samochod policyjny.doc

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Police Car

Make a rectangle and shape into car body. Make a smaller rectangle and place on top of car body. Make 4 circles for the tires. policecar-step1.jpg

Attach front wheels to car. Make 2 flat squares. Shape, and attach to sides of car for doors. Make 2 small pieces of rope. Attach rope to front and back of car for bumpers. Make a small rectangle for the emergency lights. policecar-step2.jpg

Attach emergency light to roof of car. Make flat rectangles and ad attach to make windshield and windows. Make 2 small circles and attach to front of car for headlights. Make 4 more circles and attach to tires for hubcaps. Make 2 small triangles. Attach policecar-step3.jpg

Attach second triangle to door of car. Holy cannoli! You have become quite the advanced creation creator! policecar-step4.jpg


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