2004.12_Linux Beer Hike-Hacking and Hiking at Lbw 2004.pdf

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Linux Beer Hike 2004
Linux Bork Hike
Around 80 people from all over the world met in the tiny village of Schin op
Geul in the Netherlands from 16th to 22nd of August to hack, experience local
culture, and go on hikes. BY HEIKE JURZIK
derung” (LBW)[1]) took place in
the south east corner of the Nether-
lands, close to Belgium and Germany. The
hike attracted geeks from many different
countries: UK, Germany, the Netherlands,
USA, Belgium, Ireland, Slovakia, Russia,
Canada, Sweden (including the Swedish
chef!) and Austria.
LBWs are always a nice opportunity to
meet Linux and Free Software enthusi-
asts from far away. The combination of
talks and hacking sessions, pub meet-
ings, and hikes makes this event so
special. This year’s LBW took place in a
classic 17th century timber barn that has
been converted into a community hall
with two bars, sleeping facilities, and a
large industrial kitchen, which came in
very handy when a load of geeks were
set loose preparing food for the interna-
tional potluck later in the week.
of the highlights was the excursion to the
Max Planck Institute’s 100-meter radio
telescope in Effelsberg [3], Germany.
The institute provided an interesting lec-
ture on the astounding telescope, which
is one of the world’s largest fully steer-
able instruments.
The international potluck, which was
held for the second time, was a huge
success. The idea of the potluck is that
people bring food or drinks that are typi-
cal of their home countries. Following
the instructions on the mailing list (“For
the British – tea bags are a no-no!”), we
had pierogies, black pudding, calf’s
brain, Christmas mead, roast beef and
Yorkshire pudding, Belgian chocolate,
German Reibekuchen, American stuffed
pizza, spam sandwiches, and of course,
fried food from the local snack bar.
Figure 2: The international potluck was a huge
on a variety of subjects, such as “Jobs
for Techies,” “Practical Cryptography,”
“How to design a satellite for 100 EUR,”
and “Domain Name Server Compari-
son.” Geeks being geeks – the fact that
there were lots of other things to do did-
n’t stop us being on IRC all the time, to
the extent that when the “Wardriving
with Kismet & GPSdrive” talk was
announced, it seemed perfectly natural
for someone to ask, “Do we really have
to listen or can you do your talk on IRC?”
Somebody actually transcribed the talk
to IRC for those LBWers who were not
present this year.
Virtual Life
Constant IRCing seems to be bad for
your sanity. During one of the nightly
sessions somebody started imitating the
Swedish Chef and everybody joined in
the borking. Under the influence of quite
a few borks that night, the website slash-
bork.org [4] was set up. Luckily this
effect is short-lived and nobody suffered
any lasting side effects or went borking
mad. I really enjoyed this year’s Lin-
uxBorkHike and will be happy to bork
geeks again next year!
Musical Life
As people tasted the various dishes,
background music was provided by a
folk session. In keeping with the interna-
tional food, we had an interesting mix of
Irish, Slovakian, and Russian folk. Musi-
cal experiments continued all week with
the production of our own adaption
of Baz Luhrmann’s
song “Sunscreen,”
extolling the virtues
of firewalls. We used
Audacity to record
and mix various
tracks consisting of
percussion on empty
bottles and tea cups,
choral and violin
backing tracks, and
spoken lyrics.
Real Life
We enjoyed several hikes during the
week, including a ride on an old steam
train and a trip to the “Three Countries
Point” at Vaals [2], where the Nether-
lands, Germany, and Belgium meet. One
[1] LBW Info:
[2] 3-country-point and Moresnet:
[3] Radio Telescope in Effelsberg:
[4] slashbork.org:
Figure 1: About 30 geeks traveled to visit the radio telescope in Effelsberg.
Geek Life
There were talks
throughout the week
December 2004
Meeting the Swedish Chef
T he sixth annual “LinuxBierWan-
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