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·         About how many CDs do you have? How about MDs and tapes?

·         Are you a good dancer?

·         Are you a good singer?

·         Can you concentrate on other things when you are listening to music?

·         Can you play a musical instrument?

o        If so, what do you play?

o        How long have you been playing?

o        Are you good at it?

·         Can you play any musical instruments?

·         Can you play the drums?

·         Can you play the guitar?

·         Can you read music?

·         Do you enjoy music videos?

·         Do you ever listen to MP3 files on your computer?

·         Do you have an expensive stereo system? (... a MD player, ... an old record player)

·         Do you know the band named Metallica? If so, do you like them?

·         Do you like all kinds of music?

·         Do you like American rock bands?

·         Do you like country music?

·         Do you like heavy metal bands like Megadeth, Marilyn Manson, and so on?

·         Do you like jazz?

·         Do you like to listen classical music?

·         Do you like to listen country music?

o        Who is your favorite country singer?

·         Do you like to listen to Broadway musicals?

o        What is your favorite Broadway musical show?

·         Do you like punk music?

·         Do you like singing karaoke? How often do you sing karaoke?

·         Do you like to dance?

·         Do you like to sing karaoke?

·         Do you listen to music while doing your homework?

·         Do you sing while taking a bath?

·         Do you think there is a relationship between drugs and music? How about violence and music?

·         Do you think your favorite music twenty years from now will be the same as it is today?

·         Do you watch music shows on TV? If so, what do you watch?

·         Does you mother play the piano?

·         Have you ever been to a concert?

o        Have you ever been to a rock concert?

o        Have you ever been to an orchestra concert?

·         Have you ever taken part in a singing competition?

·         How does music make you feel?

·         How many CD's do you have?

·         How much time do you spend listening to music?

·         How often do you listen to music? ( classical music, ... to jazz, ...)

·         How often do you listen to the radio?

·         If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?

·         If you could start a band, what type of music would you play? Why?

·         If you were a song, what song would you be and why?

·         Is live music popular in your country?

·         Is there any kind of music that you hate?

·         Should music lyrics be rated similar to the way movies are rated?

·         What are some concerts you have been to?

·         What are some special or traditional musical instruments in your country?

·         What do you think the world would be like without music?

·         What do you think of manufactured bands? Can you name any?

·         What is one of your favorite songs?

o        Why do you like it?

o        When did you first hear it?

o        Who sings it?

·         What is your favorite karaoke song to sing?

·         What is your favorite kind of music?

·         What kind of music do you like?

·         What kind of music do you listen to to cheer you up?

·         What kind of music do you usually listen to?

·         What kind of music do your parents listen to?

·         What kind of music you like the most?

·         What kind of songs do you like to sing?

·         What kinds of music do people listen to in your country?

·         What kinds of music do you dislike?

·         What musicians did you like when you were in junior high school? How about high school?

·         What radio station do you usually listen to?

·         What was the last CD you bought?

·         What was the last concert you went to?

·         What was your favorite music 5 years ago? 10 years ago? How have your musical tastes changed?

·         When was the last time you went dancing?

·         When was the last time you went to a concert?

·         Where do you usually listen to music?

·         Which do you prefer, songs in English or songs in your own language?

·         Who is your favorite singer or group?

·         Who is your favorite singer?

·         Why do you think music is important and how does it affect different people?

·         Why is music so important to people and culture?

·         Is the image of the group or singer more important than the music?

·         Can you think of examples of music calming people or increasing their efficiency?

·         Do you mind singing to other people? (Another wording: ...singing in front of people?)

o        If you don't mind then how large an audience would be too many?

·         While listening to the radio, do you ever want to sing the song that is being played?

·         Why do you think some people believe opera singers should be fat?

·         Do you ever download MP3 files from the Internet?

·         Do you prefer rock music or romantic music?

·         Do you think music can heal sick people?

·         Do you think that animals can enjoy music? How do you know?

·         Do you think that music can help make world peace? How?

·         How important do you think a good music teacher is to mastering an instrument?

·         What do you think the next piece of music technology will be, after digital technology?

·         If you could invent a new instrument, what would it sound like?

·         Do you think the use of drugs by some musicians increases their artistic creativity?


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