Boy Meets Girl CD1.txt

(13 KB) Pobierz
00:00:00:movie info: DIVX 576x320 25.0fps 697.2 MB
00:00:50:we are...
00:01:02:It is all...
00:01:07:so slow...
00:01:12:so heavy...
00:01:18:so sad...
00:01:32:will be...
00:01:48:it will...
00:01:54:at last...
00:01:58:be over...
00:02:35:I came to say I'm leaving you
00:02:41:Your tears won't change my mind
00:02:58:You remember happy days gone by
00:03:08:Hello, Henri.
00:03:11:Don't say that.
00:03:13:You told me to clear out,|so I did.
00:03:20:I have Pimpernel with me.
00:03:24:We're driving to the mountains.
00:03:28:Don't say that.
00:03:40:Hello, Henri.
00:03:44:It's Mait?.
00:03:46:You told me to clear out,|so I did.
00:03:49:I took Pimpernel and the car.
00:03:52:We're going to the mountains.|One more thing:
00:03:55:I've got all your poems|and crappy paintings.
00:03:59:You know where|I'm going to dump them all?
00:04:03:In the water, Henri.|In the river.
00:04:08:Don't hang up.|Listen to this.
00:04:15:Look, Pimpernel!|All the lights went out.
00:05:22:What's the date?
00:05:24:May 24, 1983.
00:05:27:It's 10:20.
00:06:58:Terrible heat.
00:07:02:I like it here.
00:07:04:The river, the highway...
00:07:20:She's a great girl.
00:07:26:Of course,|you know how it happened.
00:07:29:You know the story.
00:07:32:She's deaf in one ear...|the left one.
00:07:37:She was sleeping|on her good ear.
00:07:39:I said to her, "You're a love."
00:07:42:Startled, she turned to me...
00:07:45:and asked me how I knew.
00:07:47:I played along...
00:07:49:That's how I found out.
00:07:53:I would have anyway.
00:07:55:Florence is a lousy liar.|She thought I'd said...
00:07:59:"You've got a lover."
00:08:01:I figured it out fast.
00:08:03:I was relieved that I knew him.
00:08:06:Even if he was my best|and only friend.
00:08:10:And now she's gone.
00:08:13:Shit, I never thought|it'd get to that.
00:08:17:It's not like me at all.
00:09:15:That's crazy.
00:09:25:Florence's favorite colors.
00:09:29:She took everything, the bitch.
00:10:50:Where are you going?
00:11:26:Why won't you talk to me?
00:11:30:Sorry, but I can't talk|about it here and now.
00:11:51:So go talk about it elsewhere.
00:13:57:I forgot my keys. Leave them|in the box if you go out.
00:14:02:I'm not going out.
00:14:23:You don't love me anymore.
00:14:27:What did you say?
00:14:30:You heard me, Bernard.
00:14:33:Yes.|But don't say that, Mireille.
00:14:35:Why do you say that?|I know it's not easy.
00:14:38:I'm indifferent to you, but|that's not indifferent to me.
00:14:42:I love loving you,|but my head's a mess.
00:14:45:It took us a while|to love each other equally.
00:14:48:I watched your love catch up|with mine. And when it did...
00:14:54:a tune started going round|in my head.
00:14:57:You know I love it when we kiss.
00:15:00:But then the tune went...
00:15:02:"What's she doing here?|Who's that monster?
00:15:05:"How dare she touch me|with her mouth?
00:15:08:"She must think I like it!
00:15:10:"Her breath stinks."|I know you smell good...
00:15:14:but I've convinced myself|that you stink.
00:15:31:When I look at you,|it's not your beauty I see...
00:15:35:but the space you take up:|standing, sitting, lying down.
00:15:40:As I watch you, the tune goes...
00:15:43:"I don't want|this girl anymore."
00:15:45:I don't want anyone else|to have you...
00:15:48:yet I don't want to be loved.
00:15:50:The few times we talk now,|I don't take you seriously.
00:15:54:I talk and listen,|but I'm watching you.
00:15:57:I see your shell and insult you|silently, to hurt myself.
00:16:01:Then I feel pity for you...
00:16:04:and myself.
00:16:06:So I hate us.
00:16:08:Lonelier together than apart,|who could ever love us?
00:16:12:We're gluey together.
00:16:15:I want it to be like before...
00:16:20:To stop all the spying...
00:16:23:to stop all the sabotage...
00:16:27:Bye, angel.|I won't be home late.
00:17:18:My name is Bouriana.
00:17:23:The problem with loners|is that they're never alone.
00:17:29:What'll it be?
00:17:30:A small lemonade.
00:17:31:No small drinks after 10 p.m.
00:17:34:How about a large?
00:17:44:A glass of milk.
00:17:55:Bouriana...Yes, I'll hold on.
00:17:59:Give me a beer.
00:18:08:How much?
00:18:09:That'll be seven francs.
00:18:17:I'm holding on.
00:18:32:Excuse me.
00:18:34:Can I buy you a coffee?
00:18:37:Thank you.
00:18:43:That's right. I'm Bouriana.
00:18:52:This gentleman's paying|for my coffee.
00:19:03:Bouriana.|"B" as in Bouriana...
00:19:06:"O" as in Ouriana,|"U" as in Uriana...
00:19:09:"R" as in Riana,|"l" as in lana...
00:19:11:"A" as in Ana, "N" as in Na...
00:19:13:and "A" as in Alfred.|Alfred Bouriana!
00:19:35:We're having a real heat wave...
00:19:42:Your emotional blackmail...
00:19:47:it's like making love|in the shit house...
00:20:50:You can't fool me!|It's too late for your love!
00:20:53:I won't fall for that!
00:21:26:1970-1976: High school.
00:21:31:F cheats on me. 3/26/83.
00:21:35:1st shoplifting: 1968.
00:21:41:1st lie to F: 3/13/81.
00:21:47:My bank.
00:21:52:Luxembourg Park - Readings:|1977-1979.
00:21:56:Born: Cochin Hospital - 1960.
00:21:59:1st night with F:|7, rue Pascal, 1/2/81.
00:22:03:Hospital - April '80 - Hernia.
00:22:07:1st kiss F - 12/22/80.
00:22:12:I meet F: 6/2/80.
00:22:20:1st murder attempt: 5/25/83.
00:23:00:The air is so still.
00:23:03:Let's put on a fresh shirt!
00:23:31:Now you're mad!
00:23:33:How can you want to make love...
00:23:38:when the world's such a mess?!
00:23:40:Are you blind?
00:23:50:You act so cute...
00:23:52:but you're just an animal!
00:23:56:You feed on rotten meat...
00:23:59:laced with tenderness.
00:24:02:You like it?
00:24:04:Not me.
00:24:05:Can't you smell it?
00:24:08:You must have a cold!
00:24:10:Or else you'd puke!
00:24:18:You ask me|what's come between us?
00:24:21:Life, that's what!
00:24:25:Isn't that enough for you?
00:24:38:I'm gonna hit!
00:24:40:Watch out! Here it comes!
00:24:43:You gotta hit! Hit!
00:24:48:I'm gonna hit!
00:24:53:I'm hitting!
00:25:21:You can't leave, Anna.|We live together.
00:27:37:One, two, three, and four.
00:31:38:Alex? It's your father.
00:31:40:Hi. How are you?
00:31:43:What time is it?
00:31:48:The telephone startled me...
00:31:51:It was a sort of d?j? vu...
00:31:54:like a memory of the present...
00:31:56:That's why...l'm in a daze.
00:32:01:-Tomorrow, I'm...|-I know. That's why...
00:32:03:-Let's drop it.|-All right.
00:32:07:-You heard about Aunt V.?|-No.
00:32:10:She didn't die.
00:32:12:Why should she?
00:32:14:They're keeping her alive|on a drip-feeder.
00:32:17:A plumber's nightmare!
00:32:20:It's dreadful!
00:32:22:That's not new.
00:32:24:I'm counting on you.
00:32:27:If I get senile - Bang!
00:32:29:Who wants to be|a bedridden vegetable?!
00:32:34:Remember our contract:
00:32:36:You put a bullet in my brain!|Promise!
00:32:39:I'm not kidding, Alex!|Swear it!
00:32:42:I already did.
00:32:45:Unless I die first, of course.
00:32:48:Cut that out, you asshole! Shit!
00:33:40:Bernard dear...
00:33:42:I'm giving a party|at my place Friday...
00:33:44:to celebrate the tenth|anniversary of Stan's death.
00:33:48:Bring Mireille with you.
00:36:02:Your turn now.
00:36:14:Your turn.|Play with me a little.
00:36:17:Then we'll turn over and begin.
00:36:20:Then what?
00:36:22:What is it?
00:36:26:I'm lost.
00:36:29:Wasn't it good?
00:36:31:Not really. Something's wrong...
00:36:36:I don't know.
00:36:38:What's wrong?
00:36:40:I don't like it so wet.
00:36:42:You salivate too much.|I feel like...
00:36:46:You're like Alex. You like it|dry so it almost hurts.
00:36:53:It doesn't hurt.
00:36:54:I prefer touching|when it's not so wet.
00:36:59:It's nicer with saliva.
00:37:03:For you.
00:37:05:Don't disappoint me yet...|So soon...
00:37:09:I thought you liked it that way.
00:37:13:But I was wrong.
00:37:15:Tell me when you don't like what|I do so I don't waste my time.
00:37:19:What don't I like?
00:37:21:When I take you in my mouth|and salivate.
00:37:27:I meant when I do it to you.
00:37:29:But I like it when it's wet.
00:37:31:I assumed you'd like|what I like. I was wrong.
00:37:37:Like putting a finger in...
00:37:38:I didn't like that|with Alex at first...
00:37:41:Now I do. But you clench up|before I can get it in.
00:37:45:So we get nowhere.
00:37:47:You know why.
00:37:49:I know. You only let me put|my finger in when I suck you.
00:37:56:But I come too fast that way.
00:37:59:Then you complain.
00:38:03:No. When I want|to give you pleasure...
00:38:08:I don't mind that.
00:38:11:So you say.
00:38:12:I love to hear you moan...
00:38:16:even softly.
00:38:18:And if you weren't so passive...
00:38:21:like Alex...|I'd do it more often.
00:38:57:Be right back.
00:40:56:Me, I'm a sneaky opportunist,|the child of sacrifices...
00:41:04:Me and my shitty asshole, my|blisters, my insatiable shoes...
00:41:08:They judge us by our shoes.
00:41:33:His feet were often sore...
00:41:35:he'd put ice cubes in his shoes.|I tried it once.
00:41:40:It helped at first,|but then it hurt even more.
00:42:05:My feet were growing...
00:42:08:So was my soul...I was becoming|sublime in every way!
00:43:24:I'm Bernard's friend.
00:43:35:He just left.
00:43:37:The poor boy had a stomachache.
00:43:40:Mireille is still here. Come in.
00:43:43:You know Mireille,|his girlfriend?
00:44:03:Do you ...
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