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MLM Secrets
Secret: Internet versus Face-to-Face
Secret: The Power of mentoring
Secret: What separates big earners from big dreamers in network
Secret: Can I? versus Will I?
Secret: When to Tell the Truth"
Secret: Internet (11%) versus Face-to-Face (77%)
Did you know that only 11% of all members in MLM programs do
come from the Internet? 77% did join a program through a face-to-
face approach. So do not trust on Email, Internet whitelists,
advertising ect. You do not maximize your potential if you are not
getting out of your chair!!! The other piece of the cake is by phone: 8
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Secret: The Power of Mentoring
Secret: The Power of Mentoring
A 2006 Sun Microsystems / Gartner study explores the value of
mentoring in the workplace: Mentors were È promoted
more often. Mentees were Èpromote
Retention rates were much higher for mentees (72 precent) and
mentors (69 percent) than for employees who did not participate in the
mentoring program (49 Percent).
A 2006 Sun Microsystems / Gartner study explores the value of
mentoring in the workplace: Mentors were È promoted
more often. Mentees were Èpromoted FIVE times more often.
Retention rates were much higher for mentees (72 precent) and
mentors (69 percent) than for employees who did not participate in the
mentoring program (49 Percent).
A 2006 Sun Microsystems / Gartner study explores the value of
mentoring in the workplace: Mentors were È promoted SIX times
times more often.
Retention rates were much higher for mentees (72 precent) and
mentors (69 percent) than for employees who did not participate in the
So get a mentor!
Secret: Do you know what separates big earners from big
dreamers in network marketing?
Secret: Do you know what separates big earners from big
amers in network marketing?
Secret: Do you know what separates big earners from big
Those pesky objections prospects give you that hold you back from
achieving your financial dreams. Everyone faces them. Nobody likes
them. But pros answer them differently than rookies
they make more money.
Those pesky objections prospects give you that hold you back from
achieving your financial dreams. Everyone faces them. Nobody likes
them. But pros answer them differently than rookies - and thatÓs why
e money.
Those pesky objections prospects give you that hold you back from
achieving your financial dreams. Everyone faces them. Nobody likes
and thatÓs why
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They know how to handle objections as they come up. And generally
speaking, they already know the objections before they come up.
ThatÓs what makes them pros. They know the game so well theyÓve
heard almost all the objections before. What they do next (after they
hear the objection) is where the money is madeÈThey overcome the
objections. They donÓt dance around the issue. They donÓt dismiss the
concern raised by the prospect as trivial. And, they donÓt stumble on
their answers. Instead, they answer the objection head onÈ they make
absolutely sure theyÓve answered the question as clearly as possibleÈ
and they sound so confident in their response their prospects trust
And, they absolutely donÓt give false answers to real concerns. ThatÓs
what makes pros big earners. ItÓs not an "outgoing" attitude that brings
in big paydays. In fact, some of the greatest sales people are a bit shy.
ItÓs honesty and sincerity and most of allÈ Having the right answer to
your prospectÓs question that separates big earners from average
Self-Analysis Time!
WeÓre still in the beginning month of the new year. Many people take
this time to lie to themselves. They promise to lose weight, to stop
smoking, toÈÈ you know the drill. Then they spiral downwards like
a crashing plane. They give up hope and dismiss the idea that they
could ever change their life. What happened? Why didnÓt they achieve
their goal?
They lacked patience.
Not the "patience" of someone looking at their watch when waiting to
be picked up. But the patience that makes them systematically achieve
their objective. Not just go about it with some haphazard plan.
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The patience that keeps them pushing forward in the face of pain, and
struggle. Not like the ostrich who barriers its head in the sand at the
sight of danger. Real patience - systematized growth. Do you have the
patience to be a professional network marketer? One who faces
objections head on and has a system to answer them.
If notÈ YouÓre Fooling Yourself The fact is, if you donÓt have a
system to overcome objections youÓll never obtain your financial
goals. You need to have ready-made answers to common objections
all network marketers face.
Secret: Can I? or Will I?
Do you know the one reason that most people fail in MLM? Are you
aware of the key to ensuring your success? Too often this essential
element is disregarded as unimportant, when it is the most basic,
fundamental and necessary tool in building your business. Keep
reading to learn how dreaming should be part of your "success"
"Ted, what did you do when you first started in this business?" It
occurred to me that while some conditions have changed over the
years, ONE main condition hasnÓt. And perhaps itÓs this one thing that
people are really asking me. This "thing" hasnÓt changed in the 14
years IÓve been in MLM, nor is it likely to change in the next century.
The "thing" IÓm talking about is the answer to the question, "Will I?"
versus "Can I?" Put another way, "Will I do it?" versus "Can I do it?"
The reason I point this out is that when I got involved in MLM I most
certainly could not do it. But, I was willing to do those things which I
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