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Wpisz czasowniki w II formie


lie (kłamać) ....................

lie (leżeć) ........................

lay ..............................

rise ...................


strike ......................

cost ...........................

stick ...............................

eat ............................


Do podanych zdań utwórz pytania zaczynające się od słowa w nawiasie. Tam, gdzie nie ma takiego słowa, , utwórz pytanie ogólne. Uważaj na pytania o podmiot.


1. They discovered this island in 1787.   (when)

2. There was nothing to worry about.

3. This accident happened three years ago.    (what)

4. The doctors did their best to save her.

5. The children were in the farthest part of the forest.

6. All the people were happy and excited.      (who)

7. The price of petrol rose because of the Middle East conflict.    (why)

8. Finally she succeeded in achieving her aim.              


Wpisz  czasowniki make lub do w odpowiedniej formie.


1. Two years ago my uncle and I ................. a boat.

2. My daughter dislikes ...................... homework.

3. John can’t ....................up his mind whether to .......................... English or German.

4. Will you ...................... me a favour? Could you ......................... a sandwich for my little son?

5. I have nothing to ......................... this evening.

6. Mr Brown ...................... a lot of money these days.

7. You .................... a lot of spelling mistakes in your essay, Bob!



1. Oni regularnie uprawiają jogę.

2. Małpy zawsze stroją miny do zwiedzających zoo.

3. Z tobą zawsze są kłopoty!

4. Mój syn nigdy nie ściele rano łóżka.

5. Lubię podróżować, bo wtedy mogę zaprzyjaźnić się z wieloma ludźmi.

6. Zwykle zmywam naczynia wieczorem.


Przekształć zdania, wykorzystując make lub do


e.g.   We buy everything we need in the new supermarket.

         We do all our shopping in the new supermarket.


1. I’ll try hard to pass this exam next week.

.............................................. my best ......................................

2. He decided to leave his job.

........................... a decision ........................................

3. I have just fixed a time to meet my psychiatrist.

........................................... an appointment .....................................

4. I don’t like her hairstyle.

................................ the way she ....................................

5. In London we saw a lot of interesting places.

......................................... sightseeing.

6. Peter is coming on very well at his English course.

.............................................. progress.......................................

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