l-dep september 2012.pdf

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version I
September 2012
Nr 1. Which of the statements regarding teeth resorption caused by orthodontic
treatment are false ?
1) it is caused by pressure;
2) it makes the roots shorter with blunt apices;
3) the resorptive process can be reversed when the influence of causative
factor stops;
4) the resorptive process can be arrested when the influence of causative
factor stops;
5) etiology of the root resorption in this case is fully understood.
The correct answer is:
A. 1,3.
B. 1,5.
C. 2,4.
D. 3,5.
E. 1,3,5.
Nr 2. Which of the following statements regarding tooth wear are correct?
1) it is defined as the loss of hard dental tissues due to trauma and other
2) it is defined as nonbacterial loss of hard dental tissues;
3) it can be a physiological process because it occurs naturally throughout life;
4) it is always a pathological process;
5) it is the result of a combination of chemical and mechanical factors.
The correct answer is:
A. 1,4.
B. 2,3.
C. 1,4,5.
D. 1,3,5.
E. 2,3,5.
Nr 3. Emergency treatment in acute purulent apical periodontitis is aimed at relieving
pain. What is the optimal treatment option?
A. open the pulp chamber only leaving the tooth open to the mouth.
B. gain the drainage of pus through the root canal and then perform chemo-
mechanical canal preparation, place intracanal antibacterial dressing and seal the
cavity using temporary filling.
C. only prescribe an antibiotic and start treatment after several days.
D. gain the drainage of pus through the root canal and perform chemo-mechanical
canal preparation, leaving the tooth open for several days.
E. open the pulp chamber, partially perform chemo-mechanical canal preparation and
place antibacterial dressing into the chamber leaving the tooth open.
Nr 4. Which of the following statements regarding the development of carious process
in hard dental tissues are correct?
1) the lesion on the tooth smooth surface is usually cone-shaped with the apex
of the cone pointed towards the enamel-dentin junction;
2) the lesion on the tooth smooth surface is usually cone-shaped with the apex
of the cone pointed towards the tooth surface;
3) the lesion spreads in dentin laterally along to the enamel-dentin junction
undermining the enamel;
4) the carious lesion in dentin is cone-shaped with the apex of the cone pointed
towards the pulp;
5) the occlusal carious lesion both in enamel and dentin has a conical shape
with the apex of the cone pointed towards the tooth surface.
The correct answer is:
A. 1,2,4.
B. 1,2,3.
C. 1,3,4.
D. 2,3,4.
E. 2,3,5.
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version I
September 2012
Nr 5. Which of the following statements regarding caries detection using bitewing
radiographs is not true?
A. the appearance of carious lesion on the approximal root surface visible on radiographs
can be confused with cervical radiolucency.
B. a carious lesion on the approximal crown surface looks like a dark triangular area in the
enamel on bitewing radiographs.
C. bitewing radiographs can help diagnose approximal caries both in enamel and dentin.
D. bitewing radiographs can help diagnose approximal caries only in dentin.
E. the carious lesion in enamel on occlusal surface is not visible on bitewing radiographs.
Nr 6. The term “hidden caries” means the carious lesion:
A. located on approximal surface and which is not detected on visual examination but
found on radiographs.
B. located on the occlusal surface of posterior teeth and which is not detected on
visual examination but found on radiographs.
C. located in the area which is difficult for visual examination (e.g. on the distal surface
of the last molar in the dental arch).
D. with atypical course.
E. occurring only in the patients living in areas with fluoridated water.
Nr 7. Which of the following properties of resin-modified glass ionomer cements are
1) their setting is light-initiated;
2) they are hydrophobic;
3) they release and uptake fluoride ions at the same level as self-curing
conventional glass ionomer cements;
4) they can release only small amounts of fluoride ions in comparison with
conventional glass ionomer cements;
5) they are only used as a linier/base in the layered glass ionomer/composite
The correct answer is:
A. 1,2.
B. 1,4.
C. 1,3.
D. 3,5.
E. 2,3.
Nr 8. Which of the following statements regarding secondary (recurrent) caries is not
A. it is new decay at the margin of a restoration.
B. it occurs in the area of dental plaque retention.
C. stain around a restoration is not synonymous with secondary caries provided the
margin of the filling is intact.
D. groove around amalgam filling is indicative of secondary caries.
E. as with primary caries, secondary caries may be active or arrested.
Nr 9. Which of the following statements regarding preventive resin restoration (PRR)
is false ?
A. this method restores small carious cavities and seals neighboring occlusal fissures.
B. it is indicated where a cavity is only present in enamel.
C. it is indicated where dentin makes the bottom of the cavity.
D. it is indicated for a lesion visible on bitewing radiographs.
E. it is recommended for small cavities.
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version I
September 2012
Nr 10. The principles of root canal preparation include:
1) maintenance of the original shape;
2) obtaining of smooth walls;
3) significant widening of the root canal;
4) correction of the unfavorable shape of the root canal;
5) maintenance of the original position of the apical foramen.
The correct answer is:
A. 1,2,3.
B. 3,4,5.
C. 2,3,5.
D. 1,2,5.
E. 1,4,5.
Nr 11. Which of the following statements regarding calcifications within the pulp are
1) usually they do not block completely the orifices;
2) they may reach significant sizes;
3) they are found only within pulp chambers;
4) calcifications may have two different forms;
5) they exclude the tooth from endodontic treatment.
The correct answer is:
A. 1,2,4.
B. 1,2,3.
C. 2,3,5.
D. 3,4,5.
E. 1,4,5.
Nr 12. Which of the following statements concerning hyperplastic pulpitis are correct?
1) hyperplastic pulpitis is a form of chronically inflamed pulp overgrowth;
2) it occurs especially in young patients;
3) it is the cause of throbbing, sharp, constant pain;
4) it is an indication for removal of the tooth;
5) the outgrowth consist of inflamed connective tissue covered by implanted
cells of the oral epithelium.
The correct answer is:
A. 1,2,4.
B. 2,3,4.
C. 1,2,5.
D. 2,3,5.
E. 1,3,5.
Nr 13. A 45-year-old woman complains of some pain in the region of lower left second
premolar and swelling of the adjacent gingival. The tooth has never be treated before
and appears sound but presents slight mobility. Pulp sensitivity test is positive. These
signs and symptoms may suggest:
A. acute pulpitis.
. chronic apical periodontitis.
B. periodontal abscess.
. periapical abscess.
C. acute apical periodontitis.
Nr 14. The most reliable test in assessing the status of the pulp is:
A. cold test.
. blood flow determination by Laser
B. test of cutting the dentine.
Doppler flowmetry.
C. electrical test.
. heat test.
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version I
September 2012
Nr 15. The most common results of the replantation of the teeth whose root
development was completed are:
1) internal resorption;
2) surface resorption;
3) ankylosis;
4) osteitis.
The correct answer is:
A. 1,4.
B. 2,3.
C. 1,3.
D. 2,4.
E. 3,4.
Nr 16. The symptoms of subluxation do not include:
A. hemorrhage and edema within the periodontal ligament.
D. gingival bleeding.
B. increased mobility.
. tenderness on
C. displacement.
Nr 17. Which of the following sentences concerning fluorosis is not true?
A. fluorosis is a qualitative defect of enamel.
B. defects of the enamel in severe forms of fluorosis may also be quantitative (hypoplasia).
C. excessive fluoride intake, especially during formation and maturation of enamel, is
crucial in the creation of fluorosis.
D. the excess of fluoride inhibits withdrawal of enamelins and amelogenins during enamel
E. fluorosed teeth can not be treated with acid etching procedures.
Nr 18. Caries risk assessment includes the following except for :
A. diet, oral hygiene, personal and familial caries history.
B. psychological profile.
C. medical history, salivary flow rate and the quality of saliva.
D. socioeconomic status, ethnicity.
E. access to tap water, exposure to fluoride.
Nr 19. The first-choice antibiotic used to treat odontogenic infection is:
A. doxycycline. B. penicillin. C. metronidazole. D. tetracycline. E. clindamicin.
Nr 20. The working length of the canal is the distance between:
A. reference point and the apical constriction.
B. reference point and the true apex.
C. canal orifice and the apical constriction.
D. canal orifice and the anatomic root apex.
E. canal orifice and the radiographic apex.
Nr 21. Endodontic files and reamers are available in lengths (without the handle):
A. 16,20,30 mm. B. 16,25,29 mm. C. 16,21,31 mm. D. 21,25,31 mm. E. 21,28,30 mm.
Nr 22. Calcium hydroxide as an intracanal medicament:
A. inactivates alkaline phosphatase.
D. decreases pH in periapical tissues.
B. releases Ca 2+ and OH - ions.
. used as a single active agent is
C. increases pO 2 in periapical tissues.
effective against E. faecalis .
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version I
September 2012
Nr 23. Which sentence concerning intrapulpal anesthesia is false ?
A. it is an injection of local anesthetic given directly into the pulp.
B. injection is painful.
C. short time of anesthesia is its characteristic feature.
D. elimination of the pain is not the result of pharmacological activity of the medicament.
E. elimination of the pain is also the result of the pressure created during the
deposition of anesthetic solution.
Nr 24. A 35-year-old patient presents with malaise, fever and very strong, pulsating
pain without remissiones and intermissiones in the region of the tooth 34. An extra-
and intraoral examinations reveal small painful eminence in the root apex projection
and developing swelling. There is no evidence of sinus tract. The tooth is painful on
percussion and palpation, it has the 2nd degree of mobility. X-ray examination shows
the PDL space widening. The above is the description of:
A. periapical abscess;.
. recurrent abscess.
B. subperiosteal abscess.
. phoenix abscess.
C. submucosal abscess.
Nr 25. Why xylitol, which is the sugar substitute used in foodstuffs, delays the growth
of the microorganisms that form dental plaque?
A. cariogenic bacteria do not have possibilities of fermenting xylitol and cannot use it
as a substrate.
B. xylitol inhibits enzymes which play an important role in bacterial metabolism of
C. xylitol makes glucose transport through the cell membrane of cariogenic bacteria difficult.
D. xylitol promotes calcium fluoride formation on the tooth surface.
E. all the answers are correct.
Nr 26. Which method of caries treatment is presented in the picture below, assuming
that the dotted line indicates the area sealed around central pit tooth preparation on
the occlusal surface?
C. typical RMGI restoration.
D. typical composite restoration.
E. typical sandwich restoration.
Nr 27. Which of the following statements concerning matching the colour of
restoration is false :
A. restoration colour is matched on the basis of the material shade guide.
B. colour should be matched before rubber dam placement.
C. the best way of matching the colour is doing it in artificial light.
D. in choosing the material colour it is necessary to take into account also its
E. restoring the incisal edge the transparent shade should be chosen.
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