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20,000 Leagues
Under the Sea
Activity Book
Exercises written by
Hayden Berry
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Chapter I
Activities to chapter 1: The Narwhale...............................................3
A. The Story
Read this short version of the chapter. There are a few things wrong. Find
and change the mistakes.
Activities to chapter 2: Captain Nemo and the Nautilus....................7
In 1866 a strange object was seen by sailors at sea. This strange object had
attacked a ship in the Atlantic Ocean. Professor Aronnax was invited to
join the expedition to look for this strange Narwhale. He went aboard the
Abraham Lincoln with his servant Conseil, and met Ned Land.. The Abraham
Lincoln sailed all over the world for a whole year but couldn’t find the
Narwhale. On the last day, Professor Aronnax saw the Narwhale and the ship
chased it for the rest of the day. The boat couldn’t catch the Narwhale so Ned
Land threw a stone at the Narwhale. The Narwhale went under the water and
a huge wave hit the ship, which knocked Professor Aronnax and Conseil into
the sea. They swam for a while and found the Narwhale. They climbed onto
the Narwhale where they met Ned Land. The Narwhale wasn’t an animal but a
metal machine. Sailors appeared and took them down into the machine.
Activities to chapter 3: Walking at the Bottom of the Ocean...........12
Activities to chapter 4: Pearl Fishing and the Secret Tunnel.............17
Activities to chapter 5: The Atlantic................................................22
Activities to chapter 6: The South Pole............................................26
Activities to chapter 7: The End of the Journey...............................30
Key: .................................................................................................36
B. Order Sentences
All these sentences appeared in the story. Put them in the correct order as
they were in the original.
© Mediasat Poland Bis 2005
We arrived at the Abraham Lincoln and I was introduced to Captain Farragut.
Our ship chased the animal all day, but at no time did we manage to catch it.
At the time these things were happening, I was returning from a scientific trip
in The United States of America.
I hit my foot against the animal and heard a metallic sound.
The US Navy read my newspaper article and made plans for an expedition to
catch the narwhale.
The bullet hit the narwhale but didn’t go in and simply fell into the sea.
Therefore, until I get more information, I have to think that the monster is a
huge narwhale.
Scientists from every country wrote articles, gave lectures and talked about
the animal.
As the wave came nearer, everyone looked for something to hold onto.
Sir, if you would like to join the expedition of the Abraham Lincoln, the
United States Government will happily have you on board.
Mediasat Poland Bis sp. z o.o.
ul. Mikołajska 26
31-027 Kraków
C. Who said this?
Can you remember who said this?
ISBN 83 - 89652 - 37 - 4
1. ‘We must be ready to leave in two hours.’
2. ‘Where are we going?’
3. ‘We are going to catch it!’
4. ‘Because it’s not true!’
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5. ‘Look out! The thing we are looking for is on our starboard side!’
6. ‘Is your engine ready?’
7. ‘The animal goes faster than my ship.’
8. ‘I jumped into the sea to save you!’
9. ‘I climbed onto this floating island.’
10. ‘But it’s made of thick iron.’
F. Multiple Choice
1. In the year 1866 everybody in Europe and America was excited ................
a mysterious object
a) on
b) by
c) to
d) in
2. When the engineers looked .... the boat.
a) by b) to c) at d) out
3. The newspapers wrote ................ the story and the public demanded that
the monster must be caught.
a) about b) for c) with d) in
4. The ocean is totally ................ to us.
a) known b) true c) unknown d) fine
5. The US Navy read my newspaper article and made plans ................ an
expedition to catch the narwhale.
a) for b) to c) on d) with
6. At 4.17pm the boat was hit by a ................ object and water quickly went
into the boat.
a) blunt b) sharp c) underwater d) black
7. On July 20 th we arrived in the north Pacific, and for the ................ three
months looked everywhere for the narwhale.
a) near b) under c) below d) next
8. They couldn’t ................ their eyes.
a) believe b) realise c) understand d) feel
9 The animal disappeared again, but later that night we saw the electric
................ only 5km away.
a) lamp b) torch c) bulb d) light
10. Eight men appeared and pulled us ................ into the strange metal
a) up b) down c) through d) around
11. I jumped ................ the sea to save you!
a) onto b) to c) onto d) through
12. The United States Government will happily have you on ................ .
a) land b) ship c) boat d) board
13. The captain ordered the boat to be ................ around and we desperately
tried to escape from the animal.
a) sailed b) turned c) pushed d) driven
14. He ................ up his gun and fired.
a) picked b) threw c) held d) started
15. As the wave came nearer, everyone ................ for something to hold onto.
a) saw b) wanted c) looked d) tried
D. Speech
Here is a letter that Professor Aronnax wrote. Read the original again
and then see if you can repeat what it said, but without all the letters. The
amount of dots (.) is the amount of letter missing.
Th. o..an is tota..y ..known t. us. Wh.. ha..ens ..ere? ..at ..imals c.n liv. 15 or
20 kilome..es u..er th. s.a? W. d. n.t yet kn.. .ll th. livi.. t..ngs th.. l.ve .t th.
bo..om o. th. s.a. Th. co..on nar..ale, or s.a unic..n is oft.n 30 m..res l..g. I. th.
si.. an. str..gth i. increa..d by t.n, th.n th.. co..d b. th. an..al w. ar. l..king f.r. Th.
narw..le h.s a. iv.ry t..k, ju.t lik. .n ele..ant, wh... i. as h..d a. ir.n. I. th.. wea.on
w.r. t.n tim.s str..ger, th.. it co.ld mak. a larg. h..e in th. s.ip. Th..efore, un..l I
g.t mor. info..ation, I hav. to th..k th.. th. mo..ter i. a hug. narwha...
E. Match the Sentences
This object was long and round and
the problem changed from a
scientific problem
When the engineers looked at the
The newspapers wrote about the
The US Navy read my newspaper
article and made
Conseil was a loyal man from
Seeing the size of the whale,
Our ship chased the animal all day,
I was too late
Eight men appeared and
who came with me on all my journeys.
pulled us down into the strange metal
the captain ordered the boat to be
turned around...
often glowed with light under the water
to a serious danger
but at no time did we manage to catch
and was thrown dramatically into the
and the public demanded that the
monster must be caught.
they couldn’t believe their eyes.
plans for an expedition to catch the
G. Cloze
Here is the part where the Professor, Conseil, Ned Land and Captain
Farragut are looking for the Narwhal. Some of the verbs have been taken
out. Read the text and see if you can remember what goes in the gaps. Use
the verbs from the box to help you, but remember to put them into the
correct form .
On July 20 th we 1) in the north Pacific, and for the next three months looked
everywhere for the narwhale. We saw nothing. By November 2 nd , the captain
and the crew were ready to stop 2) and so 3) to spend only three more days
looking for the whale. For two days we didn’t see anything that looked like a
giant narwhale. But at 8 o’clock on November 5th, Ned Land 4) ‘Look out!
The thing we are looking for is on our starboard side!’ We all looked out at the
sea. The animal 5) under the water and 6) by a very strong light. Seeing the
size of the whale, the captain 7) the boat to be 8) around and we desperately
tried to 9) from the animal. But it 10) us and then, after a few moments of
panic on board, it disappeared. No one 11) that night 12) about the whale. At
8am the monster 13) back and I could see that it really was forty metres long.
This time however, we 14) for the shock of 15) such a beast.
16. someone who works with engines
17. a bedroom on a boat
18. a large spear for killing fishDown
Down :
1. to follow and try to catch
2. water that comes onto the beach
5. a trip or journey
7. people travelling on a boat, train, bus or plane
8. to give out light
9. the white part of an elephant
10. the sound that metal makes
12. a story written in a newspaper
13. the men whole work on a ship
14. all the people whole live in a city or country
15. to think about
shout order look prepare turn arrive think escape be
light see sleep follow decide come
H. Cross word
I. Full Sentence Questions
Now answer the questions in full sentences.
In the story
1. What was often seen at sea?
2. What did scientists do?
3. What happened to the steam boat Scotia on April 13 th 1867?
4. What was Professor Aronnax doing at the time these things were
5. What did the US Navy do?
6. What happened on July 20 th 1867?
7. When did they first see the Narwhale?
8. What happened when the Captain ordered the boat to be turned around?
9. What happened when Ned Land threw his harpoon at the Narwhale?
10. What was the Narwhale made of?
5 4
8 9
14 15
Chapter 2
A. The Story
Read this short version of the chapter. There are 2 things which didn’t
really happen. Find them.
True False
3. a large animal that lives in the sea
4. to stay on top of water
6. to make something ready
11. something that is secret or unexplained
1. Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land went into the
2. The two strangers were sailors from the submarine.
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3. Ned Land told the story to the strangers.
4. The food was terrible.
5. Captain Nemo can speak English, French, German and
6. Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land were
no one on earth
about thirty minutes later
that’s cruelty!
they didn’t seem to understand
you have a simple choice
breakfast is ready
suddenly the door opened
he looked at us without speaking
I have the right to treat you as enemies
I am in the presence of Mr Pierre Aronnax
7. The library was very small.
8. The museum was next to the library.
9. The name of the submarine is the ‘Nautilus’.
10. Captain Nemo is very rich.
Now, without looking, see if you can put the words into the correct order.
come way this
table he the set
but decided I that have the
talking I so began
the Land let of steward Ned go
explained over he breakfast
last Captain question one
so I’m I been long sorry have
must we something well do
no earth one on
later about minutes thirty
cruelty that’s
seem to understand didn’t they
simple you a choice have
ready breakfast is
door suddenly opened the
without looked us speaking at he
right to have right treat you enemies the as I
I Pierre am of Mr presence Aronnax in the
B. Ordering Actions
All these actions happened in the story. Put them in the correct order in
which they happened.
The steward brought some clothes for the professor, Conseil and Ned Land.
Professor Aronnax followed Captain Nemo into a large room.
Two men came into the room.
Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned went to sleep.
Professor Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land were taken down a ladder into the
Captain Nemo explained how the ‘Nautlius’ worked.
Ned attacked the steward.
Professor Aronnax began talking in French.
Captain Nemo took Professor Aronnax into his own room.
The strangers went away.
Captain Nemo invited everyone for breakfast.
The steward set the table and brought out some large dishes of food.
D. Who said this?
Can you remember who said this?
C. Useful Phrases
Here are some phrases from the story. They are in the wrong order. Put
them in the correct order.
1. ‘if you tell him the story of how we got here, they would understand.’
2. ‘I bet there’s nothing good to eat here.’
3. ‘To escape from a prison on land is very difficult, but to escape from a prison
at sea will be impossible.’
4. ‘Well, we must do something!’
5. ‘Calm yourself, Mr Land, and you professor, please listen to me.’
6. ‘I have the right to treat you as enemies, since you chased me and tried to
destroy my submarine.’
7. ‘But we thought we were chasing the sea monster that has caused so much
trouble in Europe and America.’
8. ‘You are my prisoners. You have a simple choice. To drown in the sea or live
a comfortable life on board my submarine.’
come this way
he set the table
but I have decided that
so I began talking
Ned Land let go of the steward
over breakfast he explained
one last question, Captain
I’m sorry I have been so long
well, we must do something!
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