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PTC Global Services
Designing Products with
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire
Release Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire
Designing Products with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire
o e eolo ooo ll eeed
ser and training documentation from arametric Technology Corporation TC is subect to the copyright laws of the
nited States and other countries and is provided under a license agreement that restricts copying, disclosure, and use of
such documentation. TC hereby grants to the licensed user the right to make copies in printed form of this documentation
if provided on software media, but only for internalpersonal use and in accordance with the license agreement under which
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provided by TC. This documentation may not be disclosed, transferred, modified, or reduced to any form, including
electronic media, or transmitted or made publicly available by any means without the prior written consent of TC and no
authorization is granted to make copies for such purposes.
nformation described herein is furnished for general information only, is subect to change without notice, and should not be
construed as a warranty or commitment by TC. TC assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies
that may appear in this document.
The software described in this document is provided under written license agreement, contains valuable trade secrets and
proprietary information, and is protected by the copyright laws of the nited States and other countries. t may not be copied
or distributed in any form or medium, disclosed to third parties, or used in any manner not provided for in the software
licenses agreement except with written prior approval from TC. ATO S OF SOFTA O TS
eeed de e eolo ooo o ud
Advanced Surface esign, CAS, Computervision, Computervision Services, lectronic roduct efinition, ,
.Connect, xpert achinist, Flexible ngineering, ASSS, nfongine, nart, Optegra, arametric
Technology, arametric Technology Corporation, OTO, roSTO, ro, ro, ro,
roTA, roCACA, roTOOT, TC, Troducts, Shaping nnovation, and indchill.
de o e eolo ooo o ud
AT, Associative Topology us, ehavioral odeling, CS, Counterart, Create Collaborate Control, C, Cact,
Caec, Cdesign, COS, CAC, CC, CToolmaker, ataoctor, esignSuite, SO , SO, S,
SAFO, , e, lectrical esign ntry, , eC xplorer, xpert oldase, xpert Toolmaker,
AT, SS, i, nowledge iscipline in ractice, nowledge System river, odelCC, oldShop, C uilder,
artSpeak, roAAT, roASS, roCA, roCAST, roCT, roC, roCOAOAT,
roCOOST, roCOCT, roCOT, roATA for S, roS, roTA, roAA,
roFAC, roA, roCA, ro, roFAT, roFOST, roFCC, roFTO,
roASS, roTFAC, roAA, roAC, roAACCSS, roS, roodel.iew,
roOS, roCAAC, roCCC, roC, roCOST, roCSTTA,
roCT, roC, roCire , roTO AATO, roOTOO, ro,
roOTO, ro, roASTC ASO, roOT, roO S, roOCSS,
roOT, ro, roSCATOOS, roSTTA, roSFAC, roF, roeb.ink,
roeb.ublish, ro, roduct evelopment eans usiness, roduct First, roducts First, roductiew,
TC recision, Shrinkwrap, The roduct evelopment Company, The ay to roduct First, ildfire,
indchill ynamicesignink, indchill artsink, indchill ink, indchill roectink, and indchill Supplyink.
d de
Adobe is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems. Advanced Clusterroven, Clusterroven, and the Clusterroven design
are trademarks or registered trademarks of nternational usiness achines Corporation in the nited States and other
countries and are used under license. Corporation does not warrant and is not responsible for the operation of this
software product. A is a registered trademark of Corporation. Allegro, Cadence, and Concept are registered
trademarks of Cadence esign Systems, nc. AutoCA is a registered trademark of Autodesk, nc. aan is a registered
trademark of aan Company. CAA and CATA are registered trademarks of assault Systems. COAC is a trademark
of CATA, nc. OOS is a registered trademark of Telelogic A. F lm is a registered trademark of Otrotter
Software, nc. eomagic is a registered trademark of aindrop eomagic, nc.
SC, OO, OOFST, OO.T, OO TOS, iOO, A, and the
interlocking circles logo are trademarks of roove etworks, nc. elix is a trademark of icrocadam, nc. OOS is a
trademark of Tech Soft America, nc. is a registered trademark and Tru is a trademark of the ewlettackard
Company. AS, etaphase, arasolid, SA, Solid dge, and nigraphics are trademarks or registered trademarks
of lectronic ata Systems Corporation S. nstallShield is a registered trademark and service mark of nstallShield
Software Corporation in the nited States andor other countries. ntel is a registered trademark of ntel Corporation. is
a registered trademark of Silicon raphics, nc. atrixOne is a trademark of atrixOne, nc. entor raphics and
oard Station are registered trademarks and esign, A, and esign anager are trademarks of entor raphics
Corporation. etscape and the etscape and Ships heel logos are registered trademarks of etscape Communications
Corporation in the .S. and other countries. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Orbixeb is a
registered trademark of OA Technologies C. S is a registered trademark of Ford otor Company. A is a
trademark of A orldwide. ational ose is a registered trademark of ational Software Corporation. etrievalare is
a registered trademark of Convera Corporation. osettaet is a trademark and artner nterface rocess and are
registered trademarks of osettaet, a nonprofit organization. SA and are registered trademarks of
SA A ermany.
Solidorks is a registered trademark of Solidorks Corporation. All SAC trademarks are used under license and are
trademarks or registered trademarks of SAC nternational, nc. in the nited States and in other countries. roducts
bearing SAC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun icrosystems, nc. STO is a trademark
of CA Schroer mb. Sun, Sun icrosystems, the Sun logo, Solaris, ltraSAC, ava and all ava based marks, and
The etwork is the Computer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun icrosystems, nc. in the nited States and
in other countries. isTools is a trademark of isual inematics, nc. . isualCaf is a trademark of ebain, nc.
ebx is a trademark of ebx Communications, nc. icrosoft, indows, indows T, isual asic, and the
isual asic logo are registered trademarks of icrosoft Corporation in the nited States andor other countries.
eed d eolo oo
Certain TC software products contain licensed thirdparty technology: ational ose is copyrighted software of
ational Software Corporation. etrievalare is copyrighted software of Convera Corporation. isualCaf is copyrighted
software of ebain, nc. isTools library is copyrighted software of isual inematics, nc. containing confidential
trade secret information belonging to . OOS graphics system is a proprietary software product of, and is copyrighted
by, Tech Soft America, nc. OST is copyrighted software and a registered trademark of ntercim. CT is
copyrighted software and a registered trademark of CTech. roASTC ASO is powered by oldflow technology.
oldflow is a registered trademark of oldflow Corporation. The image output in the roeb.ublish module is
based in part on the work of the independent roup. FO. is copyrighted software from Compa Computer
Corporation and may not be distributed. TS, developed by eorge arypis and ipin umar at the niversity of
innesota, can be researched at http://www.cs.umn.edu/~karypis/metis . TS is egents of the niversity of
innesota. ightork ibraries are copyrighted by ightork esign . isual asic for Applications and nternet
xplorer is copyrighted software of icrosoft Corporation. Adobe Acrobat eader is copyrighted software of Adobe
Systems. arasolid lectronic ata Systems S. indchill nfongine Server contains arser for ava
dition and the otus S dition. opup calendar components Copyright etscape Communications
Corporation. All ights eserved. TCOAT is copyrighted software and contains proprietary information of
Technomatix Technologies td. Apache Server, Tomcat, alan, and erces are technologies developed by, and are
copyrighted software of, the Apache Software Foundation http://www.apache.org/ their use is subect to the terms and
limitations at: http://www.apache.org/LICENSE.txt . nip nfo, All ights eserved is provided AS S
and TOT AAT OF A . For the complete nfo license see
ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/license.html . ecko and ozilla components are subect to the ozilla ublic icense
ersion . at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL . Software distributed under the is distributed on an AS S basis,
TOT AAT OF A , either express or implied. See the for the specific language governing rights
and limitations. Technology owered by roove is provided by roove etworks, nc. Technology owered by ebx is
provided by ebx Communications, nc. Acrobat eader is Copyright Adobe Systems nc. Oracle i runtime,
Copyright Oracle Corporation. The ava Telnet Applet Statuseer.ava, TelnetO.ava, Telnetrapper.ava,
TimedOutxception.ava, Copyright , attias . ugel, arcus einer, is redistributed under the eneral
ublic icense. This license is from the original copyright holder and the Applet is provided TOT AAT OF
A . ou may obtain a copy of the source code for the Applet at http://www.mud.de/se/jta for a charge of no more
than the cost of physically performing the source distribution, by sending an email to leo@mud.de or marcus@mud.de
you are allowed to choose either distribution method. The source code is likewise provided under the GNU General Public
License . TThe Toolkit are licensed under the GNU LPGL . ou may obtain a copy of the source code at
http://www.gtk.org/ , which is likewise provided under the GNU LPGL .
This document and the software described herein are Commercial Computer ocumentation and Software, pursuant to
FA .ab OCT’ or FAS .a and .a ’, is provided to the S overnment
under a limited commercial license only. For procurements predating the above clauses, use, duplication, or disclosure by
the overnment is subect to the restrictions set forth in subparagraph cii of the ights in Technical ata and
Computer Software Clause at FAS . OCT’ or Commercial Computer Softwareestricted ights at
FA .c ’, as applicable.
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ocument o. ate escription
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n addition, you can access the TC eb site at www.ptc.com . Our eb site contains
the latest training schedules, registration information, directions to training facilities, and
course descriptions. ou can also find general information about TC, ro,
Consulting Services, Customer Support, and roATS.
Precision Learning
TC lobal Services is dedicated to continually providing the student with an
effective, comprehensive learning experience. Toward this goal, TC developed
recision earning, which matches the right training to the right people at the right
time using the right method .
recision earning is based on a threestage, eeoe
Stage 1: LEARN
The student attends a TC training course, including any:
nstructorled training course at a TC training center.
Onsite training course.
Customized training course.
ebbased training T course.
Stage 2: ASSESS
The impact of a training course is assessed using roFCC. roFCC is a
ebbased skills assessment and developmentplanning tool. t is designed to deliver
information that will help improve the skills and productivity of the student.
Stage 3: IMPROVE
roFCC enables customers to identify areas for improvement. The training
wizard will direct customers to the appropriate class based on their ob responsibilities.
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