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Life in the UK
L ook at th e ph otog raph s an d d iscus s
th ese que stion s.
W hen do y ou t hink the
ph otog raph s w ere t aken ?
H ow d o yo u th ink life has c han ged
in the time bet wee n the firs t an d
th e se cond pho tog raph s?
What you will do
This unit is about the way in which life in the UK is changing. These are the
skills you will practise. Which are the most useful to you? Tick the boxes.
Listening and speaking
Skill code
Understand and give a factual account of social trends
Lr/L1.1a; Sc/L1.3a, 3b, 3e
Listen to explanations and presentations
Lr/L1.2a, 2d
Giving and following a talk
Sc/L1.4b, 4e; Sd/L1.1a, 1b
Reading and writing
Skill code
Read about statistics and social trends
Rt/L1.2a, 3a, 5a; Rs/L1.1a; Rw/L1.2a
Understand the structure of a text presenting advantages and
Write a text to develop an argument
Wt/L1.3a; Ws/L1.1a
Extend vocabulary related to social change
Plan a talk
Project work
At the end of this unit you will choose an area to research relating to life in the UK.
You will then give a talk and write a short report.
Unit 1 Page 1
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Changes in the UK
Activity A
Reading an article about changes
The article below compares different aspects of life in the UK in 1953 and now.
1 Work in groups. Make a list of changes that have happened during the period.
Discuss these points: life expectancy, spending, family life, lifestyle.
2 Now read the article. How many of the changes you discussed are mentioned?
A half -cen tury of c han ge
A recent re port shows ju st how much
li fe in the U K has chan ged since
1953 . The finding s are stagger ing.
Peop le are livin g much lo nger
than befor e. In fact, li fe expectanc y
f or both m en and wo men has
incr eased by nin e years over the last
50 year s.
As a na tion, we are considerabl y
b etter off. We have more than twice
as much spar e cash to spend.
Nowad ays, we spen d a significa ntly
lower pro portion of o ur income o n
f ood, and su bstantially m ore on a
vari ety of goods and services such as
foreign holidays, d esigner clo thes,
DVDs, com puter game s and cars.
Indeed, with so man y of us spend ing
our hard-e arned cash on cars, the
to tal number of vehicles o n the road
has greatly incre ased. In 195 3 there
were 23 million few er cars and v ans
on the road than there a re today.
More cont roversial for some are
the social ch anges that have
occurre d. In 1953, on ly one in tw enty
children w ere born t o unmarried
p arents, whe reas nowada ys two in
five children are born out of
wedloc k. By the sam e token, in 2003
far more couples coh abited befor e
g etting mar ried compa red with
thos e in 1953. No wadays the f igure is
seven o ut of ten com pared with one
in 20. Inte restingly, on ly 1.5 millio n
p eople lived alone 50 years ago
com pared with s even million today.
Fina lly, we are changing sh ape.
Our wais tlines are g etting bigge r.
I t is unclear whether th is is due
to better nutrit ion, higher calorie
consum ption or a more seden tary
lifestyle. W hatever th e reasons, th e
a verage size of men’s waists has
incr eased by 12 cm to 90 cm in the
last 50 years, and w omen’s ave rage
waist size has increase d by 7.5 cm to
7 5 cm.
3 Work in pairs. Discuss any of the changes mentioned in the report which you
found surprising or interesting.
4 Read the text again. Underline structures used to compare life in 1953 and now.
5 Look at the word in bold in line 4. Find four other words in the text with the
same meaning.
Page 2 Unit 1
Sc/L1.3e; Lr/L1.2d; Rt/L5.a; Rs/L1.1a; Rw/L1.2a
6 Read the text again and complete the table below.
Life expectancy
Number of people who live alone
Couples who cohabit before marriage
Number of children born to unmarried parents
Number of cars and vans
26 million
Average waist size
90 cm
75 cm
Activity B
Listening to a radio programme
1 Listen to a reporter from local radio asking five members of the public whether
they think life in the UK is getting better or worse. What do they think? What
reasons do they give?
2 Listen again and tick the expressions as you hear them.
much less rigid than
almost as easy
a lot easier
twice as much as
much less safe than
far easier time
so much more advanced
nearly as safe as
lots more
so much faster
Activity C
Talking to others about changes
Interview other members of your class. Ask questions about how they think life is
changing and make a note of their answers. Report back your findings to the class.
Is life getting better or worse?
Do you think technology is
making life better or worse?
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How we spend our time
Activity A
Reading statistical information
Last month Quest, a market research company, was asked to carry out a survey to
find out how people in the UK today spend their time. They interviewed 2,800
people and the report on page 5 is a summary of their findings.
Before you read the report, your teacher will give you a quiz.
1 Read through the quiz and answer each question.
2 Work in pairs and compare your answers.
3 Now read the report of the findings of the survey. Use the information in the
report and the pie chart to check the answers to your quiz.
4 Complete these sentences about the findings of the survey, using words or
phrases from the box. Make sure you keep the same meaning as in the text.
four out of five
half as much
one in two
one in ten
twice as much
thirty-three per cent
a .................................................. of the day is spent sleeping and eating.
Thirty-three per cent
b By midnight .................................................. of adults are sleeping.
c On average, children watch .................................................. TV as older people.
d Just over .................................................. of adults are up by 8 am during the week.
e Only .................................................. people go to bed later than 1 am at weekends.
Activity B
Saying figures
Listen. Tick each figure when you hear it.
Activity C
Designing a questionnaire
1 You want to find out how people spend their time. Work in small groups to
decide on the topics for your survey. Then design a questionnaire.
2 Interview a number of different people using your survey.
3 Pool your results with the other members of your group. Work out some
statistics and prepare a summary of the result. If possible, include a pie chart.
4 Present your summary to the class using some of the expressions used in the
report and in Activity A task 4.
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Sc/L1.3b; Rt/L1.3a; Rw/L1.2a
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Unit 1 Page 5
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