babskie wakacje-eng.txt

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{2944}{2988}MAN 1: You suck.|MAN 2: Oh, my God.
{2992}{3045}Get those tards|off the stage right now.
{3224}{3273}- Let's bail.|- Don't we wanna see if we win?
{3277}{3320}Come on.
{3352}{3418}I can't wait to graduate|and get the hell out of this place.
{3423}{3468}JUDI: I thought we had|some intricate harmonies.
{3472}{3517}Should've done|"Mama Said Knock You Out."
{3521}{3619}I'll tell you one thing, when we graduate|from college, we're gonna soar like eagles.
{3623}{3669}Yeah, we just haven't peaked yet.
{3673}{3755}We're the ones who are going to get|the cool jobs, the sexy husbands...
{3766}{3806}...the sky-high self-esteem.
{3811}{3872}Right. Today's geeks turn out|to be tomorrow's winners.
{3876}{3965}So screw college because, ladies,|real life starts now.
{3969}{4019}Yeah, and we are gonna have it all.
{4032}{4099}Look out, world, here we come.
{4306}{4334}- Oh!|- Ah!
{4338}{4374}Dang it.
{4415}{4440}Your blouse.
{4444}{4492}- I have a moist towelette.|BECKY: No worries.
{4496}{4546}I'll just hit T.J. Maxx on the way to work.
{4558}{4599}The max for the minimum, smart.
{4603}{4694}- I have to go. I'm graduating students today.|- Oh, great.
{4703}{4735}Well, hang in there.
{4739}{4782}Like a cat on a branch.
{4818}{4842}- See you later.|- Bye.
{4847}{4876}BECKY:|Have a great day.
{4928}{4996}Graduation day|is always very emotional for me.
{5012}{5115}The bond that we share with|our canine friends is a special one.
{5128}{5186}Dogs don't care|how much money you make...
{5190}{5295}...what kind of car you drive,|or whose name's on the back of your jeans.
{5309}{5374}They don't care if you cry a lot|at commercials...
{5379}{5438}...or have a mustache|that you haven't waxed.
{5443}{5507}Dogs don't care if you shame-eat|when you're lonely.
{5532}{5613}And I never, ever feel judged by dogs.
{5617}{5700}Because dogs love your insides.
{5726}{5786}And that's why I love dogs.
{5964}{6003}TED:|Come on.
{6057}{6101}- Gayle, I really don't...|- Oh, over here.
{6105}{6159}Gayle, I just wanted to thank you|for everything.
{6164}{6206}Pepper's already changing my life.
{6210}{6248}Oh, she's a good dog.
{6259}{6358}Well, ever since I met Pepper and you,|I've felt much more confident.
{6379}{6453}Life is just that much easier.
{6457}{6503}Running errands, taking the train.
{6515}{6571}I even think that|I might be ready to start dating.
{6575}{6658}Something I never would've dreamed of|before I met you and Pepper.
{6663}{6702}[BOTH CHUCKLING]
{6723}{6767}- Really?|- Yeah.
{6855}{6943}You know, I wouldn't usually|ask this of a client, but what the hell.
{6948}{7045}I have two tickets to|the Amy Grant concert on Friday.
{7049}{7098}Would you like to go with me?
{7113}{7203}Well, you see, the thing is,|I only love Amy Grant.
{7262}{7286}May I?
{7555}{7619}I'm sorry. You know what?|I've got plans.
{7623}{7662}Come on, Pepper.
{7732}{7787}WOMAN:|Senator Hartmann's office.
{7791}{7838}Senator Hartmann's office.
{7933}{8039}One shot from this baby|can blow a man's spine out his back.
{8123}{8189}I thought that you could use|a whole bottle.
{8379}{8422}Something else?
{8450}{8529}Have you had a chance to read|my notes on fuel efficiency?
{8533}{8607}I really think my ideas|offer a bold bipartisan...
{8611}{8640}- Betty.|- Becky.
{8644}{8727}Honey, why would a sweet gal like you|wanna get involved...
{8732}{8804} stinky old policy debates?
{8891}{8961}Well, as much as I love my job|as office manager...
{8965}{9018}...what I really want|is to make a difference.
{9022}{9091}Did you know that|this country is addicted to oil?
{9126}{9171}Listen, Betty.
{9175}{9251}You're a really good office manager.
{9255}{9355}But if you wanna be a woman in politics,|you're gonna have to get some nuts.
{9360}{9402}Let me ask you a question.
{9406}{9459}Are you tough enough|to take a loaded shotgun...
{9478}{9583}...aim it at some cracker|and tell them to "eat me"?
{9670}{9760}Why don't you just leave the politics|to the gals with the loaded guns?
{9764}{9806}- Yes, ma'am.|- Okay.
{9874}{9915}Thank you.
{9944}{9981}The wedding's in three months...
{9985}{10058}...and we just wanna iron out some kinks|before the big day.
{10063}{10148}Oh, but don't get me wrong,|William and I are fine. Best friends, really.
{10159}{10267}I think the most important thing|in a relationship is honesty.
{10280}{10324}Well, we have a motto, doc, don't we?
{10335}{10382}- No secrets.|- No secrets.
{10474}{10526}Honey, I'm home.
{10545}{10595}I brought dinner.
{10766}{10830}Honey. It should've been me.
{11027}{11051}Soul mate.
{11096}{11143}Always loyal.
{11174}{11221}Often hilarious.
{11225}{11342}We dedicate this|"make your own pizza" party to you.
{11396}{11476}The first in 12 years you didn't attend.
{11531}{11587}This is really hard.
{11635}{11667}Rest in peace, girlfriend.
{11672}{11707}See you on the other side.
{11742}{11795}Now let's make some pizza.
{11799}{11842}JUDI: Mini pepperonis?|BECKY: Mm-hm.
{11846}{11887}GAYLE:|No cheese for me. I'm off dairy.
{11891}{11947}You don't have to go off anything.|You look great.
{11951}{12019}Yeah. I'm not attractive enough|for a blind man.
{12023}{12098}We need to discuss if we're still|going on our road trip next week.
{12102}{12130}Maybe it's too soon.
{12149}{12190}She would want life to go on.
{12212}{12247}You're right.
{12251}{12318}Honey loved hearing about our trips.
{12322}{12404}I remember sitting on that sofa|and telling her about every adventure.
{12423}{12472}Oh, the way she laughed.
{12544}{12579}BECKY:|Energy becomes energy.
{12594}{12626}I think we should go on the trip.
{12665}{12724}Because, you guys,|I have a real treat planned for us.
{12728}{12847}We are going to Tempe, Arizona|to the Wimmin's Music Festival.
{12871}{12918}Please tell me Tracy Chapman|is performing.
{12922}{12967}She and her "Fast Car" will be there.
{12971}{12995}Oh, my goddess.
{13000}{13029}[GAYLE LAUGHS]
{13054}{13099}Gayle, what's wrong?
{13103}{13164}- You love women-centered folk music.|- I do.
{13168}{13275}I know. I just... I wish we could go|somewhere more fun, you know.
{13279}{13331}So, like, we could be more fun.
{13335}{13364}We're fun.
{13368}{13435}Tell me that our yearly Americana road trip|isn't fun.
{13440}{13505}- Yeah, or at-home karaoke Fridays.|- Yeah.
{13509}{13545}Or the Movie Numbers Game.
{13549}{13594}Hon, you love the Movie Numbers Game.
{13598}{13642}- I do love that game.|JUDI: You go first.
{13646}{13738}- Name a movie, one to 10, go.|/- One Crazy Summer.
{13743}{13786}/- Two of a Kind.|/- Three to Tango.
{13790}{13838}/- Four Weddings and a Funeral.|/- Five Easy Pieces.
{13842}{13899}/- Six Days and Seven Nights.|- Ooh. A double.
{13903}{13988}/- 8 Mile.|/- The erotic Nine and a Half Weeks.
{13992}{14028}/And 10. We did it.
{14032}{14079}[ALL LAUGHING]
{14142}{14219}- See? We're pretty fun.|- Yeah, we are.
{14226}{14310}/Again, Vice President Lawrence Kenner|/has resigned.
{14315}{14395}/The disgraced politician remains|/in an undisclosed location...
{14400}{14491}/... a day after he was caught in|/a motel room with two underage girls.
{14495}{14548}/- He said he loved me.|/- You liar!
{14552}{14584}MAN [ON TV]:|/The presi...
{14588}{14688}Whoo-hoo-hoo!|I love me's a scandal.
{14702}{14798}Well, the president|will be making his selection...
{14802}{14836} the end of the week.
{14840}{14906}And guess who's at the top of his list.
{14919}{14956}That's right, Mama.
{14960}{15008}Mama's at the top of that list.
{15012}{15061}They're gonna want someone|squeaky clean.
{15065}{15132}- They'll comb through every part of your life.|- I'm spotless.
{15136}{15226}I already deported the maid,|and my husband's impotent.
{15239}{15276}What about your daughter, Ashley?
{15280}{15358}But we were Lancelot and Guinevere|of the medieval feast last year.
{15401}{15438}Not now, Trevor.
{15443}{15516}Ashley, we want different things.
{15520}{15579}Since I got my braces off|and that mole removed...
{15583}{15646}...I realized it's time for me to move on.
{15671}{15740}- None of the medieval freaks even work out.|WOMAN 1: Hey, Doug.
{15744}{15811}Stop talking to that fugly face|and get over here.
{15816}{15871}WOMAN 2: Support our spring break.|- Buy a cookie.
{15875}{15986}All proceeds will support binge drinking,|promiscuity and public nudity.
{15991}{16022}WOMAN 2:|South Padre.
{16108}{16139}It's senior spring, Ash.
{16151}{16224}They're trying to be your friend|because your dad owns Six Flags.
{16228}{16263}Maybe so, but they're fun.
{16282}{16355}- And I wanna be with a girl who parties.|- I can be that girl.
{16382}{16462}I can.|I could be a right, fine saucy wench.
{16466}{16519}- I can be saucy.|- Ashley.
{16542}{16571}You'll never be that girl.
{16614}{16666}Hey, Mason, wait up.
{16782}{16861}- What's so great about them?|- Forget Doug, Ashley.
{16865}{16953}Let him and those frat gorillas|go on their stupid spring break.
{16987}{17019}I hate his fake face.
{17023}{17062}[PHONE CHIMES]
{17085}{17122}One second.
{17126}{17176}- Hey, Mama.|- Hey, baby.
{17180}{17244}What's up with my little rock star?
{17248}{17310}I think someone's|got a spring break coming up.
{17320}{17364}Yeah, it's next week.
{17368}{17411}Oh, no.
{17415}{17487}/Where's your crazy sorority|/off to this year?
{17544}{17601}South Padre.
{17612}{17666}Where the Padre never stops.
{17670}{17742}Oh, baby, you are my pride and joy.
{17747}{17810}Now, you be good|and ma...
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