of 6 she started to learn to ski.
a) In the age
b) On the age
c) At the age
24. You’ll remember to call us when you get there, ................?
a) will you
b) won’t you
c) do you
25. It’s not a good time to go climbing when it is ................ .
a) sunny
b) foggy
c) thunder
strona 2
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