Changing times - changing tenses.pdf

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For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc
This book is a review of the relationships between times and tenses in English. It is intended
for beginning and intermediate level language students in non-English speaking countries,
as a reinforcement and addition to their regular structure classes. The chapter dealing with
each tense may be used as soon as the students have covered that tense in their formal
grammar study. Alternatively, the teacher may want to present certain groups of tenses
together if the student seems to be having trouble with a particular concept; for instance,
he could teach all the perfect tenses or all the continuous tenses together.
The English tense system is quite complicated, but the most common problem is not how to
form tenses. The mechanical manipulation of verbs is easily learned through a few rules and
formulas. The biggest problem is deciding which tense to use in a given situation. In order
to choose correctly and easily, the student must understand the meaning of the tense itself,
its time picture or time line. He must know what kinds of activities and states can be
described by certain verbs. Certain groups of verbs are limited in their usage, and this can
For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc
present problems, too. Finally, the student needs to be able to choose accurate time
markers to clarify the time picture.
In response to these problems, this book has as its goals:
1. to present clear time lines for each tense
2. to introduce categories of verbs which act in certain ways: punctual verbs, durative
verbs, and non-continuous verbs
3. to teach the proper use of time markers to show points in time, frequency, and duration
for each tense.
Because this is a supplementary text, it is suggested that the teacher use it for short
periods of time. Ten or fifteen minutes per day is long enough. In that amount of time,
students can work with the reading selection and one or two exercises. One chapter may
take two or three days to finish at this rate.
The vocabulary for the book is based on the 1000-word level as given in The New Horizon
Ladder Dictionary of the English Language , by John Robert-Shaw, Popular Library. When it
was necessary to use words from a higher word level, they have been given as vocabulary
items at the beginning of the chapter. The teacher may want to pre-teach these words
before going on to the reading selection. In most cases these less frequent words were
chosen because they are represented in the picture; accordingly, their meaning should be
easy to understand from the picture.
The pronunciation exercises provide the normal spoken reduced forms for standard
American English. When these forms have been accepted in written form as contractions,
they are contracted in the text. When they are not written, but only spoken forms, they are
not contracted in the text. However, even the reduced forms are commonly used by
educated speakers. They are not slang. The teacher may use them in the chapter readings
and exercises, even when the printed form itself doesn't reflect these reductions. For
example, in chapter five, the spoken form for what is is given as /wet s/; in the next
chapter, a question following the reading selection is, “What is hanging like a brown cloud
over New York today?” Although the written form shows two words, the teacher may safely
reduce them to /wet s/. All phonetic notations conform to the International Phonetic
Finally, this book is meant to be used primarily for aural/oral activities. Read the selections
aloud. Have the students pronounce all the words, repeating in phrases. Do the questions
and exercises aloud, with books closed. (It may help to draw the correct time line on the
board as well, as an additional memory aid.) Encourage the use of role-playing and
dialogues, and give the students many opportunities to use all the tenses in their speaking
activities. The exercises entitled Changing Times, Changing Tenses are comparatively
unstructured. They provide the student with an opportunity to pick the correct tenses in free
conversation. Such practice is lecessary if the student is to achieve the ultimate goal, that of
choosing and using the correct tense easily.
My thanks go to the people in the photo library of the Denver Post, who helped me find
most of the pictures for the book. It was a long process. It is my hope that the people who
use this book will find the pictures as interesting as I did, and that the pictures will
stimulate lots of discussion!
For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc
Changing Times, Changing Tenses
A Review of the English Tense System
Patricia Wilcox Peterson
PATRICIA WILCOX PETERSON .. ...................................................................... 1
A REVIEW OF THE ENGLISH TENSE SYSTEM... .................................................. 1
Introduction .. ........................................................................................... 1
Changing Times, Changing Tenses .. ................................................................ 3
A Review of the English Tense System.. ........................................................... 3
Patricia Wilcox Peterson .. .............................................................................. 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS .. ............................................................................... 3
Unit One: The Present Tense.. ........................................................................ 5
chapter one LITTER IS A PROBLEM IN OUR CITIES... ...................................... 5
chapter two PEOPLE WORK AT MANY DIFFERENT JOBS .. ................................. 8
Unit Two: The Present Continuous Tense .... ................................................... 21
chapter five THE KITES ARE FLYING HIGH .... .............................................. 21
Unit Three: The Present Perfect Tenses ... ...................................................... 28
chapter seven THIS WOMAN HAS LOST HER JOB ... ...................................... 28
chapter eight IT'S DIFFICULT TO SAY GOOD-BYE .... ..................................... 30
Unit Four: The Past Tense... ......................................................................... 36
chapter twelve DINOSAURS LIVED MANY YEARS AGO... ................................ 42
Unit Five: The Past Habitual Tenses ... ........................................................... 47
NOW .... ................................................................................................. 47
chapter fifteen THANKSGIVING ON THE FARM .... ......................................... 50
Unit Six: The Past Continuous Tense ... .......................................................... 53
chapter sixteen WHEN THE WALL FELL IN .... ............................................... 53
Unit Seven The Past Perfect Tenses.... ........................................................... 56
chapter eighteen HUSKY HAD BEEN VERY HEALTHY.... .................................. 59
Unit Eight: The Future Tenses ... ................................................................... 65
chapter twenty THE CAR OF THE FUTURE.... ................................................ 65
chapter twenty-one HELICOPTERS TO THE RESCUE!... .................................. 68
Unit Nine: The Future Continuous Tense .... .................................................... 72
chapter twenty-two WHEN THE TORNADO HITS .... ....................................... 72
UNIT TEN The Future Perfect Tenses .... ......................................................... 75
For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc
chapter twenty-three PIT STOP AT THE RACE TRACK ... ................................. 75
chapter twenty-four RUN FOR THE MONEY ... ............................................... 77
chapter twenty-five TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE.... ............................................. 80
For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc
Unit One: The Present Tense
the present tense
litter fence
garbage disease
garbage can punish
we are
you are
he, she, it is they are
VERB (+s in third person singular form)
AUXILIARY = do, does for questions and negatives
Reading Selection
Listen to the teacher read the selection. Then
repeat as the teacher reads in phrases.
Litter is garbage—like food, paper, and cans—
on the ground or in the street. Where many
people live together, litter is a problem. People
don't always put their garbage in the garbage
can. It's easier to drop a paper than to find a
garbage can for it. But litter is ugly. It makes
the city look dirty, and it spoils the view.
The wind blows papers far away. Often they are
difficult to catch. When they blow against a
fence, they stay there. This fence is a wall of
Litter is a health problem, too. Food and
garbage bring animals, which sometimes carry
Some people want to control
litter. They never throw litter themselves, and sometimes they work together in groups to
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