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Wild Hearts
Cheyenne McCray
Chapter One
“Damn it.” Nicole Landford propped her hands on her full hips and scowled. “You have some nerve up
and dying on me out here in the middle of fucking nowhere.”
With all her pent-up frustration, Nicole kicked the tire of her red ‘63 Corvette with the toe of her
four-inch heel and winced. She had only managed to hurt her big toe, not to mention scuffing the
bluish-green shoe that matched her mini-dress and the unusual shade of her eyes.
The ‘vette ignored her tirade as steam continued to hiss from beneath the hood. An acrid burnt rubber
stench rose up in the air, along with the smell of radiator fluid. Heat rolled over Nicole in waves, adding
to the perspiration already beading on her face. Why couldn’t the damn thing have died in Douglas, or
even Bisbee? At least then she’d have been near a phone. And of course, actually bringing her cell phone
would have been a stroke of genius.
With an irritated sigh, Nicole shoved her long blonde hair out of her face with one hand and looked
around at the endless miles of ranch land. If she had been on a highway, she could have stuck out one
bare leg, hitched up the miniskirt of her backless fuck-me dress, and flagged down some gorgeous man.
Oh, hell, any man would do, so long as she could get to Dee MacLeod’s house.
But here she was on a dirt road and she’d taken one hell of a wrong turn. That’s what she got for not
paying attention. Instead of ending up at least on the road to the Flying M, the MacLeod Ranch, she was
stuck out here with nothing around her but dirt, grass, barbed wire fences, and cattle. It was a hot,
muggy, and overcast late August afternoon, and more sweat dripped down the side of her face.
Thunderclouds were building up to the south and she could smell the promise of a monsoon storm that
could come out of nowhere in a hurry.
That would be the icing on her cake.
Off in the distance Nicole could see Kev Grand’s ranch, but she was in no mood to mess with that
cowboy, no matter how sexy the man was. She and Kev had been butting heads since elementary
school, and all she needed was another confrontation with him. They never had seen eye to eye on
anything, and the man always seemed amused by their arguing. No, she didn’t have time for him.
Especially not when she was a woman on a mission.
A few days ago, Nicole and her cousins Lily and Sabrina had made a pact. The first man who “tripped
her trigger”, as Sabrina had said, was the man Nicole had to go all-out for, no matter what or who. Wild
and crazy sex, and as much of it as possible. For one month and one month only.
They had made a bet and damned if Nicole was going to be the one to lose out on it. Out of all three
cousins, Nicole was the one who had no reservations about enjoying sex with the men she chose to date.
She was a free spirit—no emotional ties. All she ever looked for was a good time. Her cousins were
more reserved—especially Lily, who probably hadn’t been laid for years.
Nicole intended to make good on the bet. Only problem was, she had yet to find a single man who even
interested her enough to cause her nipples to rise, much less make her panties wet. It had been a few
days since they’d made the pact after Aunt Viv’s fifty-fifth birthday celebration, and Nicole had no
prospects that interested her on the horizon.
To try and stir up some action, before her damn car had died on her, Nicole had been on her way to the
MacLeod Ranch where her friend Trace was visiting from Texas. Trace was happily married now to a
sexy cowboy named Jess Lawless, but she was going to buddy up with Nicole, along with the sheriff’s
wife, Catie Savage. The three planned to head over to Sierra Vista to one of the local hot spots so that
Nicole could find a man who turned her on enough to pursue a romp in the hay with. There were plenty
of hot Border Patrol and Customs agents in the area, as well as sexy military men from Ft. Huachuca, not
to mention some damn fine ranchers. All Nicole had to do was find one who made her hot and go for it.
But first she had to get there.
“Okay, you piece of—of…” Nicole went around to the front of the car, tried to pop the hood, and
snatched back her hand. The damn thing was boiling hot.
She gave another frustrated sigh, but this time in deference to her pride and joy. “I’m sorry, baby. I love
you and I shouldn’t get so mad.” Hell, she and her cherry red ‘vette had been through a lot together, so
what was a little breakdown now and again?
The low of a cow from the other side of the barbed wire fence drew Nicole’s attention and wrath
instead. “Beat it, you slobber-mouthed beast.”
The white-faced Hereford just chewed her cud as she studied Nicole with her big brown eyes, and then
turned away. The muggy Arizona summer afternoon intensified the smell of the cow and the dust her
hooves kicked up. More cattle plodded by at a slow and easy pace, eating snatches of grass, green from
recent monsoon rains. Occasionally, they gave a loud “moo”. Two calves bawled and poked their faces
through the fence, before their mothers nudged them along.
Nicole glanced to the south again. It would be her luck for the storm to rain on her parade. Not that it
would matter now. Her blonde hair was wilting fast, her makeup running down her face, and her dress
rumpling in the humidity.
So much for “dry heat”.
After a few moments, the steam lessened. Nicole used a cloth from the backseat of her car to pop the
hood and then prop it up. She tossed the cloth on the fender, folded her arms beneath her generous
cleavage and glared at the radiator, which probably needed to be replaced. It wasn’t easy finding parts
for a car over forty years old.
She stomped away, as best she could in those four-inch heels she used to love—
And felt something warm and wet squish around her foot.
With a groan she looked down, knowing what she’d see. She had managed to step into a nice, big,
smelly, fresh pile of cow shit.
Great. Just fucking great.
Nicole almost ripped both her heels off and threw them over the fence at the cattle and said to hell with
it. Instead she took a deep breath and turned her gaze to the cloudy sky. “Are you out to get me?”
Thunder rumbled in the distance. Wind picked up and lifted her damp hair from her shoulders. Well,
there was her answer.
She groaned and wiped off the cow shit on a clump of grass. So much for those heels.
When her shoe was mostly de-crapified, she leaned in the ‘vette’s open window and snatched the keys
out of the ignition. She rounded the car, opened the trunk, and grabbed a new jug of radiator fluid. As
she started to shut the lid, her keys slipped out of her hand and into the trunk.
“No!” she shouted, dropping the jug and leaping to stop the trunk lid.
Her keys clanked at the bottom of the trunk. The lid thunked shut.
Nicole groaned and flattened her palms against the sun-warmed car. “ Shit . Shitshitshitshitshit!”
Before she realized what was happening, large male hands were on either side of hers, braced on the
trunk lid, and a very big male body virtually surrounded her.
Nicole froze. Her heart started to pound like a cattle stampede.
“Now, hon—” came Kev Grand’s low drawl, “—you really ought to watch your language.”
For a moment her body sagged, she was so thankful it wasn’t some rapist that had snuck up on her. But
in the next second she gritted her teeth, pissed it was Kev and that he had scared her like he had.
She tried to twist away but he had her blocked with his powerful arms. She clenched her hands into fists.
“I’m in no mood for your bullshit, Kev Grand.”
Just as she was about to try to push back and shove him off, he leaned in close, his body pressed against
hers. She could feel his heat, the rough denim of his shirt against her bare back, his jeans through the thin
material covering her ass. She could smell his masculine scent of sweat, horse, and summer wind.
“Now what are you in the mood for, Nicole Landford?” he asked in a low rumble that vibrated
throughout her body and made the hairs on her nape stand on end.
Nicole’s nipples tightened. A thrill zipped straight from her belly to her pussy and her thong was instantly
Kev Grand had tripped her trigger.
“Not you.” She slumped forward, buried her face in her arms on the trunk lid, and her words came out
muffled. “I don’t care. Not you. Not in a million years. Oh, shit .”
Chapter Two
Kev gave a low chuckle that caused Nicole to shiver beneath him. “Finally got you where I want you,”
he murmured close to her ear, causing the fine hairs to rise on her neck again.
Nothing doing. She was not going to have anything to do with Kev, no matter that she’d made the bet.
Not that her cousins would even know.
Nicole rose up and pushed him away from her. “You just back off, Kev Grand.”
She twisted around—and found his face just inches from hers, his arms on either side of her, still braced
on the trunk. For a moment she couldn’t move, couldn’t think. He’d shaved off his mustache, but he
looked just as hard-edged and weathered, and just as much of a bad boy as ever.
His straw Stetson shaded his hazel eyes so that all she could see was his angular jaw, his firm lips, and
his tanned face. Damn, but a man in a Stetson turned her on. With one finger he pushed up the brim of his
hat. She caught her breath as his gaze settled on her lips, then slowly traveled down to her full cleavage,
her breasts nearly spilling out of her tight little dress. Her eyes followed his to her nipples, which were
hard and oh-so obvious through the thin material.
His gaze returned to hers and his mouth quirked into a sexy grin. “Why, Nicole Landford, I do believe
you’ve got the hots for me.”
“You wish.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Cocky sonofabitch.”
Kev’s eyes fixed on her breasts again. He raised his hand and brushed his knuckles across her nipples in
a slow movement.
Nicole’s knees went weak. In that instant, she could picture him hiking up her dress and placing her bare
ass on the trunk of her ‘vette. He’d drive his cock into her pussy and fuck her like there was no
His gaze met hers again, and there was definitely smugness mixed with desire in his eyes. He knew
exactly what he was doing to her, exactly what she was thinking.
And that pissed her off.
“Bastard.” Nicole slammed her fist into Kev’s gut, her knuckles coming into contact with his solid abs.
He didn’t even flinch. Instead he grabbed her hand and drew her tight against him, so tight she could feel
his erection against her belly, right through his Wranglers.
“Like it hard and rough, do you, hon?” He blocked her arms against her sides, grabbed her ass and
pressed her tighter against his cock. “I always knew you would.”
Nicole swallowed. Kev was talking like he knew all her fantasies—how she wanted a man to take
control rather than always being the one to push things to the limit. And that limit had never been enough.
Thunder boomed closer now, the sky darkening as clouds rolled in. A horse whinnied behind Kev and
Nicole startled. Earlier she’d been so wrapped up in her car that she hadn’t even heard Kev ride up on
the horse.
Nicole eyed Kev square on and leaned further back against her car so that his face wasn’t quite as
close. “It’s not like you’re gonna find out just how hard I like it.”
Kev’s lips hovered above Nicole’s and she caught his spicy scent of pure male that made her body
ache. “I think maybe you’re wrong about that.”
She sucked in her breath. Maybe Kev would be the perfect candidate to fuck for a month and then
ditch like a bronc bucking off its rider. After all, Kev was the first man to come close to interesting her
since she’d made the bet with her cousins.
No, no, no!
Nicole could feel his breath on her lips. “You’ll just have to keep on wondering.”
Lightning cracked the sky and thunder rolled across the desert. Quarter-sized drops plopped on
Nicole’s and Kev’s faces. He raised his head and looked over his shoulder to the south.
“We’d best get to shelter.” His gaze moved to rest on Nicole’s. “We’ll head to my ranch. You and I
have some unfinished business.”
“Like hell.” Nicole never let a man tell her what to do, especially not Kev. She freed her arms and
pushed against his chest. Raindrops splattered freely over her face and hair, and she blinked away the
water on her lashes. “I’m going to the MacLeod ranch.”
Kev glanced to the ‘vette and back to Nicole. “Looks like you’ll have a long walk ahead of you.”
She glared at him and he gave a soft laugh. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”
Nicole sighed. Even though she didn’t want to admit it, she knew he was right.
After she grabbed her purse, rolled up the windows on her car, and put down the hood, Kev grabbed
her upper arm and led her toward the big bay gelding several feet away. Clutching her purse, Nicole’s
heels sank into the now muddy ground and rain plastered the thin material of her outfit to her body,
outlining every curve.
Kev’s hands were hot through her dress as he grasped her waist and helped her mount the horse. Just as
she swung her leg over, her dress rode up high on her thighs. Kev palmed her ass as he settled her in the
saddle. She shot him a look and he gave her an unrepentant grin before swinging up behind her in a fluid
motion. He wrapped his arms around her waist to grab the reins and scooted himself up so that he was
firmly against her ass.
Nicole’s pussy tingled at the feel of his erection. His hard male body felt good next to her bare back and
she found herself relaxing despite herself. She wasn’t about to let Kev into her pants, but she wasn’t
above a good dose of teasing.
Another crack of lightning and boom of thunder filled the air. Kev clicked his tongue, tugged on the
reins, and the horse started off at a quick trot down the edge of the dirt road, toward his ranch.
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