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Upper intermediate wordlist: English to Polish
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13 appraisal
n assessment or evaluation of how well you do your job
10 bonus scheme
n company system in which employees receive extra payments if certain
targets are reached
(motywacyjny) system premii, system premiowy
10 book-keeping
n recording the money that an organisation or business spends and
12 computer literate adj able to use a computer competently
biegły w obsłudze komputera
12 core
adj central, essential
podstawowy, najważniejszy
11 dedicated
adj designed especially for that use
13 degree
n university qualification
stopień naukowy
13 firm
n company
12 flying start
n very good beginning
świetny start
11 goal
n aim, objective, target
13 graduate
n someone who has obtained a university degree
absolwent (studiów co najmniej pierwszego
12 hands-on
adj practical, not theoretical
11 high flier
n someone with a lot of ability and ambition who is expected to be
młody ambitny, młoda ambitna, młody wilk
10 in-house
adj taking place within the company
firmowy, wewnętrzny
11 key
adj very important, essential
12 learning goals: meet the
learning goals
v provide good enough instruction in what the employees want to learn sprostać potrzebom szkoleniowym
11 limited
adj company where each shareholder is responsible for the company’s debts
up to but no more than the amount that he/she has invested in the
(spółka) z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
12 monitor
v watch carefully and record the results
monitorować, kontrolować, nadzorować
10 on-the-job training n training while you are working
zdobywanie kwalifikacji podczas pracy
13 peer
n person at the same level as you in a company
osoba na równorzędnym stanowisku
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10 permanent contract n an employment agreement which is not for a limited period of time umowa na czas nieokreślony
12 promising
adj showing signs of being likely to develop successfully
11 promote
v give someone a better-paid, more responsible job; advertise or publicise a
product or service so that people will buy it
awansować (kogoś); promować (coś)
11 recruit n someone who has recently started working for a company nowy pracownik
10 salary n money paid regularly to employees for doing a job pensja
10 skill n ability to do something well umiejętność
10 staff development n expansion of skills and consequent possible promotion for employees rozwój pracowników
13 study leave
n period of time away from work for study
urlop w celach naukowych
12 tailor-made
adj specially designed to meet individual needs
dostosowany do potrzeb; szyty na miarę
13 track record
n reputation based on things done up to now
osiągnięcia, życiorys zawodowy
12 workload
n the amount of work you have to do
obciążenie pracą
14 accounting n activity of preparing and maintaining financial records księgowość
16 areas n departments obszary działalności (działy firmy)
16 audit v check that financial statements and accounts are correct prowadzić audyt, kontrolować
CD1 T3 baby: your own baby n project or piece of work that you care about a lot because it was your idea oczko w głowie
16 board of directors n top-level managers of a company
17 candidate
n person applying for a job
17 cashier
n the person who takes the money when customers pay at a supermarket kasjer
14 CEO
n short for Chief Executive Officer
dyrektor generalny
17 challenging
adj difficult and demanding to do
ambitny, stawiający wysokie wymagania,
stanowiący wyzwanie
CD1 T4 checkout
n the place in a supermarket where you pay for your shopping
14 Chief Executive Officer n highest manager with responsibility for the day-to-day running of a
dyrektor generalny / naczelny
14 Chief Information Officer n manager responsible for information and computer systems
dyrektor ds. informatyki
14 CIO
n short for Chief Information Officer
dyrektor ds. informatyki
14 customer relations n approach to management which recognizes the value of building and
maintaining a long-term relationship with customers through, e.g. special
credit cards, loyalty cards
relacje z klientami
17 customer service n giving customers good service
obsługa klienta
14 deadline
n final time by which a task or job must be completed
termin wykonania pracy lub zadania
14 Finance Manager n the manager responsible for the accounting and financial affairs of a
kierownik / dyrektor finansowy
16 financial year
n the -month period for which a company produces accounts
rok finansowy
17 fire
v dismiss someone from their job
wyrzucić, wylać z pracy
16 forecast
v predict business and financial performance for the future
CD1 T3 fulfilling
adj making you happy or satisfied
dający satysfakcję
16 graduation
n the moment of successfully completing one’s university course
ukończenie studiów, uroczystość wręczenia
14 HRM
n Human Resources Manager
dyrektor personalny, dyrektor działu HR
14 Human Resources
n the manager responsible for recruiting, training and managing employees dyrektor personalny, dyrektor działu HR
CD1 T3 incentive event
n conference or other event which companies use for thanking customers
and rewarding their staff
wyjazdy / szkolenia motywacyjne
17 interviewee
n person being interviewed
kandydat w czasie rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej
16 IT
n short for Information Technology; computer and telecommunications
IT, technologie komputerowe i telekomunikacyjne
14 launch
v start selling a product or service for the first time
wprowadzić na rynek
CD1 T3 lifestyle
n, adj the way that you live your life
styl życia
16 management accounting n preparing financial information to help management decisions
księgowość zarządcza
14 Managing Director n highest manager with responsibility for the day-to-day running of the
company, Chief Executive Officer
dyrektor generalny
14 Marketing Consultant n someone whom companies employ to give advice about how to market
their products or services
konsultant ds marketingu
14 PA
n short for Personal Assistant
asystent, sekretarz
17 part-time job
n job which is only done for part of the working week, less than a full-time
praca na część etatu
14 performance
n how well a person or company does
wyniki, wykonywanie (obowiązków służbowych)
14 Personal Assistant n someone who is employed to do secretarial and administrative tasks,
especially for a manager
asystent, sekretarz
14 PRO
n short for Public Relations Officer, the person responsible for ensuring that
the public think well of a company
dyrektor ds. Public Relations
14 R&D
n short for Research and Development
badania i rozwój
14 recruitment
n the activity of finding and employing new people to work in an organisation rekrutacja
CD1 T4 relief
n person who takes the place of another worker so that he/she can have a
16 reporting to me
that I have authority over
podlegający mi
14 Research and Development n the activity of investigating and developing new products
badania i rozwój
16 role
n job or function in a company
14 routine correspondence n normal, everyday letters and emails which are not special
korespondencja rutynowa
17 selling point
n characteristic of a product that makes people want to buy it
unikatowa cecha produktu: USP (unique selling
16 smooth-talking
adj good at persuading people, not to be trusted
17 supervisor
n person who makes sure people do their jobs properly
nadzorca, kierownik
14 target
n goal or objective decided in advance against which performance can be
CD1 T3 thrive on
v really enjoy
uwielbiać, żyć dla czegoś
16 treasurer
n the person who looks after the money in an organisation
CD1 T3 vision
n plan or hope for the future
4 workwise
adj as far as work is concerned
związany z pracą; jeśli chodzi o pracę
21 academic background n what you have studied and the qualifications you have received
wykształcenie; kierunek studiów i stopień
CD1 T5 common sense n practical, sensible thinking and judgement
zdrowy rozsądek
21 consumer product n product bought by the public and not by companies
towar konsumpcyjny
21 CV
n short for curriculum vitae: a written summary of work experience and
qualifications sent to a possible employer by someone applying for a job
CD1 T5 found out
adj shown to be dishonest
19 full-on
adj total
19 gig
n performance, concert
CD1 T5 go about
v start dealing with
podejść do (robienia czegoś)
CD1 T5 go straight in the bin v be thrown away without being looked at
iść prosto do kosza
18 innovation
n new idea or product
18 job satisfaction
n feeling of pleasure and achievement in your job
satysfakcja z pracy
19 kiosk
n small building where products are sold
19 online distribution n the supply of goods through the Internet
dystrybucja przez internet
18 perk
n extra payment or benefit which is not part of your salary, e.g. a company
dodatek (do pensji), dodatkowe świadczenie
19 promotion
n being given a better-paid, more responsible job
19 receptive
adj willing to listen and accept
chłonny, otwarty (na coś)
20 referee
n person who gives information about your experience and ability when you
apply for a job
osoba udzielająca referencji
21 reflect
v show or represent
odzwierciedlać, pokazywać
19 release
n the moment when something is available for the public to buy
wypuszczenie na rynek; wejście na ekrany
19 scope
n opportunities
CD1 T5 snail mail
n letters sent by post compared with the speed of email
poczta tradycyjna
CD1 T5 words of wisdom pl n very good advice
mądre rady, dobre rady
23 bring up details v find information on a computer
znaleźć na komputerze, wyświetlić coś
25 critical
adj very important
krytyczny, bardzo ważny
23 details: bring up your
v find information about you on my computer
znaleźć na komputerze informacje o kimś
25 great deal n a lot dużo, wiele
23 hang on v (inf) wait a moment zaczekać chwilę
25 intended recipient n the person you wanted to contact osoba, z którą chcieliśmy się skontaktować
25 put someone on hold v make someone wait to speak to the person they have called on the phone zawiesić połączenie, poprosić kogoś, żeby czekał
23 screen: get it up on the
v see bring up your details
znaleźć na komputerze, wyświetlić coś (na
25 update
v add new information to
CD1 T7 vacancy
n available job
Unit 5
29 brand awareness n knowledge among people in general that a certain brand exists
świadomość marki
28 branding
n giving a company or product a particular design or symbol in order to give
it an identity for marketing and advertising purposes
tworzenie marki
28 brochure
n magazine published by a company advertising or giving information about
its products and services
broszura, prospekt
29 capitalise on
v benefit from, take advantage of
zarabiać na czymś, zbijać kapitał na czymś;
obrócić coś na swoją korzyść
29 centrepiece
n the most important or attractive part or feature of something
najważniejsza część, gwóźdź programu
29 dating skills
pl n ability to begin a romantic relationship
umiejętność podrywania
29 direct mail
n publicity sent directly to a person's home
reklama bezpośrednia
28 drawback
n disadvantage
wada, ujemna strona
31 dream up
v invent
31 essence
n most important quality
istota, sedno
31 focus group
n group of people who are paid to discuss and give their opinions for market
grupa fokusowa, popularnie: fokus,
zogniskowany wywiad grupowy
28 gift
n something which is given to you
29 hit
n time when someone visits a website
odwiedziny (na stronie internetowej)
30 hype
v publicise strongly, advertise in an exaggerated way
rozreklamować, zrobić dużo szumu wokół
28 leaflet
n printed material of a page or a few pages publicising or giving information
about product and training
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