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ETAP OKR Ę GOWY – stycze ń 2006 (c) Henryk Krzy ż anowski
Zakre ś l wyra ź nie kó ł kiem liter ę , przy której znajduje si ę poprawne rozwi ą zanie.
1. For a modern politician, the accusation of being ________ the common man can be
a devastating blow.
A/ out of touch with B/ out of a touch of C/ off touch with D/ off the touch of
2. As a real estate agent, Andrews might have been more successful, to put it mildly.
In the meantime he __________ a real interest in china, getting hold of some really
fine pieces.
A/ has developed B/ has been developing C/ had developed D/may have developed
3. The Derby affair must wait until we __________ more solid facts supporting our
version. Trumpeting it now as a scandal might prevent us from finding anything of
A/ will not find B/ will find C/ have found D/ don't find
4. The gangsters __________ in a blue van with almost 200 thousand dollars' worth
of stolen cash.
A/ made off B/ did away C/ made away D/ carried away
5. I mentioned the project out of pure politeness, which was not very wise, as our
host insisted __________ in detail.
A/ on explaining me the idea C/ to explain me the idea
B/ on explaining the idea to me D/ and explained me the idea
6. Well, the youth who held the flag at the head of the column ______________ him.
In 1951, he was five or six years old.
A/ may not have been B/ couldn't be C/ can't have been D/ must not have been
7. If passengers without reservations turn up after the deadline, they may be allowed
on board provided there __________ seats available. I'm sure there will be plenty.
A/ are B/ will be C/ have been D/ will have been
8. Why is there so much secrecy about the names of companies that are said
__________ licences to grow cannabis?
A/ to have issued C/ as having been issued
B/ to have been issuing D/ to have been issued
9. The money he inherited from an uncle finally gave him freedom ________ material
worries and allowed him to devote himself to literature.
A/ of B/ against C/ out of D/ from
10. Some commentators are ready to view car burning as stemming almost naturally
from the youngsters' decision __________ excluded from the well-being of the French
A/ of refusing to have been B/ to refuse to be C/ to refuse being D/ to refuse be
11. That same year Tony Sears was detained after his little still was discovered, but
released after he declared that everything he __________ was for home
A/ has been brewing B/ brew C/ brewed D/ brewered
12. The listener who phoned to tell us where the parcel was __________ how he had
come to know about it. He was phoning from a public booth so we couldn't make him
reveal it.
A/ wouldn't say B/ wouldn't have said C/ couldn't have said D/ can't have said
13. Next year's expected turnout of over 100 thousand visitors will be just a third
__________ when opening the club.
A/ of that what we had hoped for C/ for what we had hoped
B/ of what we had hoped for D/ for which we had hoped
14. Even if there are __________ Chinese restaurants in San Francisco, this one is
A/ tens of dozens B/ several dozens C/ tens of dozen of D/ tens of dozens of
15. I don't think it's likely, but if any such problem arises, I will simply suggest that
the meeting ________ postponed until a solution is found.
A/ were B/ be C/ had been D/ will be
16. Since __________ two other speakers and the entire programme was just six
I knew I had to be extremely brief .
A/ there have been C/ they were to be
B/ there would have been D/ there were to be
17. The club manager confirmed that __________ players from Latin America might
join in as early as the beginning of June, making the total in the team seven.
A/ some other three B/ the other three C/ another three D/ other three
Przet ł umacz na angielski. Nie nale ż y niczego zmienia ć we fragmentach ju ż
przet ł umaczonych. Tam, gdzie w nawiasie podano sposób przet ł umaczenia jakiego ś
s ł owa, nie podano, w jakiej formie ma ono wyst ą pi ć w t ł umaczeniu.
1. Oczywi ś cie, to o czym mówimy, dotyczy {=REFER} fotografii cyfrowej. Zdj ę cia
tradycyjne to co ś zupe ł nie innego.
Of course,
______________________________________________________________ to
digital ______________
_________________________________ are quite a different matter.
2. Kodeks mo ż e czasem brzmie ć zabawnie, na przyk ł ad, kiedy starannie wylicza
{=LIST} owych siedem s ł ów, których nie wolno nigdy u ż y ć w telewizji.
The code ___________________________________________, for example, when
the seven words
3. Jako cz ł onek NATO, jeste ś my teraz znacznie bezpieczniejsi ni ż gdyby ś my próbowali
samodzielnie zbudowa ć siln ą armi ę po upadku Uk ł adu Warszawskiego.
As a NATO member,____ ___________________________________ now than if
_____________________________________ on our own after the fall of the
Warsaw Pact.
4. Stwierdzono, ż e dobra akustyka klasy jest szczególnie wa ż na dla mniej
uzdolnionych dzieci oraz dla uczniów, dla których angielski jest drugim j ę zykiem.
It was found that good classroom acoustics
__________________________________________________ gifted children
5. Rodzice, którzy chcieliby si ę sprzeciwi ć {=OBJECT} pokazywaniu zdj ęć ich dzieci w
Sieci, powinni poinformowa ć nas na pi ś mie.
___________________________________________________ to their
on the Web ____________________________________________ in writing.
6. Systemy ostrzegania przed huraganami, nawet te najmniej skomplikowane, ratuj ą
teraz ż ycie wi ę cej ludziom ni ż my ś lano kilka dziesi ę cioleci temu.
Hurricane warning ________________________________________ sophisticated
______________________ lives _________________________________________
possible a few decades ago.
7. Niczym nie ryzykujemy. Je ś li pojawi ą si ę {=EMERGE} jakie ś problemy po tym, gdy
zap ł acisz pe ł n ą sum ę , nadal b ę dzie mo ż na wszystko odwo ł a ć {=CALL OFF}.
We risk nothing. If
_______ full sum,
8. Wiele spo ś ród wczesnych powie ś ci Clifforda jest wyczerpanych. To szkoda, bo tych
kilka, które zdo ł a ł em wytropi ć , s ą naprawd ę kapitalne.
Many of Clifford's __________________________ are now out of print. That's a
shame, because __________________
______________________________ track down
____________________________ brilliant.
9. Wys ł ano dwudziestu policjantów, aby ochrania ć {=PROTECT} królewski grobowiec,
który w ł a ś nie odkopywano {=UNEARTH} w górskiej wiosce w d ż ungli.
Twenty policemen __________________________________________________
tomb ___________________________
___ in the jungle.
10. On nie mo ż e mówi ć prawdy, poniewa ż przejazd autobusem w Nowy Rok nie
trwa ł by {=TAKE} d ł u ż ej ni ż 40 minut. Musi by ć co ś , co on chce przed nami ukry ć .
______________________________________________ because a bus ride on
11. S ą takie rzeczy w kwestii zwalczania przest ę pczo ś ci, których XVIII-wieczny Londyn
móg ł by nas dzi ś nauczy ć .
_________________________ about fighting crime
_________________________________________ teach us today.
12. Je ś li ci ę to interesuje, nie wahaj si ę przys ł a ć maila o tym, jakie informacje
chcia ł by ś wykorzysta ć {=USE}, do czego b ę d ą wykorzystane oraz, gdzie i kiedy b ę d ą
________________________________________________ hesitate
13. Wszystkie opracowania zgodnie wykazuj ą , ż e im d ł u ż ej choroba jest nieleczona
{=GO UNTREATED}, tym gorszy jest efekt ko ń cowy {=OUTCOME}. Czemu trudno si ę
dziwi ć .
All the studies show consistently
_________________ surprising.
14. Nie mia ł o wi ę kszego sensu obwinia ć {=BLAME} media za ich stronnicze relacje.
Lewicowy przechy ł mediów to co ś naturalnego.
_________ for their biased reports.
__________________________________________________ bias is something
15. Dziekan przeprosi ł za nieobecno ść i powiedzia ł , ż e ż a ł uje, ż e by ł nieobecny tak
d ł ugo. Obieca ł , ż e teraz b ę dzie przychodzi ł {=ATTEND} na ka ż de spotkanie.
The dean apologized
____________________________________________________ sorry to
16. Nikt nie móg ł si ę spodziewa ć , ż e tym razem b ę dzie dwukrotnie wi ę cej s ł uchaczy i
w efekcie oni siedzieli troch ę zbyt blisko siebie.
No one could expect
____________________________________________________________ this time
and, as a result,
_____________________________________________________ closely
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