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Mists of Krynn
Mists of Krynn
Adventures ............................................................. 2-100
Between a Dragon and His Wrath (Chris Mortika) .......................................... 3
Eyes of the Minotaur (Rick Swan) ..................................................... 13
The Gate to Neraka (Michael DeWolfe)................................................. 22
Beyond All Tears (Thomas Kane) ...................................................... 30
Search for the Golden Minotaur (Rick Reid) ............................................. 37
The Riders of Khur (Jay Batista) ...................................................... 46
Tanglewood Keep (Vince Garcia and Bill Mercer) .......................................... 54
Valley of Fear (Peter Blanchard) ....................................................... 64
The Silvanesti—A Second Chance (John Terra) ......................................... 72
Crusade (Scott Bennie)............................................................... 80
Mother Love (Peter and Janet Vialb) ................................................... 87
Under Sanction (Ray Winninger) ...................................................... 93
Races of Krynn ........................................................ 101-119
Aurak Draconians (Janet and Peter Vialls) .............................................102
Baaz Draconians (Thomas Kane) ...................................................... 104
Bozak Draconians (Rick Swan) ...................................................... 106
Dragons (Rick Reid) ................................................................ 108
Gnomes (John Terra) ............................................................... 110
Gully Dwarves (Michael DeWolfe) .................................................... 112
Kapak Draconians (Ray Winninger) ................................................... 114
Kender (Vince Garcia and Bill Mercer) ................................................. 116
Sivak Draconians (Peter and Janet Vialls) .............................................. 118
NPCs of the Saga ...................................................... 120-128
Fistandantilus (Thomas Kane) ....................................................... 121
Justinius (Thomas Kane) ............................................................ 122
Bas-Ohn Koraf (Rick Reid) .......................................................... 123
Ladonna (Vince Garcia) .............................................................. 124
Lord Soth (Scott Bennie) ............................................................ 125
Steel-Toe (Rick Reid)..............................................................126
Theros Ironfeld (Rick Swan) ......................................................... 127
Fewmaster Toede (Rick Swan) ....................................................... 128
Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random
House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd.
Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.
Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR, Inc.
trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
Editing: Mike Breault
Cover Art: Denis Beauvais
Interior Art: Valerie Valusek
Cartography: Dennis Kauth
Typography: Betty Elmore and Kim Janke
Keylining: Stephanie Tabat
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Between a Dragon and His Wrath is a
DRAGONLANCE ® adventure for a well-
balanced party between 3d and 5th
levels, set in the lands of Nordmaar.
Although the adventure is best set a gen-
eration after the War of the Lance, the
DM should have little trouble placing it
at other times in Ansalons history.
Although the adventure is reasonably
self-complete, the DM will find that
module DL12, Dragons of Faith, which
details the lands and waters around the
Blood Sea, provides a wealth of helpful
detail about the setting.
Throughout this adventure, all NPCs
are considered to be proficient in swim-
ming, and the DM might hint to the
players that such a skill would be appro-
priate for their characters as well. Also,
the adventure works best if at least one of
the player characters has previous ship-
board experience.
her newly-crippled senses. She should
have smelled him coming.
What does the Lord of Windbreak
want with an outcast? I had hoped to
depart without fanfare.
Frachier-knolls wording was formal
and stiff, but Cordelia heard an urgency
behind them. I am here to dissuade
you, to offer you a second chance. Yes,
you have lost your womans ways, but the
monstrous shape you have assumed
presents me with a most attractive oppor-
tunity I bid you come, and I will tell you
how you may find in this set-back the
seed for the greatest confirmation since
the days of legends.
Cordelia only smiled at this boast, but
she offered no resistance when Frachier-
knol led her away from the shores of the
Courrain. And so began the Lord of
Windbreaks most ambitious enterprise.
not satisfied, and began to plan on his
own, though without results for some 15
Only last autumn, he heard news of a
young minotaur woman named Cordelia,
who had not only failed her Rite of Pas-
sage, but had moreover been poly-
morphed into a human, a form
unpleasant to a minotaurs eyes. But
Frachier-knol knew that Cordelia was still
lovely in her new form, and so a plan
began to grow in his mind.
He enlisted Cordelia in a plan that
would bring Eiril to destruction, a major
political coup. He sent her to the main-
lands, to move from port to port until she
found Eiril .
Once she had done so, Cordelia acted
to seduce the charismatic sailor, the bet-
ter to lay a trap for him. But Cordelia lost
her heart to Eiril as he did to her. And
more, she learned of his growing fears.
Eiril was nearing his fortieth year, and
although his health was magnificent, he
could feel the waning of his youth, and
he felt an unfocused sense of urgency. He
said that Cordelia made him feel 15 years
younger, but she could tell that he want-
ed more. And Frachier-knols plans for
Eirils demise bore heavily on Cordelia.
It was about this time that she came
upon an idea that might satisfy all con-
cerned. Rather than killing Eiril,
Frachier-knol could recruit him, a far
greater coup. And a return to swashbuck-
ling piracy might be just what Eiril need-
The Lord of Windbreak was amenable.
I admire your inventiveness, Cordelia.
Yes, Eiril Rosewood will be a much better
prize alive and working for me. And he is
right, he is growing too old for this busi-
ness. When his utility is spent, so will be
his life.
Cordelia nodded. So relieved was she
that Eiril would be spared that she did
not catch Frachiers ominous implica-
Eiril, too, agreed to a return to the
excitement of piracy, if only as a fling.
But he would have to abandon his crew in
such a way that they would take him back
afterward. At a meeting in the seaboard
city of Jennison, Frachier suggested that
Eiril and Cordelia disappear one after-
Eiril Thorvaldsson was too young to
have participated in the War of the Lance,
but he waited precious few years after-
ward before coming to prominence in the
northern waters of the Sirrion as a born
sailor, an inspired tactician, and a leader
of men and women. For a time he was
known as the Dread Pirate Eiril,
renowned for his battle skill and ruthless-
ness toward his enemies. None survived
his raids.
Because of his growing notoriety, Eiril
retired after a time. He traveled around
Ansalon, finding the best shipwrights to
build for him Heart of Justice, an
enchanted ship made from expensive
hardwoods. He turned to the safer, less
sensational career of armed companion to
the merchant ships on the Blood Sea.
Now known as Eiril Rosewood, his repu-
tation grew so that even the Black Drag-
onarmy hesitated to raid Eirils ship or
harry his charges.
The minotaurs of the Blood Sea were
not so compliant. Frachier-knol, a petty
minotaur noble from the southern tip of
Kothas, demanded action of the Council
on Mithas. But cooler, more patient
heads prevailed. Eirils renown made all
the merchants feel safer, which was to the
minotaurs liking. But Frachier-knol was
dms Introduction
The currents swept south along
Kothass barren eastern shores, and the
north-bound winds whistled a siren song
overhead, cajoling the waves to crash
white-headed into the rocky shore. The
sun was secure behind clouds, casting a
gray pall over the scene and a chill
through Cordelias bones. She wore her
thick flax robes, their sleeves rolled up for
her hideously short arms. She had failed.
She had failed the Test, an apprentices
first Circus, and the laws of her culture
were cold to her now. She had failed to
choose between her beauty and her craft,
and her hesitation had cost her both, and
more besides. She was small, weak, and
pitiful now, hairless except for a black
mane that caught the wind and fluttered
over her left shoulder. The magic of
Nuitari would be forever denied her, but
perhaps his tides would embrace her
Cordelia, came a shout from behind
her. She turned, and it was Governor
Frachier-knol, one of Kothass lesser
nobles. His fur was well-worn from his
rugged activities, his horns were smooth
and stout, and his muscles still surged
under his jerkin despite his two-score
years. She turned back to the sea, cursing
noon, kidnaped by minotaurs. Eiril
would arrange for Bertrand, a famous
Kalamanian shipwright living in Jenni-
son, to construct a ship of unsurpassed
speed and maneuverability, which would
be part of a ransom the crew would
have to pay. Of course, Eiril and his new
allies would take the vessel and cast off to
a new time of adventures. His old crew
would be left marooned for a time, but
close enough to shipping lanes that they
would eventually be rescued. Frachier-
knol smiled broadly. He said he knew just
the island.
These discussions proceeded for a little
over an hour, completely overheard by a
band of nigh-invisible skulks. The skulks
quietly made their own plans regarding
particulars of Frachiers schemes.
a strong-looking fighter or a robed wiz-
ard) is accosted by a humble-looking
man. His clothes are well-worn, and his
hands are weathered and calloused. He
introduces himself as Austin. Im look-
ing for a few strong hands to help me
with a problem. Theres 50 steel apiece
for anyone who cares to give a couple
hours honest work.
contain the crews quarters and auxiliary
rowing stations for emergency situations.
The lower level is the hold. It has a
chimney 10 feet square, allowing
access to the cargo space below. The hold
is seven feet high, usually packed tight
with supplies and merchandise. Twisting
aisles wind through the crates, an unnerv-
ing situation that has served only to
intensify the crews jitters.
Early this morning, the ship was infest-
ed with four skulks (AC 7; MV 12; HD
2; hp 11 each; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon;
THAC0 16; SA nil; SD Camouflage).
The skulks are all armed with short
swords (dmg 1d6), and one has a light
crossbow (dmg 1d4), the quarrels of
which are drugged. A failure on the part
of the target to save vs. poison results in a
comatose sleep for 5d4 hours. The drug is
neutralized by appropriate spells or by
temperatures above 100 degrees. These
creatures meant to locate the sapphires,
set fire to the ship, and escape in the con-
fusion. However, two sailors entered the
hold before the skulks had found their
prize, and the men were taken and
drugged, the better to awaken and die
when the Darling is set afire. The result-
ing attention from those on deck has
made it impossible for the skulks to
escape in broad daylight, so they now
intend to wait for nightfall before
destroying the ship.
The party will arrive just 20 minutes or
so before Fernandin returns. The crew
reports to Austin that the bumps and
crackings have continued, but that noth-
ing is yet visible from the deck. If the PCs
have had a hard time getting their weap-
ons and armor to the ship, Austin can
loan them long swords and shields. He
can also furnish them with details as to
the two ways to the hold. The most direct
is to use the ladder bolted to the side of
the chimney, while a more convention-
al route would involve the three flights of
stairs leading through the two lower
levels to the aft section of the hold. There
are sailors posted at each entrance, mak-
ing sure that nothing has left the hold.
Neither Austin nor any of the crew feels
bold enough to go any farther.
Once in the hold, the party will find
that the crates make an impromptu
trouble in the hold
Austin is the mate aboard Shinares
Darling, a merchant galley in port. This
morning, he sent two men down into the
hold to begin unloading some cargo, two
men who have not come back up. Theres
been some thumping and cracking in the
hold as well, and none of Austins men
dare to go down. He means to enlist the
aid of the player characters to clear the
hold of whatever vermin are down there,
rescue the two men (or recover whats left
of them), and make certain that none of
the cargo is disturbed. The captain of the
Darling is meeting with her owners this
day to discuss the most recent voyage,
and Austin has only the three hours till
sundown to resolve matters before the
captain returns.
In fact, Austin has less time than that.
The captain of the Darling, a short,
heavyset man named Fernandin,
employed Eiril Rosewood as a guard some
months ago, and Eirils payment
five flawless pink-and-blue streaked
sapphires is on board. And Fernandin
will be returning to the Darling within an
hour to send the payment on its way. This
treasure is to be used as Eirils final pay-
ment to the shipwright Bertrand. The
skulks of Jennison, who overheard Eirils
plotting with Frachier-knol, knew about
the payment, determined that Shinares
Darling did indeed hold the sapphires,
and have contrived to make away with
The Darling is a 50-foot-long mer-
chantman, with one main mast and
smaller sails fore and aft, requiring a full
crew of 15 to man both the rigging and
the armaments. The only structure above
deck is the wheelroom, which doubles as
the captains offices. There are three
levels below deck. The upper two levels
the adventure
Jennison is a city of 3,000, one of the
major ports of Nordmaar, about a dozen
miles north of the ruins of Valkinord. The
lands are squarely under the control of
the Black Dragonarmy, and times are
harsh. There is a strict curfew, with no
one outside the Dragonarmies being
allowed on the streets from an hour past
sundown to an hour before dawn. Ken-
der and most dwarves are considered ver-
min; elves are enemies, nowhere safe.
Weapons larger than darts and daggers
are forbidden, as are any services for the
worship of good gods. White Robe wiz-
ards are hunted down as furiously as are
renegade magic-users.
Yet daily life continues. Jennison is a
thriving community, the last large port
for ships traveling east to the Blood Sea.
The city is renowned for the ale that
passes through her bars and some of the
finest shipwrights this side of Ansalon.
And despite the citys tight regulations,
there is an active black market (operating
from the docks) and a discreet Thieves
Ideally, the party is here between
adventures, or perhaps during a lull in a
long, uneventful espionage mission.
None of the moons are in either High or
Low Sanction, but Nuitari will be High in
four days. In any case, it is a cool after-
noon when a player character (preferably
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