UFO Review issue 04.pdf

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The Truth can be found at http://www.genesisrace.com/
For the beiever no proof is necessary. For the sceptic no proof is possibe. For the debunker no
proof exists
UFO Review Ï Proud To Be Taking British Ufoogy Back into the 20 th Century!
Brian James Ï August 2004
Septem ber 2004
¢2.50 printed
Num ber 4
Wecome Page 3
Your editor warbes, a itte too much
Heart To Hart Page 4
nterview with author Wil Hart
Probe nternational Conference Page 29
See you there
Arguments Against Psychosis Expaining The Aien
Abduction Scenario Page 31
Fascinating personal insight by Brian P. James
Cassified Adds Page38
Ceburne Revisited Page 39
Kithra ooks at the Jason Leigh case again
Vagina Monoogues Page 49
Sef expanatory
Soicitors Letter Page 50
Serious stuff
Tak To The Devil Ï nterview With Andy Roberts Page 52
Exposive, bombastic, hard-hitting? Yes! Deicate?
n paces.
Book Reviews Page 76
Aiens Caim Jacko s Their Son Page 80
This is serious!
The Search For Noahs Ark Page 81
John Chambers investigates
The Church Of The Latter Day Reticuians Page 84
Join a New Cut!
Heo and wecome back. n case you wondered where wed got to in August,
the answer is to the south of France! Because of my intended hoiday, I had two
weeks in Juy to prepare the August edition. This is where I say that in order to
maintain the quaity of this magazine, we decided not to do it but to miss a
month. The truth is something ike that but the reaity was that the work
invoved was ust too daunting to even attempt.
Anyway, enough of that. Let me instead gaze at my navel and marvel at the
schizophrenic nature of this edition. What extremes. We have a wonderful
interview with Wil Hart, author of The Genesis Race who beieves that mankind
originates from cosmic ancestry, and we have arch sceptic Andy Roberts who
graciousy granted us a very rare interview and who doesnt beieve anything
has ever happened at a. Theres aso one or two other bits and pieces too!
Whie ceary some peope have cottoned on udging by the numbers visiting
the web site, I woud ike to remind you that we offer a daiy News service
which, remarkaby, is updated daiy. ts worth checking as we are pretty
efficient with it, by and arge, and we pride ourseves not so much on the
material we incude so much as, often, the material we dont incude.
Just before I eft on this bessed hoiday of mine back in Juy, there were
rumours of an announcement about ife on Mars. That obviousy hasnt
happened yet. The rumours stil persist that its about to happen. Whie this
may be a big yawn for most of us who know that NASA have known al this for
sure since 1975 with the Viking Proect, nevertheess, we have to respect the
fact that for them its obviousy a big dea. One wonders what theyre weighing
up? s it the impications of the announcement and where their statement
might ead? s it the potential impact on, of al things, reigion? s it the
inevitabe debate that wil foow about inteigent ife existing esewhere? Or
are they ust steadying themseves for the onsaught of bearded, porty,
pompous, sef-important experts who wil inevitaby be dominating our TV
screens for weeks on end afterwards?
Whatever, when it al kicks off, it shoud be fun.
f there are any media types reading this who are ikey to be ÑcaedÒ by the
press etc. then coud you do me a favour? n any interview you give, coud you
try and insert the phrase, Ñike a Martian mouse scurrying after a piece of
Moon cheeseÒ. t woud be nice to see how many times viewers/isteners can
get to hear that. And a gift of some sort to the interviewees who manage it!
Heart To Hart
Wil Hart and friend
How one receives a book when one comes to read it wil depend on a ot of
personal factors. For me, reading The Genesis Race by Wil Hart was a
reveation. t was the right book at the right time. Harts essential theory was
not new but some of his associated ideas and theories to support his argument
were. He aeged that Darwins theory of Evoution coud not be correct, as
there wasnt one missing ink, there were hundreds if not thousands, and that
there must be another expanation as to how Mankind got here and deveoped.
At the same time, he pointed out that somewhat strangey, there were six
areas of popuation scattered across the gobe that amost out of nowhere, and
starting 10000 years ago, suddeny erupted into deveoped civiization. They
went, amost overnight historicay speaking, from being hunter/gatherers to
sophisticated farmers. They sowed crops, the crops we stil grow today, which
seemed to appear from nowhere and whose original wid variants we have stil
not identified. They started reading, writing, mathematics, astronomy and
science. They buit cities and those strange pointy things caed pyramids,
edifices that modern man stil does not understand or comprehend as to how
they were buit. Quarrying, cutting and ifting 400 ton of soid rock woud stil
be an immense chaenge to us today, yet somehow that ot managed it. They
aso managed, despite being thousands of mies apart on different continents,
to buid these things with a connecting synchronicity of aignment and
astronomical meaning. How coud these under deveoped, mud hut dweing
dudes manage al this? Who taught them al this nonsense?
There are simpy too many unanswered questions and for some, a feeing that it
perhaps isnt a good idea to poke the woodpie too hard. Leave it as it is. We
may not ike what we find.
Wil Hart isnt afraid to poke that woodpie. He ives in southern Arizona, ust 10
mies from the Mexican border and he recenty took time out from writing the
foow up to The Genesis Race to speak to me. t might be hepful to know
beforehand that he is not a reigious zeaot and neither does he subscribe to
any of the recognised faiths. athough he is not without a strong sense of
spirituaity. But he does beieve that the Bibe tes the story of who we are and
who created us and that the Judaeo/Christian reigions have, either through
ignorance or purpose, misinterpreted the information within.
This interview was recorded on August 10 th at 4:00 pm BST.
SM: The Genesis Race came aong for me, in terms of my deveopmental
thinking, at exacty the right time. t seemed to me to be a penny dropping into
pace. I know that the overal concept isnt new and I think goes back to the
19 th century but before we move into that, can I estabish what your
background is?
WH: ve been a ournaist for quite a number of years and ve written on a
number of different subects. But this fied is what I woud cal historical
research, rather than ufoogy and I started in it in the ate 60s through
experiences and interest. I started doing my own research with a personal
passion. Over the years, as I kept studying and keeping track of things and
going back through ancient history and anaysing documents, artefacts and so
on, the importance of this subect became more apparent to me. I began to get
more serious about it and reaised that over the decades, I had compied a ot
of research and questions that I wanted to put together.
I woudnt say that my first book is comprehensive of my work. ts more ike an
introduction. I woud not consider the book new or origina. Peope famiiar
with the fied woud not have said, ÑWow, this is al brand newÒ. The reason
that I started with a critique of Evoution was to try to shift the tone of the
research to a more scientific rather than a purey cutural and historical
SM: Wel d never queried Darwins theory of Evoution before I read your book.
That stopped me in my tracks. Yes, maybe the concept of the book wasnt
original but what you did succeed in doing, in terms of my reading experience,
was to bring together a number of different threads. For exampe, the point
that you make about agricuture, d never read before.
Chares Darwin 1809
WH: Yes, that area of my research was
origina. Questions I asked there and the
research I was doing ve not seen worked up
anywhere ese. There may be some writers
that have done it but ve never heard of them.
n particuar, raising the atest genetic
research and bringing that to bear to the
subect was new.
We have a ot of what I consider
underhandedness going on in academic
communities al over the word. Real serious
questions that remain mysteries they dont
ike to bring up and address. Anything that
1809 ----1882
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