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Diesel Turbo Direct Injection
(TDI) system, servicing
The Diesel Direct Fuel Injection (DFI) Engine
Control Module (ECM) is equipped with
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) memory.
Before starting repairs, adjustments and/or
- Check DTC memory for possible stored
Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs)
page 01-
15 .
- Check Diesel DFI ECM output signals to
components using output Diagnostic Test Mode
(DTM) page 01-51 .
During checking and adjusting procedures, the
Diesel DFI ECM may recognize malfunctions and
store DTCs.
For this reason, after completing all checking and
adjusting procedures, you must:
- Check and erase DTC memory
page 01-
41 .
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- Re-create readiness code
page 01-47 .
Safety precautions
Fire hazard! Do not have anything in the area
that can ignite Diesel fuel. To guard against
personal injury, and damage to vehicle
Be sure the ignition is switched OFF, when:
Disconnecting or connecting Diesel fuel
injection and glow plug system wiring or test
Disconnecting the battery
BEFORE cranking the engine at starting RPM
(such as for compression testing):
Disconnect the harness connector for fuel
cut-off valve -N109- on the Diesel injection
After the work is completed, check and erase
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) memory.
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BEFORE disconnecting (or connecting) the
Be sure the ignition is switched OFF. Failure
to do so may damage the Diesel Direct Fuel
Injection (DFI) Engine Control Module (ECM).
Be sure of the proper radio code (for vehicles
equipped with coded anti-theft radio).
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Rules for cleanliness
When working on the fuel supply or Diesel
injection system, always observe the
following rules of cleanliness.
1. Thoroughly clean fuel system line and hose
connections and the surrounding area before
2. Place removed components on a clean
surface and cover. Use plastic sheet or paper.
Do not use fluffy rags that leave lint!
3. Carefully cover over or seal any components
that have been opened if repairs are not carried
out immediately.
4. Install only clean parts:
Do not remove replacement parts from the
packaging until immediately before they are to
be installed.
Do not use parts that have been stored without
packaging (e.g. in toolboxes, etc.).
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