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-1-Net - pytania

1. name & describe features of tcp/ip protocol

2. tell the difference beetwen closesocket and shutdown function

3. categorization of network servers

4. main purpose of using select function

5. prealocation of threads


1. Data encapsulation is basis of ISO/OSI concept. Describe role of
data encapsulation and role in network stack.

2. What kind of opportunities raw socket give to program.

3. Enumerate and name data that identify data connection (from inside
of the operating sustem) (structure)

4. Is it possible to use connect function in UDP protocol. and why?

5. ICMP protocol. Write anything you want.


1. decribe UDP

2. advantages and disadvantes of state possesing and stateless servers

3. what do you know about RPC ?

4. what kind of advantages do raw sokets give to programmers ?

najlepszy protokól do telewizji internetowej

semafory itp(to co u strzechy)

omówic typy serwerów(wielowatkowy itp)

cele i zadania sieci
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin