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Chapter 2:
Installation and Setup
The following are the recommended specifications.
500 MHz (Pentium 2)
3 GHz (Pentium 4 or
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows 2000
Windows XP Pro SP2
Digital Visual Fortran 5
Compaq Visual Fortran 6.x
Intel Visual Fortran 9.0.x
NOTE: One of the fol-
lowing packages must
be installed for IVF 9.0
Fortran 77 compiler is
provided, which is suffi-
cient to run most cases in
PSCAD. However, certain
dimensioning limits will be im-
posed (see Dimension Limits).
• Microsoft Visual C++.
NET 2002 or 2003.
• Microsoft Visual
Studio.NET 2002 or
2003 (with Visual C++
256 MB
1 GB
Hard Disk
500 MB
40 GB (Fast SCSI or
SVGA (800 x 600)
XGA (1280 x 1024)
CD-ROM Drive /w 32-bit
One (1) Parallel, Serial or USB
port (for hardware lock)
TCP/IP Network Protocol
PSCAD User’s Guide
Chapter 2: Installation and Setup
PSCAD requires a Fortran compiler to build and simulate
projects. The following commercially available compilers are pres-
ently supported:
Digital Fortran 5.0
Compaq Visual Fortran 6.x
Intel Visual Fortran 9.0.x
For your convenience, a free Fortran compiler, called the EGCS/
GNU Fortran 77 compiler, is provided on your PSCAD CD (or may
be downloaded from our worldwide website: If you
have downloaded the Student Edition from our website, the GNU
compiler is available as a separate file. Please note that the GNU
compiler will impose some limitations otherwise not experienced with
the Digital, Compaq or Intel Fortran compilers.
If you are the owner of a professional PSCAD license, and intend to
run large cases (i.e. greater than 200 nodes), it is highly recommend-
ed that you purchase the Intel Visual Fortran 9.0.x compiler. Contact
us at PSCAD Sales ( for purchasing details.
All PSCAD software editions, except the Student Edition, must
be licensed. Licensing is organized and controlled using License
Manager software, which can exist either as a separate, standalone
program, or can be embedded within PSCAD itself.
The type of licensing arrangement that is best for you depends on
how you wish to utilize PSCAD, and on what type of license you
purchased. The following sections describe each type of licensing
arrangement in detail.
Multi-User Licensing
The multi-user licensing (MUL) method was first introduced with
PSCAD V3, and was then the only licensing option available. With
this configuration, the License Manager software is installed as a
standalone program, which can be accessed by any computer (in-
cluding the host), on a Local Area Network (LAN).
PSCAD User’s Guide
NOTE : The License Manager will only
grant licenses to computers on the same
subnet. Licenses requested via a router will
not be accepted.
A multi-user set-up is capable of providing multiple users on multiple
machines the ability to run multiple combinations of various licens-
able editions of PSCAD. In other words, if a user is sufficiently li-
censed, this method has the potential to afford a lot of freedom when
operating over a LAN, and should be used if there will be several
PSCAD users.
In multi-user licensing, the License Manager is used in conjunc-
tion with a hardware lock (also known as a dongle), which contains
licensing information for the purpose of validation. When an instance
of PSCAD is started somewhere on the LAN, a license will be re-
quested from the License Manager. The License Manager deter-
mines whether a license is available, and checks the information on
the dongle for verification.
The number of users that can access PSCAD simultaneously
over the LAN depends on the number of licenses available on the
dongle. For example, if there are a total of two Professional Edition
licenses on a network dongle, then only two users may use the
PSCAD Professional Edition at the same time. Each time a user
opens or closes the PSCAD program, it will request or relinquish a
license respectively. Each licensable edition of PSCAD possesses
a separate product number, so that several products are possible on
one dongle.
NOTE : The number of licenses owned does
not limit the number of PSCAD installations
on the LAN!
The License Manager and dongle needs to be installed on only
one computer in a network. This computer will act as the License
Manager ‘server,’ which will hand out licenses to other machines on
the network, as requested. PSCAD may also be installed on the
License Manager server machine if desired.
PSCAD User’s Guide
Chapter 2: Installation and Setup
EXAMPLE : A PSCAD user owns three
Professional Edition licenses programmed
onto one dongle. The above diagram illus-
trates how the user could install the License
Manager on a LAN, so that up to three users
can run PSCAD simultaneously.
Multi-user licenses can be time limited or infinite (no time limit).
Single-User Licensing
Single-user licensing (SUL) still involves the use of a dongle, but
a standalone License Manager program is not required. Here, an
embedded License Manager, within the PSCAD program itself, man-
ages the licenses.
A single-user license will only allow a single user on a single machine
to run only one instance of a licensable edition of PSCAD. Single-
user licensing is designed especially for use on standalone machines
and laptops, and will NOT allow access from other machines, even if
it is connected to a LAN.
EXAMPLE : A PSCAD user owns one
Professional Edition license programmed
onto a single dongle. The above diagram
illustrates how the user would install PSCAD
as a single-user configuration. Note the ab-
sence of the License Manager as a separate
PSCAD User’s Guide
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Single-user licenses can be time limited or infinite (no time limit).
Trial Licensing
In order to simplify the evaluation process, and to provide access to
the full PSCAD Professional Edition functions, trial licensing is now
available with PSCAD V4. A trial license is a special type of single-
user license, where a time limit is mandatory and the user may only
own a single trial license of the PSCAD Professional Edition.
NOTE : Only the Professional Edition of
PSCAD is available for trial licensing.
With trial licensing, neither the License Manager nor the dongle
is required. However, the user must request a trial license after
PSCAD is installed. Note that until the trial license is approved and
sent by the Manitoba HVDC Research Centre Inc., the installed copy
of PSCAD will function as a Student Edition (SE), with all SE limita-
tions imposed (i.e. 15 electrical nodes maximum).
NOTE : Do not upgrade your operating sys-
tem, hard drive, or network card during the
duration of the trial license period. Any one
of these changes will cause your trial license
to be lost.
Trial licenses are locked to the hardware and registry of a particular
machine and are therefore not transferable from one machine to
another. The latest installed trial license will overwrite any previously
existing trial licenses.
Hardware Locks (Dongles)
The License Manager software supports the following types of hard-
ware locks:
PSCAD User’s Guide
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