Beginner’s course POLISH – dla mówiących po angielsku - e-book.pdf

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Are you interested in learning Polish and developing your language skills
listening , speaking , reading and writing ? Would you like to gain language
confidence in everyday situations?
Beginner‘s Course will not only introduce you to the language quickly, but it will
also do it in an entertaining and motivating way. It will give you a vivid image
of contemporary Polish. Additionally, you will learn a lot of useful and interes-
ting facts about the country, people and culture.
This course has grown from the experience and findings of the “Learning Lusa-
tia” project, that was supported and carried out by a combination of the
Federal Ministry of Education and Research along with the European Social
Fund within the scope of the “Learning Regions” programme.
Each of the 10 Lessons consists of four double pages that systematically cover
four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking.
LISTEN – The first double page of each Lesson concentrates on listening
READ – You practise the comprehension of written Polish in real-life
WRITE – You develop your writing skills here.
SPEAK – Short dialogues in Polish from everyday life situations are
covered here.
Practice makes perfect
• After Lessons 5 and 10, there is a Revision Unit consisting of four pages.
In this part, you can systematically check, brush up and improve your
The most efficient way of learning languages
• Learn regularly and in short stages. It is better to practice several times
a week for fifteen minutes than only once in that time for two hours.
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• Do not dwell on one subject for too long. You will see even if you have not understood
every point, your doubts disappearing as you move on.
• Listen to each recording more than once and keep listening to it. You do not have to
understand every single word immediately. What important is that you can under-
stand the main idea of the text.
In the Appendix, you will find a lot of useful information.
• The Lesson vocabulary, including the pronunciation of more difficult words as well as
the English translation, will help you improve your Polish vocabulary.
Answer key Here you will find the answers to all the exercises on the course.
Script Here you can find all the recordings from CD 1 and CD 2 , unless they are already
included in the Lesson. There is also an English translation of all the dialogues.
Grammar overview Here you can quickly find answers to your questions
connected with grammar.
Polish-English Wordlist Have you forgotten a Polish word? With this list, you can find
the Lesson it was covered in.
Polish-English Wordlist Would you like to know the Polish equivalent of an English
word? Just check this list.
The following icons will lead you quickly from the Exercise to suitable extras.
§ 1.2
It is a link to the grammar overview.
0 1
Listen to the audio track.
[œ:] 0 2
The phonetic symbol indicates a pronunciation Exercise.
Here you will learn about Poland and the Poles.
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CD 1 – contains all the dialogues and listening tasks in the order in which they appear in each
Lesson. Each track is introduced in Polish: “Lesson numer …, ćwiczenie …” ( Lesson num-
ber …, Exercise number … ).
CD 2 – contains the essential vocabulary covered in the course as well as systematic pronuncia-
tion and vocabulary training.
Have fun and good luck
How to convert audio files for a MP3 Player
To convert the audio files to the MP 3 format, you need software such as, e.g., iTunes that changes the data from
audio CDs into MP3 files. Put the audio CD to the disk drive in your computer and start the software. Choose the
files from the audio CD you would like to convert and start the conversion process. You can find more informati-
on about converting audio CD files to MP3 format in the help menu of the particular software.
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Map of Europe
Lesson 1 – Welcome
Greeting someone – saying goodbye – introducing oneself – countries and cities
The gender of the noun – the nominative case – the genitive case – the verb być
Pronunciation of cz, ć, ci, dzi, ę, ł, ń, sz, ś, z, ż – the Polish alphabet – spelling
Greetings in Poland
Lesson 2 – In a hotel
Hotels and hotel rooms – making a complaint – numbers 1-10
Adjectives in the nominative case – conjugation pattern -am/-asz – negation
Pronunciation of ci/ć, ni/ń, si/ś, zi/ź
Accommodation in Poland – agritourism
Lesson 3 – Shopping
Asking for directions – talking about prices – shopping – numbers 10-19
The plural form of the noun – the accusative case – conjugation pattern -ę/-isz
Pronunciation of a, e, i, y
Polish currency – opening hours
Lesson 4 – Family
Family members – days of the week – schedule – age – numbers 10-90
The possessive pronouns – adjectives in the accusative case – conjugation pattern -ę/-esz
Pronunciation of rz, sz, ż
First names – name day
Lesson 5 – Work and jobs
Jobs – activities – foreign languages – looking for a job – hobbies – telephoning
The instrumental case – adverbs – abbreviations
Pronunciation of ą, ę (Part 1)
Revision 1
Exercises on the main items in Lessons 1 to 5
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